Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

thinking that gay marriage is wrong for society does not make one a gay hater.

I am still waiting for you to quote the language in the 14th that specifically addresses gay marriage.

Here you go:

State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

By any definition, gays are persons

gay marriage and hetero marriage are not equal, so that demolishes your argument right then and there.

There is just marriage- whether it is same gender couples or opposite gender couples- and all marriage is equal.

thats your opinion, but a majority of humans on planet earth disagree with you.
Nah, your opinion that all marriages must for all time be between one man and one woman... yeah that opinion is now in the minority. Sucks to be the in minority huh?

then put it to a vote, pass a constitutional amendment. Clear it up once and for all.

Notice that I said a majority of humans on planet earth, not in the US. So my statement was 100% accurate.
Here you go:

State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

By any definition, gays are persons

gay marriage and hetero marriage are not equal, so that demolishes your argument right then and there.

There is just marriage- whether it is same gender couples or opposite gender couples- and all marriage is equal.

thats your opinion, but a majority of humans on planet earth disagree with you.
Nah, your opinion that all marriages must for all time be between one man and one woman... yeah that opinion is now in the minority. Sucks to be the in minority huh?

then put it to a vote, pass a constitutional amendment. Clear it up once and for all.

Notice that I said a majority of humans on planet earth, not in the US. So my statement was 100% accurate.
My version of the federal amendment:

Proposed: Congress shall make no law that allows, restricts, or benefits marriages between groups of consenting adults.

Translation... leave it to the states.
Redfish and Marty are just running in circles dodging the rebuttals.

Unsuccessfully as always.

They are 'concrete' learners.
JR, you are wrong.
Geez, you libs are thick headed. the civil rights that we enjoy were established by majority vote, our constitution was ratified by majority vote.

A majority of our citizens decided what rights should apply to all american citizens. Our government representatives are elected by majority vote, laws are passed by majority vote.

To say that the majority does not decide rights is the height of ignorance.

There is no specific law or statute anywhere in our national legal system that specifically addressed gay marriage. The 14th amendment does not mention gay marriage. Equal access to the law does not mean gays can call their unions a marriage.

If you want this settled then put it to a vote in every state--------or process a constitutional amendment specifically addressing gay marriage and see if 38 states will ratify it.

WOW, a right winger saying America is a "democracy"... and not just a run of the mill democracy, a "direct democracy"...

not what I said at all, but your lack of reading comprehension is acknowledged.

We comprehend easily that is what you mean. You want the majority to be able to overturn court decisions that you don't like.

Yes, in cases such as the Dred Scott ruling.
Are you going to compare the Dred Scott decision to possible legalized Gay Marriage thru-out the U.S.?

A bad court decision was the topic.

But why not? After all being gay and being black is equated all the time by the left wing.
The Redfishes do not vote on that which is good and right when it comes to civil rights, otherwise many of us would be in the concentation camps of the far right reactionaries.

SCOTUS makes these decisions, and the Redfishes will be forced to kneel and confess their error.
I so would love for the conservatives to show us where in the constitution it says that gay people can't legally get married to the person they love.

I would also like conservatives to show us where in the constitution it says that our government can legally discriminate against gay people.

I would also love to know where in the constitution it says that marriage is between a woman and a man.
gay marriage and hetero marriage are not equal, so that demolishes your argument right then and there.

There is just marriage- whether it is same gender couples or opposite gender couples- and all marriage is equal.

thats your opinion, but a majority of humans on planet earth disagree with you.
Nah, your opinion that all marriages must for all time be between one man and one woman... yeah that opinion is now in the minority. Sucks to be the in minority huh?

then put it to a vote, pass a constitutional amendment. Clear it up once and for all.

Notice that I said a majority of humans on planet earth, not in the US. So my statement was 100% accurate.
My version of the federal amendment:

Proposed: Congress shall make no law that allows, restricts, or benefits marriages between groups of consenting adults.

Translation... leave it to the states.

Conservatives are really falling back in their fight against gay marriage. First they wanted an amendment to ban it nationwide, now they are falling back to an amendment to let the states decide
This is the bit I don't understand.

Ireland next April is having a referendum. Simple straight vote among the people, We vote and it is written into the constitution of the nation.

Judges simply apply the law, politicians are asked to legislate for it(not doing is considered undemocratic). If the don't the courts will sort them out and even jail politicians who don't implement the law/constitution.

Simple, We have had about a dozens 16 amendments since America last had a single change (and that was a piss poor one). We have voted on Abortion, Death Penalty, a few European, children's rights.... all the biggy social ones.

Why? Because we don't trust politicians, judges.... to make social law that important. It also frees our politicians to do actual government instead of asking do we love god enough or too much... In Europe politicians rarely talk about their religious beliefs(result in drop in your poll numbers), keep that stuff at home.
The center is the majority of Americans who support marriage equality.

The haters and losers are out of the far right.

