Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
honest about what? your post is nonsense and isn't honest at all
Just because you can't comprehend doesn't make it nonsense. I don't understand advance triganometry that doesn't make it nonsense. You just don't understand. This might help.

Here's what you don't understand. The middle class is the creation of liberal policies. Without liberal policies, you would be Tiny Tim. You know who that is? In other words, free market unregulated capitalism creates a really rich rich class, a huge gap between them and us, a small merchant/middle class, and the masses known as the rabble. You'd be a part of the rabble dummy.

And malarkey.
Read this dipshit. The middle class wasn't invented by unregulated free market capitalism. It was created by liberal policies. New Deal. Unions. Democrats. Overtime. Unemployment insurance. Collective bargaining. Workers getting a seat at the table. Etc.

Since the Republicans took away or made cuts to all these things, starting with Reagan, you uneducated whites are really struggling. You're starting to act like the people in the ghettos you mocked for not doing better. Now you have no economic opportunities and you are in deep despair.

Not you but uneducated whites. Red Necks. White Trash. Blue Collar. Deplorables. Republicans have fucked these people and convinced them it was Democrats who fucked them. They use god, gays, guns and racism to dupe you white uneducated types.
Read this dipshit. The middle class wasn't invented by unregulated free market capitalism. It was created by liberal policies. New Deal. Unions. Democrats. Overtime. Unemployment insurance. Collective bargaining. Workers getting a seat at the table. Etc.

Since the Republicans took away or made cuts to all these things, starting with Reagan, you uneducated whites are really struggling. You're starting to act like the people in the ghettos you mocked for not doing better. Now you have no economic opportunities and you are in deep despair.

Not you but uneducated whites. Red Necks. White Trash. Blue Collar. Deplorables. Republicans have fucked these people and convinced them it was Democrats who fucked them. They use god, gays, guns and racism to dupe you white uneducated types.
And destroyed by Bidenomics.
Just because you can't comprehend doesn't make it nonsense. I don't understand advance triganometry that doesn't make it nonsense. You just don't understand. This might help.
but I understand unions and their intentions. They are about their corporate union and not the corporation where they work. Just aren't. Makes your post nonsense.
but I understand unions and their intentions. They are about their corporate union and not the corporation where they work. Just aren't. Makes your post nonsense.
That's just anti worker talk. Corporations spend a lot of money to make sure the public thinks like you.

It's a lot easier to dupe idiots like you now that only 9% of workers are unionized. Back when America was great 35% of labor was in unions.
Are you saying the riot at the Capitol was NOT bad??
Let's see, I say, "Riot at the Capitol = Bad" and you ask "Are you saying the riot at the Capitol was NOT bad??"

I guess we'd have to specify WHICH riot at the capitol though. We had one when they were confirming Justice Kavanaugh and some malcontents tried to stop the proceedings of the Senate. Is that the one you're referring to?
That's just anti worker talk. Corporations spend a lot of money to make sure the public thinks like you.

It's a lot easier to dupe idiots like you now that only 9% of workers are unionized. Back when America was great 35% of labor was in unions.
There was a time for the horse and buggy too.
As much as I dislike conservatives politically, I feel that the blend of cons and libs is what makes this country great.

Yes, when things get too bad for labor, we finally push back. Took 40 plus years but finally. This year is the year of unions and strikes. The year we had enough. You're welcome.
And just when people got used to paying low prices for stuff, we get this on top of wild Quid Pro Joe inflation.
I know you won't credit us liberals but the only reason you aren't broke is because of liberal programs and a liberal government. Just look at what Reaganomics and Bushanomics did to America. And Democrats didn't stick up for the middle class enough. But Clinton and Obama were much better than Reagan and the two Bush's.
In the 50's, when America was great, what was going on? Answer, a period when America was the only major manufacturer left on the planet after WWII devastated everybody else. There was no international competition from very low cost workers.
In the 90's, when Bubba Clinton rode events to a strong economy, what was going on? Answer, the dot com boom when people were making money hand over fist with this new plaything called the internet, AND, a hostile Congress that held his feet to fire and wouldn't let him spend like he wanted to. Democrats always want to spend more.
When The Fragile One was in office, what was going on? The slowest economic recovery America ever saw, that's what.
Trump was a fraud. Obama handed him a great economy and he pretended that he made America great again with is tax break to everyone. All he did was cause inflation and spend like a drunken sailor. And he profited from his time in the White House. With foreign governments. Saudi Arabia being the biggest donor to Trump. But they weren't the only ones. I wonder how much Israel gave Trump that we don't know about. Berisma.
Compare TRUMP!'s wealth before entering office and after leaving it. You say he profited, how much?
There was a time for the horse and buggy too.
Union jobs are going the way of the horse and buggy, too. It won't be long before most manual labor will be done by machines that work better, faster, cheaper and more reliably than humans ever could.
There was a time for the horse and buggy too.
Class warfare never ends. But I do agree the old model where Americans didn't have to go to school are over. That sucks for a lot of the white people I went to high school with. They went to work for the Big 3 right out of high school. Are there still kids in high school who don't want to go to school after they graduate high school? The future looks bleak for them. Trump will bring their jobs back but they will only pay $15. Eventually those people will organize into unions. Then the companies can move back to Mexico.

And I don't think we should manufacture here if we can do it cheaper in Mexico. It is a global economy now. That makes you and me globalists.

I think we are overpopulated. So I love hearing that Americans are having fewer and fewer kids. The planet thanks Republicans for their policies that make having kids almost impossible. You better really want kids to have them. And then I think about how Republicans want people who don't want kids having them. This must be causing them cognitive dissonance.
The difference between then and now?
Unions drove up wages and companies move the jobs overseas.
They couldn't do that in the unions' heyday, when there was nowhere else to move the jobs. Once the rest of the world rebuilt its manufacturing bases after WWII, the inevitable happened.
Corporations spend a lot of money to make sure the public thinks like you.
I don't need anyone explaining anything to me to make my position known. I have a fking brain and see with my own eyes and tax dollars. Nothing at all about corporations. I also, like working americans, and unions hate working americans.
They couldn't do that in the unions' heyday, when there was nowhere else to move the jobs. Once the rest of the world rebuilt its manufacturing bases after WWII, the inevitable happened.
child labor took over.
I can’t wait for Dimwingers to get control of everything so they can bring back Social Security.

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