Will we learn of a "new" Mark Felt?

(I wonder at what point some of them will begin to think, 'Ok, I might want to start being nicer to Trump...because I may need HIM for pardon ME

There was a reason why Mueller impaneled grand juries in VA and NY......and that presidential pardons don't work when a state indicts and convicts......LOL.
"As in Watergate, the initial crime of a break in became irrelevant to the subsequent COVER UP"

In Watergate there was actually a crime committed before the investigation started. In this case the crimes committed by the investigators were exposed thanks to the investigation...

In this case the crimes committed by the investigators were exposed thanks to the investigation...

Mike Flynn was part of the investigation of Flynn???...........

WOW, the things we learn from right wingers are simply amazing.........LOL
In this case the crimes committed by the investigators were exposed thanks to the investigation...

Mike Flynn was part of the investigation of Flynn???...........

WOW, the things we learn from right wingers are simply amazing.........LOL
Mueller - Former Director of the FBI, exposed criminal who hid Russian crimes and protected Hillary from a Russian Bribery indictment, burdened by heavy conflicts of interest, creates a stacked deck Counsel consisting of anti-Trump Hillary-Worshipping DNC/Hillary Donors and Hillary donors - all of which came out / was highlighted thanks to the Witch Hunt.

2 Fired Mueller Counsel members, also exposing a SEDTIOUS anti-Trump Pro-Hillary extremist FBI Agent who personally saved Hillary from Indictment, protected Abedin/Mills from Indictment, was responsible for the FBI being exposed as a seditious Obama/Hillary-loyalist agency that created an anti-Trump 'Insurance Policy' plan, led by a Director of the FBI and Deputy Director of the FBI whose wives took a lot of Cash from Hillary, how Comey wrote Hillary's exoneration before interviewing anyone.....



Now, WHO could argue with the above, well-documented, irrefutable and erudite Queasy research????

Case closed, right dimwit????........(what a mindless :asshole:........LOL)
I think it starts simply by DEMANDING documents that Congress requested from the FBI actually be turned over. If there's nothing to hide -- NONE of that should be a problem. OR -- are there more bombshells like writing an exonerating speech for Hillary that was diddled with to remove phrases that MIGHT imply she actually DID violate key statutes of our National Security policy? For instance.. :rolleyes:

So, you watch FOX News regularly, and then run here to repeat their conspiracy theories. Same as the other Trumpflakes here.

Why yes, it is that obvious, that you're trapped in the bubble. Trump watches a crazy FOX piece and retweets it. FOX then reports on the tweets, completing the circle. Then they declares how brave they are for reporting what the corrupt liberal media won't report, and how smart their viewers are for seeking the truth, and the rubes lap it up.
Why yes, it is that obvious, that you're trapped in the bubble. Trump watches a crazy FOX piece and retweets it. FOX then reports on the tweets, completing the circle. Then they declares how brave they are for reporting what the corrupt liberal media won't report, and how smart their viewers are for seeking the truth, and the rubes lap it up.

Indeed, the above is EXACTLY what does go on,and for all the senile, white evangelicals who make up FOX's base of dimwits, the "circle" is a thing of "beauty."
And the VERY curious relationships that the FBI had with Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign

Of course you should know by now that Fusion GPS was FIRST hired by a conservative group....

BUT MORE IMPORTANT is this: The Mueller investigation is much LESS about Russia and much MORE about the obstruction of justice that the orange moron tried to compel the FBI to partner with him on.......

As in Watergate, the initial crime of a break in became irrelevant to the subsequent COVER UP ......

And we know nothing about the content of what that conservative paper got as a product. But we DO know that C. Steele and the phony dossier was begun LARGELY AFTER that work for the never-Trumpers was done. Check the timeline.The Never Trump oppo research was never made public.

Bullshit on your diversion from Russia Russia Russia to obstruction. THe illegal surveillance of a rival political party was JUSTIFIED FULLY by Russia Russia Russia and the phony dossier. Whatever it MORPHED to is because there is "no there there". And furthermore, OBSTRUCTION is a double edge for your tribe. Because it's CLEAR that internal FBI/DOJ politics OBSTRUCTED a clean investigation of Hillary and her security issues and the Uranium One clearance and probably points to a cabal of interests that sought to hinder their political opposition and exonerate their preferred party and candidate.
A competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)
You have an overrated opinion of the FBI. They are to enforce the Constitution, just like the president, that is not a political thing, it is the law.
An competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)

This is not "disrupting whatever the FBI was [is] searching". This is an investigation into PRIOR actions that all revolved around a plot to pass off a "paid for political hit piece as an Intel doc" In order to justify surveillance of a an opposition prez campaign. And the VERY curious relationships that the FBI had with Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign and several KEY FBI officials who -- like Forrest Gump -- end up in the spotlight too many times considering their absolute disgust with Trump as the Repub nominee..
No, if Trump colluded with Putin for intelligeince, Steele is proven correct.

