Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
School Choice has Logistic problems that (R) ignore.

School A, B, C are all maxed out with 1500 students each.

500 student from both A and B want to use their "School Choice" that (R) are promising, and all 1000 wanna be school choice students want to go to school C.

Explain the Logistics of how this is possible?

View attachment 964746
Are you a racist? What do you have against minorities having a choice?

U.S. charter school students tend to be more racially and ethnically diverse than those in other types of schools​

privateschools minorities.png
Taken out of Context.
Post the entire episode.

A Campaign LIE.
Trump controlled ALL 3 Branches for 2 years.
What the Hell Happened?
I posted the entire episode where
Biden:"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

So you say it was taken out of context... what about this statement by Biden?
Joe Biden said: "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay!

What kind of context????
You wrote: Trump controlled ALL 3 Branches for 2 years.
So let's see what are the 3 branches of government?
The Constitution of the United States divides the federal government into three branches:
legislative, executive, and judicial.
So was Trump the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court????
Tax revenue is money collected by the government through taxes, while borrowing by the government is when it takes loans or issues bonds to cover a budget deficit
Tax revenue is an ongoing source of income for the government, while borrowing increases the government's debt. Both tax revenue and borrowing are used to finance government expenses and obligations.

Tax revenue is the money collected by the government from individuals and businesses through various taxes such as income tax, sales tax, and property tax.
It is a form of income for the government and is used to fund public services and programs, such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

NOW do you understand? TAX revenue is money collected... NOT borrowed!

Borrowing by Government:​

When the government spends more than it collects in taxes, it runs a budget deficit.
To cover the deficit, the government needs to borrow money by issuing bonds or taking loans.
This borrowing adds to the government's debt, which is the cumulative total of all past deficits and surpluses. The government uses borrowed funds to finance its expenses and obligations.

Example: If the government collects $100 billion in tax revenue but spends $120 billion, it will have a budget deficit of $20 billion. To cover the deficit, the government may issue bonds worth $20 billion and borrow the money from investors or financial institutions.

Truly I can't believe how dumb you are making this statement:

"The reason tax revenues increased is because Republicans borrowed and spent $trillions and claimed the "tax cuts" spurred growth.
The more you borrow and spend the more tax revenue gets generated, duh

Truly pathetic how stupid some people are!
When Republicans cut taxes and increase spending, they borrow more.
Claiming cutting taxes spurs growth is nonsense.
Republicans spend more by borrowing more, the increased taxes NEVER covers the increased borrowing, duh.
Republicans end Social Security every 4 years. Been doing it for decades.

....and Medicare.......and Medicaid................and emancipation................and healthcare................and old people................
Ever heard of Venture Capital Insurance Fund of America? VCICA.com?
It's based how the FDIC works to insure your bank accounts and the premise that IPO's would pay an annual premium based on their growth to VCICA and that investors in the VCICA fund would be limited to a capital insured amount say $20,000. Then based on that amount, VCICA would pay the total amount in principal i.e. if over time you paid in $10,000 and the IPO goes busted... from the premium paid by the busted IPO over time, your $10,000 was insured.
Thus any small investor, would have stock in a venture capital up to $20,000 total investment and
if the IPO goes busted, the small investor would be paid the total principal they paid in. And like FDIC auditors would check the books of the IPO to determine following the right principles of management.

The average person is not capable of making their own investments and monitoring the same. That 55% of workers who are not contributing to 401K's aren't going to start buyinig stocks because you're guaranteeing their principle investment.

They don't have enough income to provide for their families NOW, much less save for the future.

Added to which, if private investment is the only way to save for retirement, the scammers and vultures will descend from the trees to prey on the trusting and the ill-informed, just like they did with covid.
School Choice has Logistic problems that (R) ignore.

School A, B, C are all maxed out with 1500 students each.

500 student from both A and B want to use their "School Choice" that (R) are promising, and all 1000 wanna be school choice students want to go to school C.

Explain the Logistics of how this is possible?

View attachment 964746

Are you a racist? What do you have against minorities having a choice?

Winco 's question has nothing to do with race.

It has to do with logistics. May people see a bumper sticker and don't comprehend the impact of the bumper sticker.

If the capacity "School C" is 1500 of students and school choice means that the school has to accept 1000 more students how would that work? That means "School C" now would have to support 2500 students.

The first question is transpiration?
  • Since parents aren't zone for "School C" will they be required to provide transportation?
  • Or will the school division provide transportation? If the school division, remember that transpiration will still have to be provided to students in "School A" and "School B" zones. So that means capital investment in busses and hiring more bus drivers (and many school systems are already struggling to hire bus drivers).
Then you have the logistics of accommodating 2500 students in a school built for 1500. So how would that work? Haul in temporary trailers? Those aren't free and are another capital expense.

Then you have instructional and support staff to attended to the influx of students. Well since "School A" went from 1500 students to 1000 students and "School B" went from 1500 students to 1000 students so that "School C" student population would increase, guess what? The school division is going to transfer excess staff from "School A" and "School B" to "School C" to address the overcrowding.

