Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Oh they’ll try but first they’ll weaken it like they did Roe
Look at how Republicans in the 2000's blamed unions when jobs went overseas. Rather than blame the corporations for sending those jobs overseas. Of course they sent them overseas for the cheap labor costs. The only reason they want to bring them back is now those jobs only pay $15 hr. Exactly what Republicans think blue collar labor is worth. Look at how even today they attack union UAW workers. They say "imagine getting paid that much just to push a button". My cousin said it too on facebook. So it's clear Republicans are united against labor.

And they will say it's democrats fault if it runs out of money, even though they have been trying to destroy social security since the day it was invented. Sure Democrats borrowed from it too but I bet they are more willing to put the money back. And not make cuts.

Republican voters will not realize they are the reason their own social security got cut 20-30%. It was the people who they voted for for 40 years who undermined the program.

Cutting my social security is a good way to get me to storm the Capitol. Now that's something to storm the Capitol over. Not Trump. But these good Republicans will bend over and take it. Because they've been programmed for how many decades?

Look at how Republicans in the 2000's blamed unions when jobs went overseas. Rather than blame the corporations for sending those jobs overseas. Of course they sent them overseas for the cheap labor costs.abor is a commodity, and the market is world-wide.
Labor is a commodity, and the market is world wide.
A sure-fire way to lose your job? Demand pay above market value.
Who demands pay above market value? Labor unions.
Whine and cry all you want - facts are facts.

Labor is a commodity, and the market is world wide.
A sure-fire way to lose your job? Demand pay above market value.
Who demands pay above market value? Labor unions.
Whine and cry all you want - facts are facts.
just like they're doing right, UAW, now. 20% pay increase. pathetic. So they want a car to cost 10% more than today.
Labor is a commodity, and the market is world wide.
A sure-fire way to lose your job? Demand pay above market value.
Who demands pay above market value? Labor unions.
Whine and cry all you want - facts are facts.

Well there is a cost to sending jobs overseas too. So maybe the corporations need to consider that when for 40 years they gave the CEO's 1322% raises and workers only 18%.

And you can't send UPS jobs overseas. You can't hire scab athletes. You can't send Fast food jobs overseas. Writers. Healthcare workers. These jobs can't be shipped overseas. What you did in the 2000's was hire illegals. That's why I say we need to go after illegal employers, not illegal immigrants. If no one hires them all they are is tourists.
Labor is a commodity, and the market is world wide.
A sure-fire way to lose your job? Demand pay above market value.
Who demands pay above market value? Labor unions.
Whine and cry all you want - facts are facts.
Unions raise the market value. Corporations say labor is only worth x amount and unions have the power to ask for more. Of course corporations don't like it.

What do you do for a living?
Well there is a cost to sending jobs overseas too. So maybe the corporations need to consider that...
I'm sure they do - and then send them.
And you can't send UPS jobs overseas. You can't hire scab athletes. You can't send Fast food jobs overseas. Writers. Healthcare workers. These jobs can't be shipped overseas.
True. But a great many jobs, you can.
And that's your complaint.

Unions raise the market value. Corporations say labor is only worth x amount and unions have the power to ask for more. Of course corporations don't like it.

What do you do for a living?
He’s most likely a business owner.

If not, then he’s really fucking stupid.
I see 27% of the poll responders are just as nuts as you. This thread is from 2016, 7 years ago. You now have your answer. Republicans did not end social security. This should be a wake up call to you that you don't live in reality. Will you begin to understand that or will you continue living in your alternate universe?
It's set to run out of money the year I retire. 2032.
It's set to run out of money the year I retire. 2032.
So? That has nothing to do with Republicans wanting to end social security. It's a fact for everyone and both sides will have to come up with something to fix it, which they will because neither side wants it to end. And, even if nothing is done at all, the program still does not end. How about a combination of fixes for the problem including adjusting taxes in some way in addition to adjusting benefits in some way? As usual, Democrats only want to raise taxes.
You hate the truth.
Your problem, not mine.
The truth? The truth is, and you're not going to like it, but the truth is.... class warfare is real. And it's not us who are waging war on the rich even though whenever we suggest we raise their taxes, that's what you accuse us of. And we shouldn't look at it as raising their taxes. We should look at it like we are ending a tax break they should have never gotten in the first place. If Republicans weren't owned by the rich, they would have never gotten those tax breaks in the first place.

So anyways, you guys lie. You said the Big 3 couldn't afford to pay such good wages to workers but if you google record profits and record profit sharing 1999, 1998, etc. you'll see the Big 3 were doing just fine before Bush stole 2000 and caused a great recession on purpose so GM could go banrkupt, renig on pensions and go 16 years without giving raises. In fact pay cuts is what they gave. Meanwhile the CEOs and VP's pay have all skyrocketed in those 16 years. Turns out they value themselves twice as much as they used to make. While you say we are overpaid.

You are either really stupid or you are a rich corporate CEO.

But that's okay. Us liberals and our amazing social programs will take care of you too. God know you will rely on them heavily.
So? That has nothing to do with Republicans wanting to end social security. It's a fact for everyone and both sides will have to come up with something to fix it, which they will because neither side wants it to end. And, even if nothing is done at all, the program still does not end. How about a combination of fixes for the problem including adjusting taxes in some way in addition to adjusting benefits in some way? As usual, Democrats only want to raise taxes.
The powerball lottery is 1.7 BILLION dollars. The Government is going to get half of that. They aren't broke.

And if they are, roll back the Trump tax breaks. If not, roll back the Bush tax breaks. And if you won't do that then at least

Oh they’ll try but first they’ll weaken it like they did Roe

  • Offshore Manufacturing Jobs. Extreme MAGA Republicans in the House will send manufacturing jobs overseas, reversing the progress the President and Congressional Democrats have made revitalizing manufacturing across the country. During the President’s Administration, the private sector has invested more than $300 billion in manufacturing in clean energy and semi-conductors. Outside estimates calculate that the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy provisions will create millions of jobs over the next ten years, and shovels are already hitting the ground for hundreds of billions in private sector investments the law has attracted. The MAGA House Republican plan would kill those jobs and move them overseas.

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