Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters

New research identifies a ‘sea of despair’ among white, working-class Americans​

Sickness and early death in the white working class could be rooted in poor job prospects for less-educated young people as they first enter the labor market, a situation that compounds over time through family dysfunction, social isolation, addiction, obesity and other pathologies

Education level is significant: People with a college degree report better health and happiness than those with only some college, who in turn are doing much better than those who never went.

less-educated white Americans who struggle in the job market in early adulthood are likely to experience a “cumulative disadvantage” over time, with health and personal problems that often lead to drug overdoses, alcohol-related liver disease and suicide.

“Ultimately, we see our story as about the collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s, and the pathologies that accompany that decline,” they conclude.

You sent all their good paying jobs overseas.

poor health is becoming more common for each new generation of middle-aged, less-educated white Americans. And they are going downhill faster.
In a teleconference with reporters this week, Case said the new research found a “sea of despair” across America. A striking feature is the rise in physical pain. The pattern does not follow short-term economic cycles but reflects a long-term disintegration of job prospects.

“You used to be able to get a really good job with a high school diploma. A job with on-the-job training, a job with benefits. You could expect to move up,” she said.

She noted that less-educated white Americans tend to be strikingly pessimistic when interviewed about their prospects.
“It’s just a background of continuous decline. You’re worse off than your parents,” Lleras-Muney said. “Whereas for Hispanics, or immigrants like myself” — she is from Colombia — “or blacks, yes, circumstances are bad, but they’ve been getting better.”

the declining health of white, working-class Americans suggests that Republican plans to replace the Affordable Care Act are akin to bleeding a sick patient. As he put it, “Treat the fever by causing an even bigger fever.”
Whites continue to have longer life expectancy than African Americans and lower death rates, but that gap has narrowed since the late 1990s. The picture may have shifted again around the Bush Great Recession, however:

It’s an attempt to kill unions. Period.

But Republicans are invested in lower wages and less protection for the middle class so… we get your bullshit.
you didn't answer my question, you deflected to your own question without answering mine. I'll answer yours once you answer mine.

This story as about the collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s. Like I said. Reagan was the beginning of the end of the middle class and in the Bush 2000's the GOP really destroyed blue collar Americans. They sent all our best paying jobs to Mexico. To save money. I understand why the corporations did it but why would Republicans defend them?

“You used to be able to get a really good job with a high school diploma. A job with on-the-job training, a job with benefits. You could expect to move up,”

But you sent all those jobs overseas. Now you want to say Trump wanted to bring "those" jobs back? No he did not. He wanted to bring those companies back but without unions or a decent wage for blue collar Americans.

You know what? Fuck blue collar Americans. Too many of them vote for Trump. They get what they deserve.
2000 Dopes.

Get real. Trump appointed judges threw those cases out because they lacked MERIT
it's a constitutional privilege that the courts rejected. Against their oath of office.
why do unions get to force an individual to join if they don't want to? What are they afraid of? losing money in the administrations? haahahahahahahaahaha
Because that person is going to benefit from the union.

I'm sure the company would love to encourage all the employees to stop paying dues. And for awhile they will pay those employees the same and those employees will not get fired for any old reason. But once the union is dead, that company has basically killed the union and no more raises, no more job security.

If employees at a company form a union, then you have to be in the union to work there. They have a seat at the table and that is one of their demands. For good reason.
If employees at a company form a union, then you have to be in the union to work there.
Why? What if there are employees that don't want to join? Why should they be forced? You still haven't answered? BTW, the majority of employees have started to exit the unions. It's why right to work exists.
But you sent all those jobs overseas. Now you want to say Trump wanted to bring "those" jobs back? No he did not. He wanted to bring those companies back but without unions or a decent wage for blue collar Americans.
I didn't send shit overseas. Your accusations are misdirected. Unions drove jobs overseas. Corporations decided they didn't want strikes and time lost to idiots. To push their nonsense on me, makes you psychotic.

Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Gave to Russians​

The classified intelligence that President Trump disclosed in a meeting last week with Russian officials at the White House was provided by Israel, according to a current and a former American official familiar with how the United States obtained the information. The revelation adds a potential diplomatic complication to an episode that has renewed questions about how the White House handles sensitive intelligence.