The other option is to just leave the staff where they are, meaning smaller class sizes in "School A" and "School B" and smaller class sizes leads to better individual instruction and performance increases. On the other hand by increasing student population in "School C" while holding staff size constant, you can reasonably assume that school performance will decrease based on over crowding.

The final option isn't really "School Choice" based on only the parents selection. It's School Choice based on capacity so as not to degrade the education of existing students. So let's say "School C" has a capacity of 1500 students but currently is projected to have 1350 in the upcoming year. That means parents apply for a transfer and then some mechanism is devised to select students. Maybe it's "first come, first served"? Maybe it's an application deadline and then students are selected by lottery? Either way, of 1000 parents wanting to move their student, 850 didn't get their choice because of capacity.
So instead of throwing the race card, how about addressing ideas and how to actually make things work?

In the division my children attended there is a gifted school, parents are responsible for transportation if they are out of zone and a lottery is used for admission.

Republicans end Social Security every 4 years. Been doing it for decades.

....and Medicare.......and Medicaid................and emancipation................and healthcare................and old people................
Social Security won't end. Worst case benefits are cut 20% to just money coming into the SS system.
School Choice has Logistic problems that (R) ignore.

School A, B, C are all maxed out with 1500 students each.

500 student from both A and B want to use their "School Choice" that (R) are promising, and all 1000 wanna be school choice students want to go to school C.

Explain the Logistics of how this is possible?

View attachment 964746
Always propaganda with you

Are you afraid to discuss logistics?
Or just not capable?

How does school C now hold 2,500 students?
Logistics? Like when your Vegetable Messiah opposed bussing because he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial jungle"?
I NEVER mentioned race,
You did.

Why would you imply this has anything to do with race?
Because you don't want them to be going to charter schools as you are obviously against charter schools! In case you can't follow the below chart for charter schools:
Whites 29%
minority: 61%

You are a racists as you don't want minorities to take over Public schools!

privateschools minorities.png
Winco 's question has nothing to do with race.

It has to do with logistics. May people see a bumper sticker and don't comprehend the impact of the bumper sticker.

If the capacity "School C" is 1500 of students and school choice means that the school has to accept 1000 more students how would that work? That means "School C" now would have to support 2500 students.

The first question is transpiration?
  • Since parents aren't zone for "School C" will they be required to provide transportation?
  • Or will the school division provide transportation? If the school division, remember that transpiration will still have to be provided to students in "School A" and "School B" zones. So that means capital investment in busses and hiring more bus drivers (and many school systems are already struggling to hire bus drivers).
Then you have the logistics of accommodating 2500 students in a school built for 1500. So how would that work? Haul in temporary trailers? Those aren't free and are another capital expense.

Then you have instructional and support staff to attended to the influx of students. Well since "School A" went from 1500 students to 1000 students and "School B" went from 1500 students to 1000 students so that "School C" student population would increase, guess what? The school division is going to transfer excess staff from "School A" and "School B" to "School C" to address the overcrowding.

The other option is to just leave the staff where they are, meaning smaller class sizes in "School A" and "School B" and smaller class sizes leads to better individual instruction and performance increases. On the other hand by increasing student population in "School C" while holding staff size constant, you can reasonably assume that school performance will decrease based on over crowding.

The final option isn't really "School Choice" based on only the parents selection. It's School Choice based on capacity so as not to degrade the education of existing students. So let's say "School C" has a capacity of 1500 students but currently is projected to have 1350 in the upcoming year. That means parents apply for a transfer and then some mechanism is devised to select students. Maybe it's "first come, first served"? Maybe it's an application deadline and then students are selected by lottery? Either way, of 1000 parents wanting to move their student, 850 didn't get their choice because of capacity.
So instead of throwing the race card, how about addressing ideas and how to actually make things work?

In the division my children attended there is a gifted school, parents are responsible for transportation if they are out of zone and a lottery is used for admission.

I don't believe ONE word of your personal opinion! Where did you get this information otherwise it's so stupid to publish what YOU think! Provide me proof!
Tax money isn’t to hand out to illegals
You still don't get it! Revenue means money coming in. TAXES provide money coming in!
Now borrowing money IS NOT revenue! IT IS AN EXPENSE as it has to be paid back in different ways.
So illegals are getting REVENUE from INCOME or money from loans to the government!
Over the past 100 years, the U.S. federal debt has increased from $403 B in 1923 to $33.17 T in 2023.
IT is an expense!
When Republicans cut taxes and increase spending, they borrow more.
Claiming cutting taxes spurs growth is nonsense.
Republicans spend more by borrowing more, the increased taxes NEVER covers the increased borrowing, duh.
OK so tell that to the CBO!
WHAT does the headline say you dummy?
New CBO Forecasts Show Tax Revenues Rising after 2017 TAX CUTS!!! NOT FALLING!!

You still don't get it do you?

OK so tell that to the CBO!
WHAT does the headline say you dummy?
New CBO Forecasts Show Tax Revenues Rising after 2017 TAX CUTS!!! NOT FALLING!!

You still don't get it do you?
You don't get it.
When did the Budget go into a surplus after a tax cut? NEVER

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