William Barr

I accuse him of being too old to care that this will end his career and disgrace his name.

OUCH. That's gotta hurt. I'm sure Trump is rubbing the Ben gay ointment on his injury right now.

But wait! You were telling us almost two years ago that his career was already over before it even began and that he already WAS disgraced!

It amazes me that with leaders like disgraceful Obama, Hillary, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Rice and Lynch that they can still have the temerity to even bring up careers and integrity with a straight face.
I accuse him of being too old to care that this will end his career and disgrace his name.

OUCH. That's gotta hurt. I'm sure Trump is rubbing the Ben gay ointment on his injury right now.

But wait! You were telling us almost two years ago that his career was already over before it even began and that he already WAS disgraced!

It amazes me that with leaders like disgraceful Obama, Hillary, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Rice and Lynch that they can still have the temerity to even bring up careers and integrity with a straight face.
Your rant made no sense. Barr will join all the other disgraced and humiliated failures that resigned or were fired from the dotard's administration.
someone will be paid to photo shop a pic of barr having his way with a hot sleeping model
I accuse him of being too old to care that this will end his career and disgrace his name.

OUCH. That's gotta hurt. I'm sure Trump is rubbing the Ben gay ointment on his injury right now.

But wait! You were telling us almost two years ago that his career was already over before it even began and that he already WAS disgraced!

It amazes me that with leaders like disgraceful Obama, Hillary, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Rice and Lynch that they can still have the temerity to even bring up careers and integrity with a straight face.
Your rant made no sense. Barr will join all the other disgraced and humiliated failures that resigned or were fired from the dotard's administration.

So in other words Flag, anything you can't understand simply doesn't have any standing unless YOU agree with it. And beyond that, you are now in the business of predicting the failed, the disgraced and the criminal before they even do anything!

the Dems will create/dig up a former stripper who will claim that Barr tipped her{when she was naked of course} with a counter fit 100 dollar bill

All when you look at it is all the same thing..

When rich left wing millionaires and billionaires prop themselves up as victims, that means that is all they do.

I accuse him of being too old to care that this will end his career and disgrace his name.

OUCH. That's gotta hurt. I'm sure Trump is rubbing the Ben gay ointment on his injury right now.

But wait! You were telling us almost two years ago that his career was already over before it even began and that he already WAS disgraced!

It amazes me that with leaders like disgraceful Obama, Hillary, Holder, Pelosi, Reid, Waters, Wasserman-Schultz, Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Rice and Lynch that they can still have the temerity to even bring up careers and integrity with a straight face.
Your rant made no sense. Barr will join all the other disgraced and humiliated failures that resigned or were fired from the dotard's administration.

So in other words Flag, anything you can't understand simply doesn't have any standing unless YOU agree with it. And beyond that, you are now in the business of predicting the failed, the disgraced and the criminal before they even do anything!
It's predicting, yes, but history points towards me being correct
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.
William Barr said, "Kill the family dog!"???


Does he hate wetbacks like Hitler hated Jews?
If so.....HIRE HIM!
we don't take right wingers seriously in abortion threads anymore.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Actually, Weaver WAS law abiding. He had never had so much as a library fine prior to the murder of his son by US Marshall Degan.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Actually, Weaver WAS law abiding. He had never had so much as a library fine prior to the murder of his son by US Marshall Degan.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.
William Barr said, "Kill the family dog!"???


He didn't actually do the violence. The FBI did. They went into that compound and killed almost everyone. He ordered the FBI to go in there and kill everyone.

Yes they shot and killed the family dog:

Ruby Ridge incident | History, Facts, Aftermath, & Map

On August 21, 1992, the situation turned violent after Weaver’s dog discovered a surveillance team of six heavily armed U.S. marshals inside the Ruby Ridge property. One of them shot and killed the dog, which led to an exchange of fire with Sammy Weaver, who was shot in the back and killed. Harris also opened fire, killing Degan.

That isn't an order by Barr to kill the dog.

Degan led the raid.

Sammy Weaver was out hunting with his dog.

Degan shot and killed the dog because the barking might warn the house of the military assault he was leading on them. Sammy saw Degan kill the dog and turned to flee, Degan murdered him. Kevin Harris saw Degan murder 14 year old Sammy and shot an killed him. The rest of the paramilitary squad sent to kill the Weavers returned fire at Harris, who was wounded and fled back to the house. From their they brought in FBI assassin Lon Horiuchi to kill the weavers. He eventually shot unarmed Vicki in the head as she held her infant child.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Relevant reading - Rand Paul ‘disturbed’ by attorney general nominee’s views

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Sunday said he hasn't decided whether to support President Donald Trump's pick to be the next attorney general because of concerns about privacy issues.

Speaking on NBC's "Meet the Press," Paul said that he's concerned William Barr, who previously held the attorney general post from 1991 to 1993, "has been a big supporter of the Patriot Act, which lowered the standard for spying on Americans, and he even went so far as to say the Patriot Act was pretty good — we should go much further."

He also alleged Barr is a "big fan" of seizing people’s property through civil asset forfeiture.

"I haven't made a decision about him, but I can‘t tell you — the first things I've learned about him being for more surveillance of Americans is very, very troubling," Paul said.
I want G Gordon Liddy for AG just to see some left wing heads explode
g gordonliddylol.jpg

Obama and Hillary make Nixon look like a cub scout
Liddy could prosecute Obama and Hillary for their crimes.
Last edited:
Just announched.....a great choice and maybe we will finally see some action on certain political elements whose crimes were protected by the previous administration and even Jeff Sessions was too cowardly to go after the same group.

