Will the GOP impeach Biden?

Blah, that's just a half-ass solution.....I'd prefer a hard coup d’état and a thorough cleansing of the leftists afterwards. ;)
In other words


(I think the rest of that is... Versus Adams.. need 2 find out who Adams is)
In the immortal words of Josh Lyman..."Only two things stops the government from doing anything, money or politics." I don't see a political downside to not impeaching Biden for McCarthy. There is the whole "veracity" of the claim but the GOP has been making ludicrous statements for so long, I don't think the word veracity is even in their vocabulary any more.

Remember back when you had a thread that said something like "The Left Has Completely Lost it's Shit"? LOL
It's a race to the bottom, but the GQP is certainly ahead right now.
We didn't keep it so other, more stringent measures, will need to be employed to try to start over and get it back.
How are you not advocating that your team gets literally slaughtered, and the survivors tried for treason?
He’s certainly worthy of impeachment, but that’s been true of most presidents these last few decades.

Odds for President Biden's impeachment are on the board purely because of Trump's experiences with the process during his first term, and not due to an impending investigation. The below impeachment betting odds for Biden imply that he will almost certainly not be removed from office via that method.

Will Joe Biden Be Impeached By June 30, 2023? (Bovada)

  • No -390
  • Yes +270
Impeaching Biden will do nothing to weaken the corruption of the DOJ/FBI...so yeah I wouldn't be surprised if republicans waste time with impeachment grandstanding.
Impeaching Trump worked for Democrats to win in 2020, so will the GOP follow the same winning strategy or go home another loser?
It would be an exercise in futility and a waste of taxpayer money, so I hope they don't.
Impeaching Biden will do nothing to weaken the corruption of the DOJ/FBI...so yeah I wouldn't be surprised if republicans waste time with impeachment grandstanding.
Prosecuting Republicans who commit crimes isn’t corruption.
I sincerely hope the GOP controlled House cuts off all funding for Biden's pet programs. Gridlock would be a great thing.
This years budget has already been approved

Next year, Republicans will shut down Government and default on our debt

Because that is what they do
you're saying bidim is no different, really, from others we have had?

I totally disagree.

The economy has never been worse IMO.. Then there was the Afghanistan tragedy

the Border Crisis
That’s right. Very little difference.

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