SCOTUS will not go back to before marriage equality

The center is now more right leaning on most issues. Whether they are or not on this doesn't matter. This issue is a 50/50 split with science on the side of the right, which may sway this in their favor and be the deciding factor. That's why I believe the justices age and the generations they grew up in and the fact they sided with Obama on the ACA being a tax, makes me believe they want to seem fair and a balanced power and un political. Remember this isn't science this is people playing politics and requesting the same rights and other and taking it to a whole new level.

I could without question see them being bold and overrule the states.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.
Pretty sure that wouldn't stand Constitutionally.
The Redfishes do not vote on that which is good and right when it comes to civil rights, otherwise many of us would be in the concentation camps of the far right reactionaries.

SCOTUS makes these decisions, and the Redfishes will be forced to kneel and confess their error.

wrong, I am all for equality in all things. I fully support the civil rights act, I want gays treated equally and fairly. Where we differ is that I do not believe that a gay union is a marraige or that society should consider gay unions equally acceptable and normal as man/woman marriages.

Thats what I believe, Last time I checked we have the right to our beliefs in this country.

What I find very dangerous is the idea that beliefs can be mandated by the government----------and thats what this whole gay marriage debate really boils down to.
The center is now more right leaning on most issues. Whether they are or not on this doesn't matter. This issue is a 50/50 split with science on the side of the right, which may sway this in their favor and be the deciding factor. That's why I believe the justices age and the generations they grew up in and the fact they sided with Obama on the ACA being a tax, makes me believe they want to seem fair and a balanced power and un political. Remember this isn't science this is people playing politics and requesting the same rights and other and taking it to a whole new level.

I could without question see them being bold and overrule the states.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


if that poll is accurate then why do you on the left object to a national referendum or a constitutional amendment? Why do you object to letting the people speak? Could it be because you know that that poll is bullshit?

Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.
Pretty sure that wouldn't stand Constitutionally.

There is just marriage- whether it is same gender couples or opposite gender couples- and all marriage is equal.

thats your opinion, but a majority of humans on planet earth disagree with you.
Nah, your opinion that all marriages must for all time be between one man and one woman... yeah that opinion is now in the minority. Sucks to be the in minority huh?

then put it to a vote, pass a constitutional amendment. Clear it up once and for all.

Notice that I said a majority of humans on planet earth, not in the US. So my statement was 100% accurate.
My version of the federal amendment:

Proposed: Congress shall make no law that allows, restricts, or benefits marriages between groups of consenting adults.

Translation... leave it to the states.

Conservatives are really falling back in their fight against gay marriage. First they wanted an amendment to ban it nationwide, now they are falling back to an amendment to let the states decide
No. Conservatives are not against gay marriage. They never were. You are conflating religious bigotry with conservatism.
The Redfishes do not vote on that which is good and right when it comes to civil rights, otherwise many of us would be in the concentation camps of the far right reactionaries.

SCOTUS makes these decisions, and the Redfishes will be forced to kneel and confess their error.

wrong, I am all for equality in all things. I fully support the civil rights act, I want gays treated equally and fairly. Where we differ is that I do not believe that a gay union is a marraige or that society should consider gay unions equally acceptable and normal as man/woman marriages.

Thats what I believe, Last time I checked we have the right to our beliefs in this country.

What I find very dangerous is the idea that beliefs can be mandated by the government----------and thats what this whole gay marriage debate really boils down to.
Bullshit. What it amounts to is whether bigots like you get to keep pissing on the rights of gays to life and liberty.
I so would love for the conservatives to show us where in the constitution it says that gay people can't legally get married to the person they love.

I would also like conservatives to show us where in the constitution it says that our government can legally discriminate against gay people.

I would also love to know where in the constitution it says that marriage is between a woman and a man.

First you show us where 4 men and 6 women cannot get married, or a father and daughter cannot bet married.

it gay marriage is constitutionally OK, then so are all other forms of marriage.
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The Redfishes do not vote on that which is good and right when it comes to civil rights, otherwise many of us would be in the concentation camps of the far right reactionaries.

SCOTUS makes these decisions, and the Redfishes will be forced to kneel and confess their error.

wrong, I am all for equality in all things. I fully support the civil rights act, I want gays treated equally and fairly. Where we differ is that I do not believe that a gay union is a marraige or that society should consider gay unions equally acceptable and normal as man/woman marriages.

Thats what I believe, Last time I checked we have the right to our beliefs in this country.

What I find very dangerous is the idea that beliefs can be mandated by the government----------and thats what this whole gay marriage debate really boils down to.
Bullshit. What it amounts to is whether bigots like you get to keep pissing on the rights of gays to life and liberty.

you stupidity is showing, better pull your pants up.
at the end of the day gay marriage doesn't touch one single part of my life so I don't give a damn. The only people it effects are gays trying to get married. Enter fanatical RW's telling people how to live their lives. Gays do whatever they want, I do whatever I want, we never cross trails, we never bitch about each other to each other. Apparently, RW's live deep in the gay community, thus their lives are shattered. What other reason do they have to whine about same sex marriage?

oh yeah, they're MORONS,

Contain your RW hatred, first explain why LW California voted to ban gay marriage.
It would not do that today.

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