Donald Trump Confirms He Will Nominate William Barr as Next Attorney General | Breitbart
Shit choice....A Bush retread who was in charge when Randy Weaver's family was murdered.

Cheeto is being undermined by his inner circle.
Stuff like this just confirms the suspicion I’ve had all along that Trump is “one of them”, a fraud, just another puppet.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.
Wasn't that Janet Reno that did all of that?

Wow. Really? Still?

Ruby Ridge happened in August 1992. At that time Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas and campaigning in his first run for the presidency. He won that race in November 1992. He became president in January 1993. Janet Reno didn't become AG until later that year.

Please tell me how she could have done that when george bush the first was president and william barr was his AG?

Man you people seriously need to get out of your fantasy bubbles where everything is the fault of either one of the Clintons or one of the Obamas.

Reality here. george bush the first was president. william barr was the AG. Those two men are responsible for what happened at Ruby Ridge.

I posted a link to the Encyclopedia Britannica with the facts about this. You really should have clicked on it.
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Lord. Ruby Ridge was a Clinton mashup.

Wow you people are so full of lies that you can't even look at a date.

Ruby Ridge happened in August 1992. At the time Bill Clinton was the governor of the state of Arkansas running in his first campaign for the presidency. He won in November 1992. He was sworn into office in January 1993.

You people have been fed lies about everything for so long you can't even look at a date and know that george bush the first was president with william barr as his AG in August 1992.

Bill Clinton had absolutely nothing to do with Ruby Ridge. He had no authority as the governor of the state of Arkansas to send federal marshalls and the FBI into Idaho to kill almost everyone living at Ruby Ridge.

The fact that you know what happened there was very wrong and never should have happened causes you to not believe it was a conservative republican president with his conservative republican AG who are responsible for all that killing of innocent people at Ruby Ridge.

Yes randy weaver was a right wing separatist and loved his guns but that didn't make it right for george bush the first and william barr to send in the federal government to kill nearly everyone at Ruby Ridge. Vicki Weaver was just standing in the doorway of her home holding her infant son when they killed her. What threat was she? What threat was Sammy Weaver when he was running away from them and they shot him in the back? What threat was the family dog other than to alert the Weaver family that a bunch of fully armed federal agents were on their property?

You know what happened there was wrong so you refuse to believe that it was conservative republicans george bush the first and william barr who are responsible for all of it happening. And now trump wants to make that same man the AG.

Reality here. The truth isn't pretty but it is true facts. None of the Clintons are responsible for any of what happened at Ruby Ridge. Stop lying to yourselves and to cyberspace. Those of us who have working brain cells and aren't partisan hacks are disgusted with people who will lie about facts the way you conservative republicans do constantly.
you know...

the fact that DemonRats are hating William Barr so much....

you know what?

I am beginning to like him more ....heeeeee
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Lord. Ruby Ridge was a Clinton mashup.
No it wasn't -- Ruby Ridge happened before Clinton was even in office...
This man was the first bush's AG.

The same man who sent federal agents in to kill almost everyone at Ruby Ridge. He ordered the killing of even the family dog. They shot and killed Vikki Weaver while she stood in the doorway of her home holding her infant son in her arms.

Yes Randy Weaver wasn't a law abiding person and was a separatist but that doesn't mean it's ok to invade his land and kill everyone including the family dog.

This man isn't fit to be our AG.

Lord. Ruby Ridge was a Clinton mashup.

Wow you people are so full of lies that you can't even look at a date.

Ruby Ridge happened in August 1992. At the time Bill Clinton was the governor of the state of Arkansas running in his first campaign for the presidency. He won in November 1992. He was sworn into office in January 1993.

You people have been fed lies about everything for so long you can't even look at a date and know that george bush the first was president with william barr as his AG in August 1992.

Bill Clinton had absolutely nothing to do with Ruby Ridge. He had no authority as the governor of the state of Arkansas to send federal marshalls and the FBI into Idaho to kill almost everyone living at Ruby Ridge.

The fact that you know what happened there was very wrong and never should have happened causes you to not believe it was a conservative republican president with his conservative republican AG who are responsible for all that killing of innocent people at Ruby Ridge.

Yes randy weaver was a right wing separatist and loved his guns but that didn't make it right for george bush the first and william barr to send in the federal government to kill nearly everyone at Ruby Ridge. Vicki Weaver was just standing in the doorway of her home holding her infant son when they killed her. What threat was she? What threat was Sammy Weaver when he was running away from them and they shot him in the back? What threat was the family dog other than to alert the Weaver family that a bunch of fully armed federal agents were on their property?

You know what happened there was wrong so you refuse to believe that it was conservative republicans george bush the first and william barr who are responsible for all of it happening. And now trump wants to make that same man the AG.

Reality here. The truth isn't pretty but it is true facts. None of the Clintons are responsible for any of what happened at Ruby Ridge. Stop lying to yourselves and to cyberspace. Those of us who have working brain cells and aren't partisan hacks are disgusted with people who will lie about facts the way you conservative republicans do constantly.

So people get Ruby Ridge conflated with Waco. Are the 2 situations not similar?

If this Barr guy ordered Ruby Ridge, that's not good.

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