Will we torture again?

Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture

I'm still finding it hard to believe someone died from sitting on a concrete floor w/o pants. Maybe he did but it sounds far fetched.

War is hell and don't think for one moment the Islamos wouldn't or haven't' done the same or worse to people.
You are a very stupid woman.

Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor for 2 days while hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!
Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor & hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!

Meh, you win some and you lose some. My best friend went to Iraq, he came back with less than he left with, you'll find little sympathy from me
Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor & hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!

Meh, you win some and you lose some. My best friend went to Iraq, he came back with less than he left with, you'll find little sympathy from me

Your friend signed up to invade someones homeland. Of course you might get maimed when people defend themselves from foreign invaders terrorizing them. This dude was home minding his own business when we snatched him up & tortured him to death.

Then Fox keeps pounding the airwaves with Americas War on Islam & Muslims to piss off 1/3rd of the planet so they will attack the USA. Fox can't stand it when Obama refuses to agitate Muslims by saying that.
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Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor & hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!

Meh, you win some and you lose some. My best friend went to Iraq, he came back with less than he left with, you'll find little sympathy from me

Your friend signed up to invade someones homeland. This dude was minding his own business.

Then Fox keeps pounding the airwaves with Americas War on Islam & Muslims to piss off 1/3rd of the planet so they will attack the USA. Fox can't stand it when Obama refuses to agitate Muslims by saying that.

GFY, my friend signed up to protect and serve America. Fuck your radical towel heads, every last one of them. Obama is a spineless asshole and fuck him also
Perhaps it is the height of hypocrisy when you run around in tri-cornered hats, puffing on fifes and waving flags and have the temerity to dismiss the horrible barbarity we participated in wrapped in pseudo patriotism. We lessened ourselves as culturally superior people and stooped down to the level of our enemies and some Americans can't see how misguided all that is.
Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor & hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!

Meh, you win some and you lose some. My best friend went to Iraq, he came back with less than he left with, you'll find little sympathy from me

Your friend signed up to invade someones homeland. This dude was minding his own business.

Then Fox keeps pounding the airwaves with Americas War on Islam & Muslims to piss off 1/3rd of the planet so they will attack the USA. Fox can't stand it when Obama refuses to agitate Muslims by saying that.

GFY, my friend signed up to protect and serve America. Fuck your radical towel heads, every last one of them. Obama is a spineless asshole and fuck him also
Fuck everyone.....the shotgun approach to the war on terrorism.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?
Torturing Terrorist is fine with me. But we rounded up innocent people & tortured them to death. Then we invaded Iraq. Iraqis resisting US invaders were thrown into Abu-Ghraib prison tortured & killed. None of those Iraqis were terrorist. We were the terrorist in that case.

Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture

I'm still finding it hard to believe someone died from sitting on a concrete floor w/o pants. Maybe he did but it sounds far fetched.

War is hell and don't think for one moment the Islamos wouldn't or haven't' done the same or worse to people.

I don't want to be like the Islamo fascists. I read where they have a catalog selling women as sex slaves and they just murdered 19 or so for not having sex. Maybe it is all propaganda but it sure seems like they are not the kind of people that I would want to be.
Tortured them to death? Really? LOL

A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture

I'm still finding it hard to believe someone died from sitting on a concrete floor w/o pants. Maybe he did but it sounds far fetched.

War is hell and don't think for one moment the Islamos wouldn't or haven't' done the same or worse to people.

I don't want to be like the Islamo fascists. I read where they have a catalog selling women as sex slaves and they just murdered 19 or so for not having sex. Maybe it is all propaganda but it sure seems like they are not the kind of people that I would want to be.

That same catalog also has children as young as one for sale also.
A CIA prisoner froze to death after subjected to 48 hours of sleep deprivation, auditory overload, total darkness, isolation, a cold shower and rough treatment. Striped naked & shackled to the wall of his cell in a position that required the detainee to rest on the bare concrete floor. An internal CIA review and autopsy assessed he likely died from hypothermia – “in part from having been forced to sit on the bare concrete floor without pants”.

Sitting on a concrete floor without pants is torture? I'd like to see more of this story, got a link?
Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture

I'm still finding it hard to believe someone died from sitting on a concrete floor w/o pants. Maybe he did but it sounds far fetched.

War is hell and don't think for one moment the Islamos wouldn't or haven't' done the same or worse to people.

I don't want to be like the Islamo fascists. I read where they have a catalog selling women as sex slaves and they just murdered 19 or so for not having sex. Maybe it is all propaganda but it sure seems like they are not the kind of people that I would want to be.

That same catalog also has children as young as one for sale also.

We're talking ISIS not PP, right? :(
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?

Wow, that's probably a couple trillion dollars in welfare and a hell of a lot of Democratic voters.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?

Wow, that's probably a couple trillion dollars in welfare and a hell of a lot of Democratic voters.

Truth up. That's why they need to import 30 million uneducated unskilled from third world countries.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?
I think you're posing a false equivalency.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?

Wow, that's probably a couple trillion dollars in welfare and a hell of a lot of Democratic voters.

Truth up. That's why they need to import 30 million uneducated unskilled from third world countries.

So we get the welfare and voters regardless. I like how that works.
Falsely arrested for mistaken identity, tortured, because you truly have no idea about what they are asking for, stripped naked, shackled to cold concrete wall & floor & hosed down with ice cold water. Gee I wonder why he died. I'll bet hypothermia was a real pleasant death. NOT!!!

Meh, you win some and you lose some. My best friend went to Iraq, he came back with less than he left with, you'll find little sympathy from me

Your friend signed up to invade someones homeland. This dude was minding his own business.

Then Fox keeps pounding the airwaves with Americas War on Islam & Muslims to piss off 1/3rd of the planet so they will attack the USA. Fox can't stand it when Obama refuses to agitate Muslims by saying that.

GFY, my friend signed up to protect and serve America. Fuck your radical towel heads, every last one of them. Obama is a spineless asshole and fuck him also
Sorry about your friend, I truly am. However, Bush et al served us all very badly. Not one of those deaths or injures protected anyone from anything here. Flat fact of the matter.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
The fact that we even discuss whether or not torture is a good idea shows how far our society has deteriorated. The qualities and attributes that once made America "exceptional" are no longer relevant.

Torture is wrong in my opinion. What I find disingenuous about is the arguments. First of all most, including myself, on this board would not stand up to torture very long in my opinion. That does not make torture viable only understandable. Much like when Allen fired a gun next to a captured enemy, is that torture? The left wing sure smeared Allen as if it were. (army also)

My point is that it seems very strange to me that the left will do all it can to protect the most vile in our society, yet the most innocent they are willing to send to the ovens or sell their body parts. On the other hand there are those on the right that are are all for torture, of other people, and yet say they are against abortion. On the left it seems that guilt/innocents doesn't matter they have made a stand that actually makes no sense other then to tear the fabric of society, even if they don't sincerly realize it. At least the arguments on the right are somewhat consistent. Punish those who do evil and protect the most innocent. Torture our enemies to protect our friends.

I really do not believe that ANYONE tortures someone for no good reason. If the techniques didn't work why would they do them? That does not mean I condone the practice but reality should be admitted so the subject can be truthfully discussed.
Ever wonder how many completely innocent people have been tortured?

One is too many, but since Roe vs Wade I believe the number of innocents killed is somewhere around 50 million, what do you think of that?
I think you're posing a false equivalency.

Nope, you are ignoring that all life matters.

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