Israel is one of the United States’ most important allies and runs one of the most active espionage networks in the Middle East. Mr. Trump’s boasting about some of Israel’s most sensitive information to the Russians could damage the relationship between the two countries and raises the possibility that the information could be passed to Iran, Russia’s close ally and Israel’s main threat in the region.
still embracing psychotic nonsense huh?

How come Mueller didn't find it, Durham didn't find it, no one found it, and you still push it? psychotic dude.
that's whooie
Then I can't argue with you if you can't be honest. My dad didn't even finish high school. Like most UAW workers, he wasn't a student. He had an excuse. He was an immigrant. The blacks who worked there had an excuse too. They lived in Detroit. Despair. Something poor white uneducated people back then didn't have to worry about because of white privilege. They got the good union jobs. Then affirmative action happened and blacks lives started improving too. But that's another story. It does play in to our conversation though. Blacks lives are gradually getting better still. It's specifically white uneducated people who are taking a step back. Now your racist ass will want to say it's because of Affirmative Action but that's not it. Not for uneducated whites. It's because you sent all those good paying jobs overseas.

My dad was a cook. He got a job at Ford in the Cafeteria. A union job. Job security, collective bargaining, pension, profit sharing, overtime. He went from $5 to $12. And you think he shouldn't pay his union dues? Fuck you.

Anyways, what would my dad do today? That job he got doesn't exist anymore. Often we wonder what would have become of our family had he not got that good union job. Would we ever have gotten out of Detroit?

THEN, my my mom with a high school degree got a job at Henry Ford hospital as the night secretary. Foot in the door. Eventually she did medical billing. Back then that job paid better than it does today.

So my family growing up today would not be doing nearly as well as we did back then. This allowed my brother and I to go to college. I'm sure you've heard me brag he's a millionaire and I do pretty well for myself too. Doing things your way, we would not be where we are today. Your way has ruined America.

At least for uneducated whites. Everyone else is doing better.
My dad didn't even finish high school. Like most UAW workers, he wasn't a student. He had an excuse. He was an immigrant. The blacks who worked there had an excuse too. They lived in Detroit.
they had no choice but to join a union. Right to work didn't exist.
collective bargaining, pension,
pensions don't work. I get the union members love them, but they take out more than they put in and it creates a failed ponzi scheme. It's SS at it's finest. 401k, You put in and the company matches 4% of at least 4% of yours. then you get to invest the funds and use them when you retire. Pensions fail, Illinois has pension failure out the ass and taking my money to invest in it, something I'm not part of. That's highway robbery.

New research identifies a ‘sea of despair’ among white, working-class Americans​

Sickness and early death in the white working class could be rooted in poor job prospects for less-educated young people as they first enter the labor market, a situation that compounds over time through family dysfunction, social isolation, addiction, obesity and other pathologies

Education level is significant: People with a college degree report better health and happiness than those with only some college, who in turn are doing much better than those who never went.

less-educated white Americans who struggle in the job market in early adulthood are likely to experience a “cumulative disadvantage” over time, with health and personal problems that often lead to drug overdoses, alcohol-related liver disease and suicide.

“Ultimately, we see our story as about the collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s, and the pathologies that accompany that decline,” they conclude.

You sent all their good paying jobs overseas.

poor health is becoming more common for each new generation of middle-aged, less-educated white Americans. And they are going downhill faster.
In a teleconference with reporters this week, Case said the new research found a “sea of despair” across America. A striking feature is the rise in physical pain. The pattern does not follow short-term economic cycles but reflects a long-term disintegration of job prospects.

“You used to be able to get a really good job with a high school diploma. A job with on-the-job training, a job with benefits. You could expect to move up,” she said.

She noted that less-educated white Americans tend to be strikingly pessimistic when interviewed about their prospects.
“It’s just a background of continuous decline. You’re worse off than your parents,” Lleras-Muney said. “Whereas for Hispanics, or immigrants like myself” — she is from Colombia — “or blacks, yes, circumstances are bad, but they’ve been getting better.”

the declining health of white, working-class Americans suggests that Republican plans to replace the Affordable Care Act are akin to bleeding a sick patient. As he put it, “Treat the fever by causing an even bigger fever.”
Whites continue to have longer life expectancy than African Americans and lower death rates, but that gap has narrowed since the late 1990s. The picture may have shifted again around the Bush Great Recession, however:

