Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.
"Since 2003, Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent,"

Read more: Iraq sarin stockpiles found | News.com.au
A newspaper got the facts wrong? How did that happen?

Not degraded, according to open session testimony.

Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq - C-SPAN Video Library

Plus, I am sure the journalist knows all about chemical equilibriums. Right? :lol:

Please state exactly where in the 4 and a half hour video it is unequivocally stated that usable WMDs were found in Iraq.

Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.

Evidence, please.

As you have no idea what I did or did not support with respect to Iraq, yet you seem to think you do. That's retarded.

Regardless, WMDs were found in Iraq after the invasion. 500+ 155mm binary shells of sarin were found as well as mustard gas.

The stupid UN had nothing to do with finding those weapons.

It doesn't matter what lies you or any others say about chemical weapons, it's on record.

Those shells that were found we're over 15 years old. There's no possible way the sarin was still usable.

There were no WMDs in Iraq when bush started concocting reasons to invade.
They were binary weapons. So, yeah, they were pretty useful.

Here, read about binaries Subject: STABILITY OF IRAQ'S CW STOCKPILE

And, even if some were mono-component (but the testimony indicates they are mostly binary), the hydrolyzation of sarin is an equilibrium reaction, thus even in equilibrium, there is plenty of lethal material present at any given time.

Report: No Iraq WMDs Made After '91 | Fox News

I made sure it was from Fox so it wouldn't be dismissed as biased.
For you Libtards who refuse to believe the truth, ASSAD IS ALREADY USING GAS ON THE REBELS!!!!!

And there are hints that he's moving them into Lebanon to use against Israel. What will happen then if he does?

Get your heads out of your arses and pay attention to what is going on. How do you think Assad so quickly built up his military after Desert Storm?:mad:
He really is a bastage, gassing his own people like Saddam did
Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.

Here are the findings of the Congressional hearings: http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/dni/dni_ltr_wmd_21jun06.pdf

Nice try, Si modo. You lied out of your ass.

Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.

For you Libtards who refuse to believe the truth, ASSAD IS ALREADY USING GAS ON THE REBELS!!!!!

And there are hints that he's moving them into Lebanon to use against Israel. What will happen then if he does?

Get your heads out of your arses and pay attention to what is going on. How do you think Assad so quickly built up his military after Desert Storm?:mad:

As I have pointed out in other topics about Syria, if Assad has chemical weapons they most likely were acquired from Iran or Egypt, not Iraq.

Any Iraq WMDs that may or may not have existed have long since deteriorated since the invasion a decade ago. I seriously doubt Syria would be stupid enough to rely on such degraded weapons.

500 shells of what?

You guys are funny.

Never really heard this term in general use until Bush coined it when he was running against Gore.

Our national policy toward Iraq has been an travesty since the British and US spooks waltzed Hussien into power in the first place. That was almost as big a farce as the US backing Ahmed Chalabi..
500+ shells of binary sarin. Additional shells of mustard.

It was on the news and discussed in Congress, for those who cared to pay attention.

The term has been around since WW II, by the way. :lol:

And just where did he get those big bad shells?

Oh yeah..Donald Rumsfeld.

Who probably personally blessed them before he used the ones that actually worked against Iran.


You were given the facts and you scoff at it... Why?
Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.
The press was obfuscating the fact that nuclear material half life is over a million years and then some. IOW, they lied.

Half-life of Uranium

The time required for half of the atoms in any given quantity of a radioactive isotope to decay is the half-life of that isotope. Each particular isotope has its own half-life. For example, the half-life of 238U is 4.5 billion years. That is, in 4.5 billion years, half of the 238U on Earth will have decayed into other elements. In another 4.5 billion years, half of the remaining 238U will have decayed. One fourth of the original material will remain on Earth after 9 billion years. The half-life of 14C is 5730 years, thus it is useful for dating archaeological material. Nuclear half-lives range from tiny fractions of a second to many, many times the age of the universe. ABCs of Nuclear Science, lbl.gov
Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.
The press was obfuscating the fact that nuclear material half life is over a million years and then some. IOW, they lied.

