wish me luck today

Wishing you the very best report....
well i am back...the cancer is back too but the good news is that he could remove it in the office if i stayed tough.....o i am not tough but i did not want to go back to the hospital....so i was game to try...and he was able to remove it.....

now listen yall dont be bummed....sure it came back but its low grade non invasive as far as he can tell....path report comes back friday or next monday....and i got another appt in 3 months.....

and i will say this....i really wished my husband had been there just to hold my hand...but i made it......i got thru it....without going back to the hospital....

so the answer to prayers and good wishes may not have been the answer we wanted but it worked out and it was just bad news/good news......the good news being that they were so small he could lift and pinch them out....it was an o my moment...but i would like to thank everyone for keeping me in their prayers and thoughts.....this morning.....i didnt wanna post this at the doctors office cause i aint that good on the smart phone posting stuff...

but i am good and thanks again....yall have been champs about this
That the doc could get at the new stuff is super, bones.

Perhaps that will be the end of it.

Good on you "for handing tough."
You are the champ, Bones.

Putting in many good words for you with "You Know Who"!

Healthy Regards from Rosie
he has prepared me that this is not the end but like the skin cancer we will just keep up with it...small ones are easy to remove in his office....and we did it without any pills.....

i came home to my stash.......

002_zps68a2c305.mp4 Video by strollingbones | Photobucket

Clonopin is used for anxiety. I've used it myself and it works pretty well. Yeah, can be habit forming, and the dose needs to increase as you become habituated to it. But it works well.

I know i've bashed you a more than a few times here. Dont take it personally. I wish you the best, and a speedy full recovery.

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