Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
The truth? The truth is, and you're not going to like it...
Unions get jobs sent overseas because they exist to increase the cost of labor above market value.
None of your blah blah blah affects this, much less changes it.

Unions created a middle class the world had never seen before.

But you are right. Corporations never gave up the fight when they lost the battle to the unions. They allowed it. Profit sharing, raises, job security. These high paying blue collar jobs created a middle class the world had never seen before. Suddenly non union companies had to pay more. Unions brought everyone's wages up.

But of course the rich and corporations didn't like that. So they stated looking at manufacturing in Mexico and buying from China. I remember when Republicans in the 2000's loved buying cheap shit from China and you guys even loved hiring illegals. You said they were doing jobs American's wouldn't do.

You Republicans were undermining the American worker. You waged war on us. And for decades it seemed like you were winning.

Well this year has been the year of unions. How many strikes this year?

I know the war is not over. It never is.
SS Trust fund reserves
Amount at beginning of report year (in billions)$2,852$2,830
Summary: Actuarial Status of the Social Security Trust Funds

Keep in mind that all those illegal residents pay into SS as well.

I think illegals and a lot of immigrants, even the legal ones, rely very heavily on social programs. I had a girlfriend from Belarus. She knew all the angles. And her sister came here and right away her kids are on Obamacare. You know what I mean.

I hope they are but how are they if being paid under the table?
But you are right. Corporations never gave up the fight when they lost the battle to the unions. They allowed it. Profit sharing, raises, job security. These high paying blue collar jobs created a middle class the world had never seen before. Suddenly non union companies had to pay more. Unions brought everyone's wages up.
But of course the rich and corporations didn't like that. So they stated looking at manufacturing in Mexico and buying from China.
And thus you agree:
Unions get jobs sent overseas because they exist to increase the cost of labor above market value.
Good to know.
The powerball lottery is 1.7 BILLION dollars. The Government is going to get half of that. They aren't broke.

And if they are, roll back the Trump tax breaks. If not, roll back the Bush tax breaks. And if you won't do that then at least

First you say the government is broke and social security will end and then you say they aren't broke, even though we do owe 33 trillion dollars.

By the way, when someone wins that lottery, the government gets federal income taxes on it, not FICA taxes which go toward the social security program. Same thing with the Trump tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts, they have nothing to do with social security. And, the Trump tax cuts end in 2026, before you retire, so, problem solved. You really don't know how any of this works, do you?
And thus you agree:
Unions get jobs sent overseas because they exist to increase the cost of labor above market value.
Good to know.

Ultimately, these blue collar workers are fucked. I saw a thing on 60 minutes. AI or robots will be doing all those jobs in the future. No need to send jobs overseas. For 1, those workers aren't as good as us. 2. A robot can do it even cheaper than them.

I'm looking forward to a future where humans don't do menial work.

No, I don't expect a company to have to pay more than they have to. If they can do it cheaper they should be allowed.

I just don't know what that future will be like. I heard a liberal describing a basic income that everyone gets every 2 weeks to live. It's enough to survive. If you want more then you can go to work. But the world won't need ditch diggers, baby sitters, people to cut grass. A law mower will be AI operated.

So maybe it's good that we aren't having enough kids to replace all the people dying. Maybe the government just needs to print more money to fund my social security and medicare. Not my problem. This country owes me from 62-death. Like the baby boomers I don't give a fuck about future generations.
First you say the government is broke and social security will end and then you say they aren't broke, even though we do owe 33 trillion dollars.

By the way, when someone wins that lottery, the government gets federal income taxes on it, not FICA taxes which go toward the social security program. Same thing with the Trump tax cuts and the Bush tax cuts, they have nothing to do with social security. And, the Trump tax cuts end in 2026, before you retire, so, problem solved. You really don't know how any of this works, do you?
that dude is far too stupid to comprehend the different taxes.
No, I don't expect a company to have to pay more than they have to. If they can do it cheaper they should be allowed.
right to work employees do just that. Why are demofks against people working?
Apples, oranges. Republicans never said they were going to save Roe. In any event, this thread is seven years old and Democrats have been saying for decades that Republicans want to take Social Security away and we still have it. Democrats are liars.
And Republicans have been attacking Social Security for decades… just like they did to Roe

