Will R-W'ers in Congress have the balls to say "NO" to cost of wall?

Paraphrasing Reagan.....

"Mr. Trump build that wall around the Statue of Liberty"
Paraphrasing Reagan.....

"Mr. Trump build that wall around the Statue of Liberty"

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ---- fuck that shit! I got mine. Build the wall!"
Even the most brain dead of right wingers who "believed" Trump must by now know that Mexico is NOT paying for any wall......

It is estimated that between the court costs for building a wall/fence on private properties (and tribal lands), the actual building costs, and the needed constant maintenance of that wall from underground tunnels, etc. will cost us $40 plus billions.

Republicans in congress are going to be faced with a huge dilemma.....back Trump in his narcissistic insanity, or risk their hides in the 2018 election cycle?

Happy trails.......

Not sure if they included buying the private lands, roads to transport materials, heavy equipments, housing for construction workers etc etc.

The existing fence about 700 miles was designed to impede vehicles but not humans. So I assumed they will remove those fences and replace it with walls.
1. We don't need to buy any private lands. It's called an easement. You have at least one possibly two on your property right now. It's where all of your utilities run through and they have all the rights to go dig it up at any time they want or need to in order to add, change, modify or update any utilities in that space without your permission or consent.
2. You really think the border of a country is any different?

1. Yes they do buddy. We don't have dictator running this country that the government can just take over your land without any impunity.
It's far more complicated than digging utility pipes.
2. Yes. Big difference.
Even the most brain dead of right wingers who "believed" Trump must by now know that Mexico is NOT paying for any wall......

It is estimated that between the court costs for building a wall/fence on private properties (and tribal lands), the actual building costs, and the needed constant maintenance of that wall from underground tunnels, etc. will cost us $40 plus billions.

Republicans in congress are going to be faced with a huge dilemma.....back Trump in his narcissistic insanity, or risk their hides in the 2018 election cycle?

Happy trails.......

They've already committed to appropriating 15 billion to start. And how about a link on the maintenance cost.

Well you have to build the wall before you can estimate the maintenance but it will be huge because. You have to build housing for the BP agents in those remotes areas. Which includes water system, AC, electricity, plumbing etc. In the long run Rain and storm will damage the foundation of those walls.

I'm not the one that included a maintenance estimate in the OP. They don't have housing now and cover those areas, why would it be needed after?

What good does it do if you don't guard those walls in very uninhabited remote areas?
How are those BP agents supposed to live? Drive 300 or more miles everyday? Fly helicopters everyday?
Even the most brain dead of right wingers who "believed" Trump must by now know that Mexico is NOT paying for any wall......

It is estimated that between the court costs for building a wall/fence on private properties (and tribal lands), the actual building costs, and the needed constant maintenance of that wall from underground tunnels, etc. will cost us $40 plus billions.

Republicans in congress are going to be faced with a huge dilemma.....back Trump in his narcissistic insanity, or risk their hides in the 2018 election cycle?

Happy trails.......

/---- Beaners will pay, count on it.
Even the most brain dead of right wingers who "believed" Trump must by now know that Mexico is NOT paying for any wall......

It is estimated that between the court costs for building a wall/fence on private properties (and tribal lands), the actual building costs, and the needed constant maintenance of that wall from underground tunnels, etc. will cost us $40 plus billions.

Republicans in congress are going to be faced with a huge dilemma.....back Trump in his narcissistic insanity, or risk their hides in the 2018 election cycle?

Happy trails.......

We give Mexico $320'million/year in foreign aid. Stop it. The Wall is paid for.

In fact, we should flip the deal and on top of not giving Mexico $320 million/year in taxpayer subsidy, they should give the USA $320 million per year of their taxpayer money.
I heard that they want to put a tax on importing?

Yes a 20% tariff.......Expect your fruits and vegetables to be that much higher if that tariff goes through
We can't produce fruit and veggies here? I'll pay extra for my Mexican avocados if that means the wall gets built and mexico pays for it

Me too.

