Will Trump Drop Out of Debate?

Excuses already. Puss.
Race to the bottom.
We disagree. Biden has been an extremely effective POTUS. Whether you agree with what he has gotten passed/done or not is irrelevant. He has gotten more shit done than any POTUS since Johnson, maybe FDR. Have you seen the graphic listing all his accomplishments? That was only at the two year point.


There is very little doubt whether Biden could effectively run the country for 4 more years. The huge doubt is his ability to run for the office, which is a whole other animal, and has jack shit to do with being an effective president.
I predict that if Trump does show up he will try to be as formal and serious and sober as possible. I don't even think he'll be combative.
He will bait the fuckwad Biden into being combative. Biden got loud and argumentative with Paul Ryan who didn't want to disrespect the old man. Trump won't have that problem. Biden thinks it will mean something if he calls Trump a convicted felon. Trump will just tie that to Hunter. Can Trump needle shit pants Biden with Hunter, the grandchild and biting children enough to push him. Let's see.

Fuckwad Biden has 90 advisors including shitstain obama all trying to help him stand for 90 minutes.
And since Biden handed Trump his ass on a plate at both of their 2020 debates, what did Trump do to prepare for this debate? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. He held fundraisers to pay his lawyers.

Trump doesn't like debate preparations because his minions have to pretend to disagree with him, and stand up and to attack him, when they pretend to be Biden. He can't take that. And he has no policy, and no strong achievements while President to talk about.

Were you better off 4 years ago than you are today??? 4 years ago today there were demonstrations all across the nation in the wake of the George Floyd murder. New covid cases and covid deaths were the highest yet and rising faster and faster. Thousands were dying and hospitals were overwhelmed.
With all the bluster about Trump and the debate. Why are Democrats avoiding the fact that Biden has been absent from the presidency for the last week and at Camp David preping for the Thursday Debate with 16 advisors.
If Biden is so mentally aware, why is it necessary to avoid the job of the presidency to to prep.
Factually it shows that Democrats are worried, scared and in turmoil.
Obama has suddenly appeared to pull the plug on Joe.
"At Camp David, a movie theater and an airplane hangar have been outfitted with lights and production equipment to create a mock debate stage. At least 16 current and former aides, summoned from Washington and Wilmington, whiz back and forth on golf carts to join President Biden in strategy sessions".

A lot of people are saying yes. By Wednesday. He's scared to death. This is why, after months of saying Biden can't say a complete sentence, NOW they are claiming that Biden is a great debater.

If you're scared, say you're scared.
Who is saying Quid Pro Joe is a great debater? After I got over laughing, I had to ask what echo chamber you're hearing this, because nowhere in the real world is anyone saying that.

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