Will the Russia/Ukraine war be another perpetual war to feed the war machine?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The Military industrial complex lost Afghanistan, so they needed another perpetual war. Is that what we have in Ukraine?

Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin…..they all have revenue targets to meet. They have thousands of employees and stockholders.

THEY NEED TO SELL PRODUCTS…just like Ford or Verizon.

They need war.

Anyone who thought the Ukraine/Russia war was going to last 4 weeks was really kidding themselves.


Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
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The Military industrial complex lost Afghanistan, so they needed another perpetual war. Is that what we have in Ukraine?

Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin…..they all have revenue targets to meet. They have thousands of employees and stockholders.

THEY NEED TO SELL PRODUCTS…just like Ford or Verizon.

They need war.

Anyone who thought the Ukraine/Russia war was going to last 4 weeks was really kidding themselves.


Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
The Military industrial complex lost Afghanistan, so they needed another perpetual war. Is that what we have in Ukraine?

Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin…..they all have revenue targets to meet. They have thousands of employees and stockholders.

THEY NEED TO SELL PRODUCTS…just like Ford or Verizon.

They need war.

Anyone who thought the Ukraine/Russia war was going to last 4 weeks was really kidding themselves.
But it takes two to tango and Russia is not party to the mad and extreme Nazi and neo-con philosophy .

The Ukey Nazis have nothing left --near obliterated , and the big NATO countries are already scraping the barrel to produce reserve munitions etc .

Moscow has been preparing for years and has huge stock remaining and working supply chains .

Imagine Uncle P will halt when he has a bridge head with Moldavia and controls a de- nazified Kyiv parliament from an apparent distance.

If the US is in shape for yet further defeats you might use Africa for your pimping . imho .
The industrial military complex... we were warned by liberals about this in the 60's... what happened to liberals?.... did Trump turn you all into warhawks?..... unreal.... this is why people don't trust libs... they shapeshift based on current politics... they have no soul.... and no conviction....
The Military industrial complex lost Afghanistan, so they needed another perpetual war. Is that what we have in Ukraine?

Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin…..they all have revenue targets to meet. They have thousands of employees and stockholders.

THEY NEED TO SELL PRODUCTS…just like Ford or Verizon.

They need war.

Anyone who thought the Ukraine/Russia war was going to last 4 weeks was really kidding themselves.


Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
That's the hypocrisy of it all. Biden got out of Afghanistan so quickly the Taliban took over and now all we have done is swap Afghanistan for Ukraine, except for the fact that we could have stayed in Afghanistan, keeping democracy, and Russia may have never invaded Ukraine. So, the world lost a democracy to terrorists and Russia may, in the end, remove yet another democracy from the planet - all because we left Afghanistan.
The poll numbers have shifted... people are now saying they are not willing to continue funding this war... have any of you seen those polls on the MSM?..... the leftist media is all in on this war and would support US troops on the ground.... the media and big entertainment and big tech are the most dangerous entity in America today....
The MIC did not like Trump because he didnt start any wars.

Democrat assholes love war and slavery. They are just plain evil pieces of shit.

Democrats started U.S. civil war over slavery. Republicans defeated them. Republican president Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves.

A Democrat president, Woodrow Wilson got the USA into WWI, reinstituted slavery, and used slaves as cannon fodder.

A Democrat president, Franklin Roosevelt, reinstituted slavery, got the USA into WWII, and used slaves as cannon fodder.

A Democrat president, Harry Truman, got the USA into the Korean war, and used slaves as cannon fodder.

A Democrat president, Lyndon Johnson, reinstituted slavery, got the USA into the Vietnam war, and used slaves as cannon fodder.

Republican president, Richard Nixon, got the USA out of that war and emancipated the slaves.

Can you see a pattern in that history?

Now the Democrats seem hell-bent on pushing Americans into yet another disastrous war in Europe. And everyone who is not a complete fucking moron totally ignorant of history knows damn well the evil Democrats are going to want to reinstitute slavery AGAIN, and use the slaves as cannon fodder, AGAIN! And steal your wealth in the process, AGAIN!
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The Military industrial complex lost Afghanistan, so they needed another perpetual war. Is that what we have in Ukraine?

Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed Martin…..they all have revenue targets to meet. They have thousands of employees and stockholders.

THEY NEED TO SELL PRODUCTS…just like Ford or Verizon.

They need war.

Anyone who thought the Ukraine/Russia war was going to last 4 weeks was really kidding themselves.


Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah
War = divide & conquer = power & control = $$$$$. I well remember a movie titled; "Suppose The Gave A War But Nobody Came?" Like that's a war I would support!
The West wanted the Ukraine to be Russia's Iraq, a quick 'win' and a long insurgency. Russia isn't playing that game. Russia will grind the Ukraine down until they have no will left to fight and the West can no longer afford to support them.

There is a number out there that will determine when the West will abandon the Ukraine, that number is based on when Russia does so much damage that the cost of rebuilding will never be profitable. Every day the war lasts is a day closer to the West abandoning the Ukraine.
That's the hypocrisy of it all. Biden got out of Afghanistan so quickly the Taliban took over and now all we have done is swap Afghanistan for Ukraine, except for the fact that we could have stayed in Afghanistan, keeping democracy, and Russia may have never invaded Ukraine. So, the world lost a democracy to terrorists and Russia may, in the end, remove yet another democracy from the planet - all because we left Afghanistan.

And the MIC WANTED all those weapons left behind….$80B or whatever it was……SO THEY COULD MAKE MORE WEAPONS!
While the Ukraine thing will certainly be used for all that it's worth, the next forever war is going to take place right here in America, folks.

They've been projecting the image that Americans and many of their elected Representatives who disagree with them are domestic terrorists, even going so far as to say it outright over the airwaves. Calling for their removal from office. The trampling of targeted civil liberties that would threaten their power; etc...

That's what troops and fences around the Capital are all about. They need that image to be projected in order to justify their coming actions.

All of this in the name of assaulting the very fabric of the Republic, unfortunately.

Sadly, may will love them for it. This is, until they're met with the realization of the consequence of their participation in the coercion.
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