They said they’d never overturn THAT with as much “honesty” as they claim they won’t end SS
The truth? The truth is, and you're not going to like it...
Unions get jobs sent overseas because they exist to increase the cost of labor above market value.
None of your blah blah blah affects this, much less changes it.
Pure bunk. You want american workers earning the same pay that overseas workers do? One cannot live or even survive on those wages. It's high time unions make a comeback.
And Republicans have been attacking Social Security for decades… just like they did to Roe

They said they’d never overturn THAT with as much “honesty” as they claim they won’t end SS

First off, most Republicans never said they would not overturn RvW. Second, it was not Republicans who overturned it. It was the Supreme Court. Republicans have never said they were going to end social security, ever.
A seven year old post and lefties are still working on the fake issue. Things must be tough out there trying to avoid real issues.
Look at how Republicans in the 2000's blamed unions when jobs went overseas. Rather than blame the corporations for sending those jobs overseas. Of course they sent them overseas for the cheap labor costs. The only reason they want to bring them back is now those jobs only pay $15 hr. Exactly what Republicans think blue collar labor is worth. Look at how even today they attack union UAW workers. They say "imagine getting paid that much just to push a button". My cousin said it too on facebook. So it's clear Republicans are united against labor.

And they will say it's democrats fault if it runs out of money, even though they have been trying to destroy social security since the day it was invented. Sure Democrats borrowed from it too but I bet they are more willing to put the money back. And not make cuts.

Republican voters will not realize they are the reason their own social security got cut 20-30%. It was the people who they voted for for 40 years who undermined the program.

Cutting my social security is a good way to get me to storm the Capitol. Now that's something to storm the Capitol over. Not Trump. But these good Republicans will bend over and take it. Because they've been programmed for how many decades?

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Think about this. Us whites have treated blacks like second class citizens for around 400 years. They would have a reason to storm the capitol. And you whites told them they were crazy. America is great. Love it or leave it. Your lot in light is your own doing. Don't blame whites or the cops or the government. This is the greatest country in the world.

Then you guys are lied to and told the election was stolen and you lose it. The second you don't feel like a 1st class citizen, you lose your shit.

Seeing you snowflakes makes me respect blacks a lot more. They are tough. A lot tougher than you.

And you even cried about BLM riots. I see why they are mad. You? You rioted because you were lied to. Hope blacks don't copy your behavior.

Do you see what I'm saying? Maybe perhaps you poor whites should realize you're no different than poor blacks. Not to the corporations, rich, Republicans. To them you are n#*$RS too. Of course they pit you against blacks so you don't see how similar you are to them. The only difference is you have white privilege they don't.
Think about this. Us whites have treated blacks like second class citizens for around 400 years. They would have a reason to storm the capitol. And you whites told them they were crazy. America is great. Love it or leave it. Your lot in light is your own doing. Don't blame whites or the cops or the government. This is the greatest country in the world.
The reason it's the greatest country in the world is we can actually change policy when enough people vote on an issue. We can redress wrongs of the past. Most other countries have none of that.
Then you guys are lied to and told the election was stolen and you lose it. The second you don't feel like a 1st class citizen, you lose your shit.

Seeing you snowflakes makes me respect blacks a lot more. They are tough. A lot tougher than you.
Tough? Any population toughens up when it needs to. Pajama boy does not represent America, and you haven't seen rednecks get mad yet. Drop a handful of them off somewhere, give them a picture of the guy you want gone, and tell them that's who stole their truck.
And you even cried about BLM riots. I see why they are mad. You? You rioted because you were lied to. Hope blacks don't copy your behavior.
Oh, brother, do you have any idea how ironic those last two sentences are? Somewhere, Al Sharpton is laughing his butt off.
Do you see what I'm saying? Maybe perhaps you poor whites should realize you're no different than poor blacks. Not to the corporations, rich, Republicans. To them you are n#*$RS too. Of course they pit you against blacks so you don't see how similar you are to them. The only difference is you have white privilege they don't.
CHAD = good
Riot at the Capitol = Bad


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