Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
The reason it's the greatest country in the world is we can actually change policy when enough people vote on an issue. We can redress wrongs of the past. Most other countries have none of that.

Tough? Any population toughens up when it needs to. Pajama boy does not represent America, and you haven't seen rednecks get mad yet. Drop a handful of them off somewhere, give them a picture of the guy you want gone, and tell them that's who stole their truck.

Oh, brother, do you have any idea how ironic those last two sentences are? Somewhere, Al Sharpton is laughing his butt off.

CHAD = good
Riot at the Capitol = Bad

Are you saying the riot at the Capitol was NOT bad??
And Republicans have been attacking Social Security for decades… just like they did to Roe
They said they’d never overturn THAT with as much “honesty” as they claim they won’t end SS
Why are you whining and crying about the demise of a USSC ruling which allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose?
Why are you whining and crying about the demise of a USSC ruling which allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose?
So proud of your conservative Court taking away women’s rights huh?
The laborer is worthy of his hire, and his worth is not your business. Walk if you don't like it.
the fk it isn't. It decides product pricing in the market. Wish to stay viable, stay reasonable. You think anyone gets a 20% increase in salary? Anyone? fk off slow poke.
the fk it isn't. It decides product pricing in the market. Wish to stay viable, stay reasonable. You think anyone gets a 20% increase in salary? Anyone? fk off slow poke.
The unions are viable. It will be more than 20% and other goodies. You are so lost when it comes to economics and the market place.
The reason it's the greatest country in the world is we can actually change policy when enough people vote on an issue. We can redress wrongs of the past. Most other countries have none of that.

Tough? Any population toughens up when it needs to. Pajama boy does not represent America, and you haven't seen rednecks get mad yet. Drop a handful of them off somewhere, give them a picture of the guy you want gone, and tell them that's who stole their truck.

Oh, brother, do you have any idea how ironic those last two sentences are? Somewhere, Al Sharpton is laughing his butt off.

CHAD = good
Riot at the Capitol = Bad

As much as I dislike conservatives politically, I feel that the blend of cons and libs is what makes this country great.

Yes, when things get too bad for labor, we finally push back. Took 40 plus years but finally. This year is the year of unions and strikes. The year we had enough. You're welcome. I know you won't credit us liberals but the only reason you aren't broke is because of liberal programs and a liberal government. Just look at what Reaganomics and Bushanomics did to America. And Democrats didn't stick up for the middle class enough. But Clinton and Obama were much better than Reagan and the two Bush's.

Trump was a fraud. Obama handed him a great economy and he pretended that he made America great again with is tax break to everyone. All he did was cause inflation and spend like a drunken sailor. And he profited from his time in the White House. With foreign governments. Saudi Arabia being the biggest donor to Trump. But they weren't the only ones. I wonder how much Israel gave Trump that we don't know about. Berisma.
Yes, when things get too bad for labor, we finally push back. Took 40 plus years but finally. This year is the year of unions and strikes. The year we had enough. You're welcome. I know you won't credit us liberals but the only reason you aren't broke is because of liberal programs and a liberal government. Just look at what Reaganomics and Bushanomics did to America. And Democrats didn't stick up for the middle class enough. But Clinton and Obama were much better than Reagan and the two Bush's.
Why are there now right to work laws to get away from unions?
why did they lose so many jobs?
Because corporations wanted to renig on their pensions and save money by manufacturing in China. I'd do it too if the country I did business in allowed me to do it.

I recall Bush gave corporations going overseas tax breaks. That's the opposite of tariffs. He helped fund their move. What a dip shit huh? And you defended it. Because you hate paying America labor.
81 million voted AGAINST him
nope, 21 million were faked. 71 million americans say differently than you. Come on balls off fk, tell us your feelings about our AMerica? Tell me I'm not an american! Go for it.

Why are the demfoks trying to get Trump eliminated? Can't fight fair? hahahaahahahahaha fk off. LOL
Why are there now right to work laws to get away from unions?
Because Republicans passed them. Rick Snyder made Michigan of all places a right to work state. We're a union state.

Because you want to hurt labor that's why.
Because corporations wanted to renig on their pensions and save money by manufacturing in China. I'd do it too if the country I did business in allowed me to do it.
Only Trump tried to get the jobs back and you don't support him on that effort. You sure have some weird ideas of american jobs.

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