Will we learn of a "new" Mark Felt?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
A competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)
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An competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)

This is not "disrupting whatever the FBI was [is] searching". This is an investigation into PRIOR actions that all revolved around a plot to pass off a "paid for political hit piece as an Intel doc" In order to justify surveillance of a an opposition prez campaign. And the VERY curious relationships that the FBI had with Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign and several KEY FBI officials who -- like Forrest Gump -- end up in the spotlight too many times considering their absolute disgust with Trump as the Repub nominee..
This is not "disrupting whatever the FBI was [is] searching". This is an investigation into PRIOR actions that all revolved around a plot to pass off a "paid for political hit piece as an Intel doc" In order to justify surveillance of a an opposition prez campaign.

But as nothing like your conspiracy theories happened, it means you're actually asking for a Stalinist purge of EnemiesOfTheParty. Your boys in Congress are actually using the word "purge" now, that's how hyped up on Stalinist tactics they are. Modern conservatism is now indistinguishable from Stalinism in most ways.
FlaCalTenn et al only have undocumented conspiracy theories now.

Now the New American Alt Right on behalf of the Russian neo-fascists want to purge their enemies in the FBI and DOJ.

They are only enemies because the investigations are closing in on the Trumpies and buddies.
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And the VERY curious relationships that the FBI had with Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign

Of course you should know by now that Fusion GPS was FIRST hired by a conservative group....

BUT MORE IMPORTANT is this: The Mueller investigation is much LESS about Russia and much MORE about the obstruction of justice that the orange moron tried to compel the FBI to partner with him on.......

As in Watergate, the initial crime of a break in became irrelevant to the subsequent COVER UP ......
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Count on it, the crazy angry incoherent left will dig up Tricky Dick when they have nothing left.

Dead Horse, I am just posing a COMPARISON of what happened to Nixon and what will surely happen to the orange clown...THERE'S a LOT left to be exposed.....hang on tight to your orange kool-aid glass
This is not "disrupting whatever the FBI was [is] searching". This is an investigation into PRIOR actions that all revolved around a plot to pass off a "paid for political hit piece as an Intel doc" In order to justify surveillance of a an opposition prez campaign.

But as nothing like your conspiracy theories happened, it means you're actually asking for a Stalinist purge of EnemiesOfTheParty. Your boys in Congress are actually using the word "purge" now, that's how hyped up on Stalinist tactics they are. Modern conservatism is now indistinguishable from Stalinism in most ways.

I think it starts simply by DEMANDING documents that Congress requested from the FBI actually be turned over. If there's nothing to hide -- NONE of that should be a problem. OR -- are there more bombshells like writing an exonerating speech for Hillary that was diddled with to remove phrases that MIGHT imply she actually DID violate key statutes of our National Security policy? For instance.. :rolleyes:
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- are there more bombshells like writing an exonerating speech for Hillary that was diddled with to remove phrases that MIGHT imply she actually DID violate key statutes of our National Security policy? For instance.

You and the other Trump cultists are surely FREE to begin yet another investigation on Hillary.....You have control of ALL branches of government, do you not?........So, start an inquiry.

HOWEVER, this investigation by the special counsel....a republican, appointed by republicans....investigating a republican, IS ABOUT TRUMP, and NOT Hillary..........Once you get that through your thick skulls, you'll sound a bit more sane, rather than trying to constantly shout "lock her up."...THAT is for another thread.
A competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)

Mark Felt??? Who screwed up the investigation against BO's buddy Bill Ayers. That Mark Felt? LOL
A competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)
We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

What you apparently consider fun, I consider a necessary evil, and nothing that I consider evil do I also consider fun or funny. Moreover, I don't know how anyone who considers themselves a patriot can take pleasure in watching the downfall of a POTUS.

Yes, I want Trump out of the WH. Do I think the process of effecting that end is fun? Hell no! Sadism does not appeal to me.
Yes, I want Trump out of the WH. Do I think the process of effecting that end is fun? Hell no! Sadism does not appeal to me.

Well, for myself, I DO consider "fun" the upcoming downfall of a wanna-be despot;it confirms for me that our system of checks-n-balances and rules of law STILL function to kick out charlatans from the oval office.
The Congress can investigate Clinton all it wants.

But . . .

. . . that in no way excludes or lessens the investigation of Trump.
The Congress can investigate Clinton all it wants.

But . . .

. . . that in no way excludes or lessens the investigation of Trump.

I find it to be an interesting sociological quirk that right wingers CANNOT manage to defend Trump without the guise of constantly ATTACKING Clinton.

I don't give a crap about Hillary....but THIS current investigation is ALL Trump.
What will be "fun" will be the prosecution of those Americans who knowingly, voluntarily, and willfully transmitted and published fake news and alt facts emanating from Russian sources to influence the US elections.
The Congress can investigate Clinton all it wants.

But . . .

. . . that in no way excludes or lessens the investigation of Trump.

I find it to be an interesting sociological quirk that right wingers CANNOT manage to defend Trump without the guise of constantly ATTACKING Clinton.

I don't give a crap about Hillary....but THIS current investigation is ALL Trump.

And how's that going? :lmao:
The investigation is going, and Trump can't do a thing about it, Soggy. Neither can you.
What will be "fun" will be the prosecution of those Americans who knowingly, voluntarily, and willfully transmitted and published fake news and alt facts emanating from Russian sources to influence the US elections.

.........and, if I may add, what will also be "fun" is to see run-amok greed meet justice for Manafort, Gates, Papadapolus, Page and most of all Flynn.
The New American Alt Right tried to overthrow our system by the Russian interference and American collusion with the Russians.

The ass kicking of the Alt Right will be hugely stupendous.

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