Half-life of Uranium

The time required for half of the atoms in any given quantity of a radioactive isotope to decay is the half-life of that isotope. Each particular isotope has its own half-life. For example, the half-life of 238U is 4.5 billion years. That is, in 4.5 billion years, half of the 238U on Earth will have decayed into other elements. In another 4.5 billion years, half of the remaining 238U will have decayed. One fourth of the original material will remain on Earth after 9 billion years. The half-life of 14C is 5730 years, thus it is useful for dating archaeological material. Nuclear half-lives range from tiny fractions of a second to many, many times the age of the universe. ABCs of Nuclear Science, lbl.gov

We're not talking about nuclear weapons.
Yeah and we KNEW it was degraded, that's why we had no reservations about invading. We knew there would be no chemical weapon threat against us.

Having WMD makes you relevant and respected militarily. Not having WMD makes you a sitting duck.
Only, the materials in the shells were NOT degraded.
The press was obfuscating the fact that nuclear material half life is over a million years and then some. IOW, they lied.

Half-life of Uranium

The time required for half of the atoms in any given quantity of a radioactive isotope to decay is the half-life of that isotope. Each particular isotope has its own half-life. For example, the half-life of 238U is 4.5 billion years. That is, in 4.5 billion years, half of the 238U on Earth will have decayed into other elements. In another 4.5 billion years, half of the remaining 238U will have decayed. One fourth of the original material will remain on Earth after 9 billion years. The half-life of 14C is 5730 years, thus it is useful for dating archaeological material. Nuclear half-lives range from tiny fractions of a second to many, many times the age of the universe. ABCs of Nuclear Science, lbl.gov

Hey, dipshit. The shells they found were mustard and sarin. Chemical weapons.


Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?​

By: Daniel Greenfield
12-9-2012 |

Probably one of the most despicable lies perpetrated by the Democratic Party was the claim that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs. It was a lie of political convenience by a party whose top politicians had asserted the exact opposite until it became more convenient for them to jump on a new bandwagon.

After all that there would be a certain historical irony if Saddam’s WMDs were indeed finally found, but by Islamist terrorists into whose hands they fell after almost a decade of liberal political malfeasance culminating in their irresponsible support for the Sunni side in the Syrian Civil War.

Let’s map what that would look like

1. The Democrats sabotaged the Iraq War by preventing any enforcement action against the Syrian origin of the suicide bombers and terror squads in the early days of the post-war period. Meanwhile Syrian WMDs had been smuggled into Syria.

2. The Democrats took power and then backed an Arab Spring that put Syria into the crosshairs of the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda, exposing the WMDs to those terrorists.

3. Either the terrorists get their hands on the WMDs, in which case the likelihood of them being used on the US or Israel is very high.

4. Alternatively Syria turns them over to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard which ships them to Iran.

But back to the story…

As the regime of Bashar Assad disintegrates, the security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The No. 2 general in Saddam Hussein’s air force says they were the WMDs we didn’t find in Iraq.

In 2006, former Iraqi general Georges Sada, second in command of the Iraqi Air Force who served under Saddam Hussein before he defected, wrote a comprehensive book, “Saddam’s Secrets.”

It details how the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria in advance of the U.S.-led action to eliminate Hussein’s WMD threat.

As Sada told the New York Sun, two Iraqi Airways Boeings were converted to cargo planes by removing the seats, and special Republican Guard units loaded the planes with chemical weapons materials.

There were 56 flights disguised as a relief effort after a 2002 Syrian dam collapse.


Read more:
Will Saddam’s WMDs Fall into the Hands of Al Qaeda?

this makes me want to put GWBush in prison.

Sadam had weapons and Bush just left them there and LIED to us about not finding them?

Here is the Senate's postwar findings about the chemical weapons which we have been talking about: intelligence.senate.gov/phaseiiaccuracy.pdf



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