Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Roe is bad law. Anyone who isn't fueled by emotion can see it. The Supremes found something they called "the right to privacy" that didn't exist in the Constitution and used it to justify the murder of the unborn. That having been said, the issue is so charged with emotion and ingrained in society that's doubtful that Roe will ever be overturned in one stroke.

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'd save the 6 month old baby while the 2 pregnant women walk out of the building with their 6 week old fetuses.
I don't believe the 'state' has the authority to determine what a woman can, or cannot do with her own body, in a nation that claims it is for freedom, and particularly considering a 46 year SCOUT precedent.

This nation is a nation where we have freedom of religion but we also have freedom from religion.

If you desire The AmeriKKKan Taliban then you are for the GOP with their agenda to relegate women & women's right into the 17th century.

Good luck wit dat
I don't believe the state should charge me for females who kill their own babies by listening to the lies of smoothe talkers who tell them how good their decision for themselves was, when in fact, it's a soul-kiliing thing to do to oneself, to kill one's unborn child. Those 600 million dead fetuses? There was a price to pay, and taxpayers have been taxed to death for a stupid Roe v. Wade footshoot decision against all unborn childrenin this nation. I'm sorry to tell you, but women are nothing like men. We are the givers of life, we need partners, but we don't need yo bull. And it's on you if you rattle some poor girl's hormones.

Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'd save the 6 month old baby while the 2 pregnant women walk out of the building with their 6 week old fetuses.

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.

Thats all fine (and gibberish) but….

You still have never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?

And if you believe that God kills babies (or at least doesn’t prevent their death)….how can you worship such a being?
Read the Proverbs and you will know why I worship God. Then read the book of Matthew. That will answer your question, but you won't like it.

Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?
Your resorting to profanity against another person on this board is a very bad idea in debate. It means you have lost the debate, because you can't control your anger. Buh-bye.
I don't believe the state should charge me for females who kill their own babies by listening to the lies of smoothe talkers who tell them how good their decision for themselves was, when in fact, it's a soul-kiliing thing to do to oneself, to kill one's unborn child. Those 600 million dead fetuses? There was a price to pay, and taxpayers have been taxed to death for a stupid Roe v. Wade footshoot decision against all unborn childrenin this nation. I'm sorry to tell you, but women are nothing like men. We are the givers of life, we need partners, but we don't need yo bull. And it's on you if you rattle some poor girl's hormones.

Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'd save the 6 month old baby while the 2 pregnant women walk out of the building with their 6 week old fetuses.

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.
Your choices were simple and did not include pregnant women. You are unworthy of questioning anyone on this board if you can't state your case right. You didn't, but you're there to profane people you disagree with. Shame on you twice.
Roe is bad law. Anyone who isn't fueled by emotion can see it. The Supremes found something they called "the right to privacy" that didn't exist in the Constitution and used it to justify the murder of the unborn. That having been said, the issue is so charged with emotion and ingrained in society that's doubtful that Roe will ever be overturned in one stroke.
Roe is excellent law and anyone who isn't fueled by emotion can see it. An example of such an emotional person would be one who says abortion is the "murder of the unborn".
Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.
clearly the alabama law is designed to challenge roe
Clearly the Alabama Law is designed to assert Alabama's right to establish laws its people are expected to follow. States rights are Constitutional, which is why we are a union of states.


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.
I don't speak to vomitus. You laid a trap for anyone by not setting your case straight. Can you say entrapment?
I don't believe the state should charge me for females who kill their own babies by listening to the lies of smoothe talkers who tell them how good their decision for themselves was, when in fact, it's a soul-kiliing thing to do to oneself, to kill one's unborn child. Those 600 million dead fetuses? There was a price to pay, and taxpayers have been taxed to death for a stupid Roe v. Wade footshoot decision against all unborn childrenin this nation. I'm sorry to tell you, but women are nothing like men. We are the givers of life, we need partners, but we don't need yo bull. And it's on you if you rattle some poor girl's hormones.

Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

Wow…you can’t answer a single direct question…can you?
I did answer your direct question. You hated the answer and are making a specious fool of yourself.
Thats all fine (and gibberish) but….

You still have never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?

And if you believe that God kills babies (or at least doesn’t prevent their death)….how can you worship such a being?
Read the Proverbs and you will know why I worship God. Then read the book of Matthew. That will answer your question, but you won't like it.

Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?
Your resorting to profanity against another person on this board is a very bad idea in debate. It means you have lost the debate, because you can't control your anger. Buh-bye.

You start calling me names…I’m happy to return the favor bitch.

I get that you hate being revealed as a brainless hypocrite but when you act like a brainless hypocrite…look in the mirror. You will find your answer there.

So you worship a baby killer. How does that make you feel?