These just shows how dumb Trump supporters are. How is Mexico paying for the wall when we as consumers will pay for the high prices?
Not just avocados or tomatoes. Mexico is the third largest supplier of goods overall. It include billions of............ construction materials, vegetables/fruits, electrical products, electronics products & parts, rubbers, oil, car parts, a/c, cars, apparels, beers etc.......... What made you think businesses like me will only increase our prices and services by 20%? What if I say I will increase my prices and services from 30 to 40% to compensate? Other business establishments across America will also increase their prices. Think.

The only big losers on trade wars are the consumers. There are no winners.
We give Mexico $320'million/year in foreign aid. Stop it. The Wall is paid for.

First, the facts instead of the BS spewed by the Kernel.

Financial Times: US Gives Mexico $75M Aid for an Anti-Immigrant Wall

Second, the wall is estimated (including court cases over disputed land access, maintenance, transportation, etc.) to cost $40 BILLION....and we all know hoe estimated costs match up with reality.
A simple division of $75 M per year divided into $40 B should tell the Kernel to go have another drink.

Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall

So, as usual, right wingers spew "roses" out of their asses.
We give Mexico $320'million/year in foreign aid. Stop it. The Wall is paid for.

First, the facts instead of the BS spewed by the Kernel.

Financial Times: US Gives Mexico $75M Aid for an Anti-Immigrant Wall

Second, the wall is estimated (including court cases over disputed land access, maintenance, transportation, etc.) to cost $40 BILLION....and we all know hoe estimated costs match up with reality.
A simple division of $75 M per year divided into $40 B should tell the Kernel to go have another drink.

Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall

So, as usual, right wingers spew "roses" out of their asses.

What is your argument here? I can't make sense of your fragmented stream of consciousness.

Let's take this one step at a time.

You are saying we do not give the Country of Mexico $320 million per year.

First step. What do we give Mexico in foreign aid on an annual basis?
We give Mexico $320'million/year in foreign aid. Stop it. The Wall is paid for.

First, the facts instead of the BS spewed by the Kernel.

Financial Times: US Gives Mexico $75M Aid for an Anti-Immigrant Wall

Second, the wall is estimated (including court cases over disputed land access, maintenance, transportation, etc.) to cost $40 BILLION....and we all know hoe estimated costs match up with reality.
A simple division of $75 M per year divided into $40 B should tell the Kernel to go have another drink.

Play with the numbers yourself to see why Trump is wrong about the cost of a border wall

So, as usual, right wingers spew "roses" out of their asses.

What is your argument here? I can't make sense of your fragmented stream of consciousness.

Let's take this one step at a time.

You are saying we do not give the Country of Mexico $320 million per year.

First step. What do we give Mexico in foreign aid on an annual basis?

He isn't able to think in a linear manner.
What is your argument here? I can't make sense of your fragmented stream of consciousness.

Let's take this one step at a time.

You are saying we do not give the Country of Mexico $320 million per year.

First step. What do we give Mexico in foreign aid on an annual basis?

have a grown up read to you post #154....
What is your argument here? I can't make sense of your fragmented stream of consciousness.

Let's take this one step at a time.

You are saying we do not give the Country of Mexico $320 million per year.

First step. What do we give Mexico in foreign aid on an annual basis?

have a grown up read to you post #154....

That post is indecipherable.

I say we current give Mexico $320 million per year in foreign aid.

You claim this to be an incorrect number.

So, what is the correct number?

What is the total foreign aid the USA taxpayer currently gives to Mexico on an annual basis?

Just reply with a number.

You are saying the article in the USA Today from this morning is a lie? Maybe you should inform the USA Today they spew BS. Post your letter after you send it.

U.S. provides aid worth $320 million a year to Mexico; experts say yanking it could hurt
Even the most brain dead of right wingers who "believed" Trump must by now know that Mexico is NOT paying for any wall......

It is estimated that between the court costs for building a wall/fence on private properties (and tribal lands), the actual building costs, and the needed constant maintenance of that wall from underground tunnels, etc. will cost us $40 plus billions.

Republicans in congress are going to be faced with a huge dilemma.....back Trump in his narcissistic insanity, or risk their hides in the 2018 election cycle?

Happy trails.......

It will only cost us $40 bucks to get rid of you?

Good bye

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