Mueller team questioning RNC staffers on 2016 digital operation: report

And this is why the Trumbots are spinning to end the investigation.
An competent president....which Trump is surely not....would have remembered that messing with the FBI is not such a good idea.

During the beginning of the Watergate investigations, and as the FBI began being involved, Nixon tried to order the CIA to DISRUPT whatever the FBI was researching.....and as the Nixon mess became even clearer, Nixon ordered that someone like Mark Felt should NOT....under his direct order......be appointed as head of the FBI.

Well, we all know how that type of cover up and malicious statements about the FBI turned out for good ol Tricky-Dicky.....Mark Felt turned out to be "deep throat" and much of the FBI's findings contributed to Nixon's demise.

We are very much in that SAME scenario with Trump belittling the FBI.......refusing to praise them for their great work in disrupting the San Francisco ISIS plot just days ago (partially because THAT would have interfered with the idiot Trump's assertion that he single-handed "defeated ISIS")............and we should all wonder if yet ANOTHER Mark Felt has emerged within the FBI, working closely with the Mueller's team of prosecutors.

We are in for a VERY interesting and fun ride to see our "beloved" orange clown meet reality and be thrown into the infamy of the most inept, corrupt and incompetent stain to ever sit in the oval office.....

(BTW, the senile ass kisser, Orin Hatch, actually had the insanity to state that Trump may be the BEST president EVER.......move over Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln.....a two-bit real estate charlatan has overtaken these presidents' fame.)

This is not "disrupting whatever the FBI was [is] searching". This is an investigation into PRIOR actions that all revolved around a plot to pass off a "paid for political hit piece as an Intel doc" In order to justify surveillance of a an opposition prez campaign. And the VERY curious relationships that the FBI had with Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign and several KEY FBI officials who -- like Forrest Gump -- end up in the spotlight too many times considering their absolute disgust with Trump as the Repub nominee..
No, if Trump colluded with Putin for intelligeince, Steele is proven correct.

Mueller team questioning RNC staffers on 2016 digital operation: report

And this is why the Trumbots are spinning to end the investigation.

I know when you're floating amongst the debris of a sunken ship, people will grasp at any flotsam or jetsam to stay alive. But THAT story -- doesn't even make sense. Let alone have a single FACT in it to support ANY hint of collusion. So the RNC had a "digital outreach operation".. OOOOOWWWW.. How sinister... :rolleyes:

Meanwhile the DNC was writing checks to REIMBURSE Russian Intel people for making up misinformation and fairy tales to win an election. COLLUSION??
Mark Felt??? Who screwed up the investigation against BO's buddy Bill Ayers. That Mark Felt? LOL

YES, that same Mark Felt.......Gee,you're going back to the Weather Underground to "defend" your orange clown?

BTW, Felt was fully pardoned by your sometime (depending on what FOX tells you) hero, Ronald Reagan............Reagan stated that, " We can be no less generous to two men [Felt and Edward Miller....both FBI officials] who acted on high principle to bring an end to the terrorism that was threatening our nation."

Felt died BEFORE Obama became president......

Good time for YOU to apologize.

Never happen. I am aware of the Reagan pardon. The Hildebeast lost, get over it.
The Hildebeast lost, get over it.

I was wondering how long it'd take for a right wing moron to bring up Hillary in a thread addressing Nixon, Reagan and Trump........Congrats, there Beagle....LOL
You are pissed that the Hildebeast lost. that was the point.

Couldn't give a flying fuck that Hillary lost........The lame defense of the orange clown by idiots like you is the topic of this thread......Please keep up.
I know when you're floating amongst the debris of a sunken ship, people will grasp at any flotsam or jetsam to stay alive.

Why are you yammering these bizarre conspiracy fables about the Steele dossier, given that it has jack to do with Muellers's investigation?

Oh, that's right. You saw it on FOX, and you're desperate for anything that gives you a shred of hope.

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