You can’t answer the question…not because you’ll look more ridiculous than ever but because ….you don’t have an answer.
So you agree that it is a woman's right to kill her own unborn child. I'm gonna faint. :(

I don't believe the 'state' has the authority to determine what a woman can, or cannot do with her own body, in a nation that claims it is for freedom, and particularly considering a 46 year SCOUT precedent.

This nation is a nation where we have freedom of religion but we also have freedom from religion.

If you desire The AmeriKKKan Taliban then you are for the GOP with their agenda to relegate women & women's right into the 17th century.

Good luck wit dat
I don't believe the state should charge me for females who kill their own babies by listening to the lies of smoothe talkers who tell them how good their decision for themselves was, when in fact, it's a soul-kiliing thing to do to oneself, to kill one's unborn child. Those 600 million dead fetuses? There was a price to pay, and taxpayers have been taxed to death for a stupid Roe v. Wade footshoot decision against all unborn childrenin this nation. I'm sorry to tell you, but women are nothing like men. We are the givers of life, we need partners, but we don't need yo bull. And it's on you if you rattle some poor girl's hormones.

I'm not discussing funding; that's something else altogether.

I'm saying that folks may wanna reconsider overturning a 46 year SCOTUS precedent.

That is asking for a SERIOUS slippery slope this nation will regret, forever.

Funding is a different issue so, try & stay on topic.
Funding is a problem, Brainiac. I am on topic. You're a Democrat, so you want to control the outcome more than do the right thing.

Sorry smelly **** but I have never registered as a Dem, Rep, nor any other political affiliation in any of the states I have resided within over the past 58 years.

Keep your smelly **** assumptions to your own fucking self, because you don't fucking know me, nor do you know a fucking thing about me.

What a tough little boy you think you are :)
Tell us, how big do you think you di*k really is?

A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'd save the 6 month old baby while the 2 pregnant women walk out of the building with their 6 week old fetuses.

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.
Your choices were simple and did not include pregnant women. You are unworthy of questioning anyone on this board if you can't state your case right. You didn't, but you're there to profane people you disagree with. Shame on you twice.

Oh, I see. Just admit it, you would save the 6 month old baby over the two 6 week fetuses. It's OK, that's what normal people would do. The problem is you're a wingnut, not normal and when have to face the very real problem that you a pro-lifer doesn't even consider a fetus and a baby to be equal.

Unless you want to tell me now that you would in fact answer the question like a psychopath and remove the two fetuses and let the baby die in the fire...is that where you stand?
Roe is bad law. Anyone who isn't fueled by emotion can see it. The Supremes found something they called "the right to privacy" that didn't exist in the Constitution and used it to justify the murder of the unborn. That having been said, the issue is so charged with emotion and ingrained in society that's doubtful that Roe will ever be overturned in one stroke.
Roe is excellent law and anyone who isn't fueled by emotion can see it. An example of such an emotional person would be one who says abortion is the "murder of the unborn".
You're just another person who hates justice. ***yawn***
Can i ask you my fetus vs. baby question and you actually answer it?


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

Wow…you can’t answer a single direct question…can you?
I did answer your direct question. You hated the answer and are making a specious fool of yourself.

Nah…you posted a 70 word run-on-sentence that made no sense at all.

God kills babies in utero every year (or at least doesn’t save them).
This is the same God you worship to.
How can you do that?
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.

Thats all fine (and gibberish) but….

You still have never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?

And if you believe that God kills babies (or at least doesn’t prevent their death)….how can you worship such a being?
Read the Proverbs and you will know why I worship God. Then read the book of Matthew. That will answer your question, but you won't like it.

Sorry to paint you into the corner showing you the hilarious ridiculousness of your own beliefs—so much so that you’ve had to cower behind “read this” and “read that” instead of answering a direct question.

But you really brought it on yourself.

So God kills a baby. You supposedly hate that.
But you worship the God that allows a baby to die.

Yep—that is your existence in a nutshell.

You can continue to deny it but it is the truth.
I'm in no corner, but you're in the loser's corner as long as you hate God,
Can’t hate something that doesn’t exist.

hate his people,
Bitch please.

I don’t hate Christians. I do dislike stupid people and hypocrites. You are both.

love and support those killing the unborn,
Strange…I thought the Bible said “love thy neighbor”. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" If you don’t think I should “love” my neighbor…why are you going against the teachings of the Bible?

and fool yourself into thinking that bad is good and that good is bad. God is not in charge of a mother who kills her own child. He has, however, left that child at St. Peter's gate to point a finger at the evil person who tries to sneak in undetected in full patronage of others, O Madam Arrogance.

The women who have a baby die in utero didn’t “kill her own child”.

So again, please explain to us how, if God is in charge of everything….how he can let a baby die before it’s taken it’s first breath….and how you can worship a God who rubs out a life like that?

You never answered that question. Are you scared?

Your ignorance of Christianity is showing honey.

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