BTW, I can't see your document because I don't subscribe to WAPO. so I can't validate anything you wrote.
Then I can't argue with you if you can't be honest. My dad didn't even finish high school. Like most UAW workers, he wasn't a student. He had an excuse. He was an immigrant. The blacks who worked there had an excuse too. They lived in Detroit. Despair. Something poor white uneducated people back then didn't have to worry about because of white privilege. They got the good union jobs. Then affirmative action happened and blacks lives started improving too. But that's another story. It does play in to our conversation though. Blacks lives are gradually getting better still. It's specifically white uneducated people who are taking a step back. Now your racist ass will want to say it's because of Affirmative Action but that's not it. Not for uneducated whites. It's because you sent all those good paying jobs overseas.

My dad was a cook. He got a job at Ford in the Cafeteria. A union job. Job security, collective bargaining, pension, profit sharing, overtime. He went from $5 to $12. And you think he shouldn't pay his union dues? Fuck you.

Anyways, what would my dad do today? That job he got doesn't exist anymore. Often we wonder what would have become of our family had he not got that good union job. Would we ever have gotten out of Detroit?

THEN, my my mom with a high school degree got a job at Henry Ford hospital as the night secretary. Foot in the door. Eventually she did medical billing. Back then that job paid better than it does today.

So my family growing up today would not be doing nearly as well as we did back then. This allowed my brother and I to go to college. I'm sure you've heard me brag he's a millionaire and I do pretty well for myself too. Doing things your way, we would not be where we are today. Your way has ruined America.

At least for uneducated whites. Everyone else is doing better.
I started my career at 4.10 an hour in 1977. I now make six figures in the same company. What you're trying to imply is that kids out of school should not have to put in the effort to get to six figures like I make without any investment. fk that.

And that's the real problem. Lazy and entitled fkwads. There are just as many who get it, conservatives.
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It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
I miss Social Security.😪

New research identifies a ‘sea of despair’ among white, working-class Americans​

Sickness and early death in the white working class could be rooted in poor job prospects for less-educated young people as they first enter the labor market, a situation that compounds over time through family dysfunction, social isolation, addiction, obesity and other pathologies

Education level is significant: People with a college degree report better health and happiness than those with only some college, who in turn are doing much better than those who never went.

less-educated white Americans who struggle in the job market in early adulthood are likely to experience a “cumulative disadvantage” over time, with health and personal problems that often lead to drug overdoses, alcohol-related liver disease and suicide.

“Ultimately, we see our story as about the collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s, and the pathologies that accompany that decline,” they conclude.

You sent all their good paying jobs overseas.

poor health is becoming more common for each new generation of middle-aged, less-educated white Americans. And they are going downhill faster.
In a teleconference with reporters this week, Case said the new research found a “sea of despair” across America. A striking feature is the rise in physical pain. The pattern does not follow short-term economic cycles but reflects a long-term disintegration of job prospects.

“You used to be able to get a really good job with a high school diploma. A job with on-the-job training, a job with benefits. You could expect to move up,” she said.

She noted that less-educated white Americans tend to be strikingly pessimistic when interviewed about their prospects.
“It’s just a background of continuous decline. You’re worse off than your parents,” Lleras-Muney said. “Whereas for Hispanics, or immigrants like myself” — she is from Colombia — “or blacks, yes, circumstances are bad, but they’ve been getting better.”

the declining health of white, working-class Americans suggests that Republican plans to replace the Affordable Care Act are akin to bleeding a sick patient. As he put it, “Treat the fever by causing an even bigger fever.”
Whites continue to have longer life expectancy than African Americans and lower death rates, but that gap has narrowed since the late 1990s. The picture may have shifted again around the Bush Great Recession, however:

This story as about the collapse of the white, high-school-educated working class after its heyday in the early 1970s. Like I said. Reagan was the beginning of the end of the middle class and in the Bush 2000's the GOP really destroyed blue collar Americans. They sent all our best paying jobs to Mexico. To save money. I understand why the corporations did it but why would Republicans defend them?

“You used to be able to get a really good job with a high school diploma. A job with on-the-job training, a job with benefits. You could expect to move up,”

But you sent all those jobs overseas. Now you want to say Trump wanted to bring "those" jobs back? No he did not. He wanted to bring those companies back but without unions or a decent wage for blue collar Americans.

You know what? Fuck blue collar Americans. Too many of them vote for Trump. They get what they deserve.

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