Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
No, she means the SS income cap - you do not pay into SS for income over a certain figure.
She wants people to pay into SS for all their income, but does not realize the benefits these people receive will go up accordingly.
money in money out, a concept that demofks can't grasp at all.
This is what I mean. For decades Republicans have railed against these programs. And borrowed from them. With no intentions of putting the money back?

That's my solution. Put the money back.

The number of job vacancies in the United States fell by 496 thousand from the previous month to 9.824 million in May of 2023, slightly below market expectations of 9.935 million.

We have how many immigrants at the border looking for work? Let them in. They'll pay in to the program.

Are you a boomer? We should never listen to baby boomers ever again. Want a solution? Death tax on any baby boomer 50% of their wealth. Those mother fuckers gave themselves everything. High paying jobs, great benefits, $3 co pays, pensions, social security at 62, unions to protect them so they could last 30 years at one company. Fuck YOU BOOMER! You gave yourselves such a cushy life and now that you are in charge, say we can no longer afford to have it as good as you had/have it? 50% death tax. Fuck your families. You fucked us it's only fair we take it back when you die. What will you care you're dead?
Paging all boomers. Give all your money to your heirs and charities before you die, then set things up so that you die broke. Don't feed the monster any more than you have to. Remember the goal, 50% of nothing is nothing.
No one wants to end social security. That's just a flat out lie. In fact, Republicans are the ones who are trying to save it and Democrats refuse to even talk about it. There are a few Republicans who would like to change it to a more privatized thing or have an option to if you want but it would not end having some sort of retirement program. But, even in that case, there are not enough votes to even do that. And, RvW didn't end abortions, it just allowed the states to decide.
Yea...save it like you "saved" Roe
Yea...save it like you "saved" Roe
Roe allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose - why do you pro-abortion people while and cry so loudly at its demise?
Roe allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose - why do you pro-abortion people while and cry so loudly at its demise?
None of that nonsense negates what the Republicans did with Roe
None of that nonsense negates what the Republicans did with Roe
Roe was flawed their is no constitutional right to murder anyone let alone the most inniocent among us it gave a special right to women only the only ones allowed to murder legally
Roe was flawed their is no constitutional right to murder anyone let alone the most inniocent among us it gave a special right to women only the only ones allowed to murder legally
No one who is even a little prochoice gives two shits about your anti-abortion bullshit.
None of that nonsense negates what the Republicans did with Roe
Why are you whining and crying about the demise of a USSC ruling which allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose?
No one who is even a little prochoice gives two shits about your anti-abortion bullshit.
Speaking of anti-abortion:
Roe allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose.
Yet you whine and cry about it being overturned.
Speaking of anti-abortion:
Roe allows states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and takes away her right to choose.
Yet you whine and cry about it being overturned.
welcome to backwards world.

Posting that stupid shit twice does not make it any saner
welcome to backwards world.
Posting that stupid shit twice does not make it any saner
OOhhh. I see.
You're completely ignorant as to what Roe allowed states to do.
You're only outraged the court overturned it because you were told to be.
Gosh. I am SO surprised.
What reason is that? How does it benefit Americans?
How does giving Israel $4 billion a year benefit America? I know the answer. I also know why helping Ukraine benefits America. If you don't know then you shouldn't be on these boards and I'm sick of educating people who pretend to be stupid. Or are really fucking stupid. Which is it?
I also know why helping Ukraine benefits America.
so you don't know. If you don't understand Israel, then you need help.

I also believe creepy gave Iran 6 billion. Wow! Israel's enemy got more than Israel and then bombed them.
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what did they do?
They overturned a case that allowed states to destroy a woman's bodily autonomy, force her to carry a child to term, and take away her right to choose.
And she's pissed about it.
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Yea...save it like you "saved" Roe
Apples, oranges. Republicans never said they were going to save Roe. In any event, this thread is seven years old and Democrats have been saying for decades that Republicans want to take Social Security away and we still have it. Democrats are liars.

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