Will trump shut the Government down again on February 15th?

Will trump shut the Government down again on February 15th?

  • Yes, he will.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Yes, he will, but the GOP Senate will override him.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, he won't. He will get the money. Nancy will fold.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, he won't. He will declare a National Emergency to get it.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • No, there will be a deal that he will accept.

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters

The Far Right is preaching that he will declare a national emergency. He will then lose in the Courts....including the USSC. But his base will say....."Well....he tried."

That is the way out of the corner that he had boxed himself in. The Great Deal Maker is a Failure....

Explain how he will lose a SCOTUS case. His authority is well-delineated in policy.
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
He'll declare an emergency and mobilize the armed forces.

And Congress will declare his "emergency" null and void. There really does have to BE a national emergency in order for him to declare one.
And who declares a national emergency? You can't win this one.

Trump is the only one....and he will lose....
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
He'll declare an emergency and mobilize the armed forces.

And Congress will declare his "emergency" null and void. There really does have to BE a national emergency in order for him to declare one.

Congress doesn't have the votes to forward a concurrent resolution.
Actually, they do. And they always have. That's precisely why Trump's Bitch Mitch wouldn't bring them to a floor for a vote, because he knew a CR would pass.
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
He'll declare an emergency and mobilize the armed forces.

When Congress says "No" to a President, that is not a national emergency. It's called "checks and balances". Especially when it is both parties saying no, as in this case.

Individual 1 is trying to use the Constitution as toilet paper just to save face.

See how dense ewe are? The national emergency is the onslaught at the border and that includes human and drug trafficking. Tell Pelosi that mowing the goddamn grass won’t be the answer!

It does not. The Border Patrol's own figures show very few cases of human trafficking and the DEA reports POEs are the main entry points for drugs. There is no national emergency.
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
He'll declare an emergency and mobilize the armed forces.

And Congress will declare his "emergency" null and void. There really does have to BE a national emergency in order for him to declare one.
No, the gop senate will not torpedo the emergency.

Correct....the Court will....
I'm not sure about that. Gramm Rudman was struck down because the SC ruled that Congress cannot delegate it's duty of appropriations (or not appropriating), but that was a different Court.
The Far Right is preaching that he will declare a national emergency. He will then lose in the Courts....including the USSC. But his base will say....."Well....he tried."

That is the way out of the corner that he had boxed himself in. The Great Deal Maker is a Failure....

Explain how he will lose a SCOTUS case. His authority is well-delineated in policy.

Yes...if it were an actual emergency. The numbers will prove that this is not an emergency....If the USSC rules in his favor...it will open the door to every president in the future to declare a national emergency in order just to carry out a campaign promise....

That is what this boils down to....
Even with a severe stroke and a heavy drinking problem and whatever other fables the pseudocons invented, Nancy Pelosi showed she is a stronger leader than the Apprentice President.


She is now walking around the Capitol with a pair of Orange Balls in her hand....:04:


What did she win?

No wall?

you seriously think that 'war' is over?

His only way out of this corner is to declare a national emergency. The Democrats are giving NOTHING for his campaign promise....the Wall....Still waiting for Mexico to cut a check....or was that ANOTHER trump lie....
Yes, but he's selling "emergency" to his base, even though immigration is no more an emergency as it was in 2006. It's a clusterfuck of laws that aren't enforced.

But the whole "wall" thing was an image cooked up by Stone and Sam the Nutbug

Still, the emergency will sell to his base

trump's problem is that his base aren't who will make any of those decisions.

That's up to congress and the courts.

If he declares an emergency he will find it all tied up in court faster than he can blink his eyes. No judge is going to agree there's any emergency when the numbers of those illegally crossing have been decreasing for about a decade and now it's at the lowest level in 45 years. Which proves that what we're already doing is working.

No judge is going to believe an emergency is something you can plan and put off for another day. An emergency isn't something you wait years and months to address. An emergency is something you take immediate action.

The reality is that it will be in court for over a year. By that time the election will be in full swing and if it's honest, trump will lose. The wall fiasco will be stopped and proper security will be put at the border.
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
there is no express wall building clause in our Constitution.

The right wing has nothing but social plans not any fine capital plans; but allege to be for Capitalism.
The Far Right is preaching that he will declare a national emergency. He will then lose in the Courts....including the USSC. But his base will say....."Well....he tried."

That is the way out of the corner that he had boxed himself in. The Great Deal Maker is a Failure....

Explain how he will lose a SCOTUS case. His authority is well-delineated in policy.

Yes...if it were an actual emergency. The numbers will prove that this is not an emergency....If the USSC rules in his favor...it will open the door to every president in the future to declare a national emergency in order just to carry out a campaign promise....

That is what this boils down to....

He has the authority to declare an emergency. If there are numbers that undermine the declaration, Congress can pass a resolution denying the status.

His authority is clear. SCOTUS will rule in his favor, if necessary.

It is unwise to judge future cases on current ones.
I don't believe Trump will shut the government down again after the TSA learned that grounding air traffic on random days is a losing proposition for Trump and will force the government to re-open. To keep a hopeful outlook on the situation I suspect there will be an agreement.
Not even the Apprentice believes it is an emergency. Only the dumbest of the Rube Herd (a.k.a. Trump's "base") are falling for this horseshit.

It's a stunt, and the Apprentice is one evil, stupid motherfucker for trashing the Constitution for a publicity stunt just to make the Rube Herd hard.
I doubt that Nancy is going to give trump 5.7 Billion Dollars....what then?
He'll declare an emergency and mobilize the armed forces.

When Congress says "No" to a President, that is not a national emergency. It's called "checks and balances". Especially when it is both parties saying no, as in this case.

Individual 1 is trying to use the Constitution as toilet paper just to save face.

See how dense ewe are? The national emergency is the onslaught at the border and that includes human and drug trafficking. Tell Pelosi that mowing the goddamn grass won’t be the answer!

The immigration situation is not an onslaught. Using emergency power granted to the president during a real national crisis/emergency, such as a nuclear attack, to try and achieve campaign prop, sounds like a textbook Fascist move to me.

Please. Educate yourself.

The US is currently in 31 other national emergencies. Here's what that means.


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