Wishful Thinking....

I remember when Reagan was president. Every budget he submitted was "dead on arrival" because it didn't have enough spending. Then they blamed him for the deficit.

The POTUS always gets blamed....well in your case every Dem POTUS does and every Repub POTUS is 100% innocent of adding to the spending.
Military Spending by Country 2022

1.The United States — $778 billion
2.China — $252 billion [estimated]
3.India — $72.9 billion
4.Russia — $61.7 billion
5.United Kingdom — $59.2 billion
6.Saudi Arabia — $57.5 billion [estimated]
7.Germany — $52.8 billion
8.France — $52.7 billion
9.Japan — $49.1 billion
10.South Korea — $45.7 billion

Cut the US spending in half.

Repeal the NFA and support local militias AS THE FOUNDERS INTENDED.

Take the money saved and pay down the national debt. Then, build up a surplus. Then, we can have the money to look at investing in other thing THAT ACTUALLY BENEFIT THE PEOPLE.

Otherwise, I just want the entire federal government disband. All federal laws repealed and destroyed.
So go back to bed, I'm sure your liberal comrades will understand.

Why would I go back to bed just because you are drunk and making stupid post?

That is the logic only a drunk person would post
Typical Republicans

They didn’t demand spending cuts when Trump slashed taxes to historic lows. They never question the debt limit when a Republican is in office.

But as soon as a Democrat is in office, they demand fiscal austerity
Again... you stupidly make dumb ass comments just like the dumb ass Dims.... FACTS:
The president’s budget includes $4.4 trillion in proposed spending cuts.
The president’s 2021 budget makes significant progress in reducing the government’s reach and returning power to the people.

President Donald Trump’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2021 would reduce the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy significantly by shifting government responsibilities back to constitutional priorities and empowering state and local governments.
These reforms, contained in the request Trump sent Monday morning to Congress, would put the budget on track to balance and represent a significant first step toward reducing spending and stabilizing the nation’s unsustainable debt.

NOTE the phrase:"the size and reach of the federal bureaucracy"

The Trump administration on Wednesday reported $23 billion in savings from 176 deregulatory actions in fiscal year 2018. Even more consequential, the administration has issued 65 percent fewer “significant” rules—those with costs that exceed $100 million a year—than the Obama administration, and 51 percent fewer than the Bush administration, after 22 months in office.

The administration’s own reckonings of cost savings from deregulation—which they put at $198.6 billion by the end of 2020—

EX Orders
Trump.. 220 average per year 55.
Biden .. 103 average per year 59
Again... you stupidly make dumb ass comments just like the dumb ass Dims.... FACTS:
The president’s budget includes $4.4 trillion in proposed spending cuts.
The president’s 2021 budget makes significant progress in reducing the government’s reach and returning power to the people.

They are not spending cuts when you just move the money from from agency to another and end up spending more than you were the year before, which is what Trump's budget did.
They are not spending cuts when you just move the money from from agency to another and end up spending more than you were the year before, which is what Trump's budget did.

Trump ran a $2 trillion deficit in 2021
They are not spending cuts when you just move the money from from agency to another and end up spending more than you were the year before, which is what Trump's budget did.
PROVE it! Geez who in the hell are you to think your dumb ass comments mean anything? NOT one single shred of proof.
Now to prove you are a true dummy!
Are you saying this was wrong? The Trump administration quietly spent $10 billion from a Covid-19 fund for hospitals and used it to bankroll Operation Warp Speed contracts, The Trump administration quietly spent billions in hospital funds on Operation Warp Speed
WHAT is wrong with that? That's smart use of funds that don't REQUIRE MORE debt!
Now what is wrong with this?
The order outlines how the administration will expedite environmental reviews and approval of "high priority" infrastructure projects, such as repairs to bridges, airports and highways.

But again gator.... you provide NOT one piece of proof of your totally ignorant comment:
Trump moved money from agency to another end up spending more"! Prove it!!!
$4.4 Trillion?

Total Revenue is only $4 Trillion
Dumb f...!!!!
The White House proposal slashes spending by $4.4 trillion over 10 years, and aims to reduce the deficit by $4.6 trillion in that time period.

Why is it so hard for you to do what took me less than 2 minutes at the most of which was typing this totally simple answer?
The washington enablers of bloated government and deficit spending refuse to accept the only solution that could succeed

Which is across-the-board spending cuts where we all share the pain equally

Instead swamp rats seek to pit one interest group against another

"Across the board spending cuts" don't work because they make things much, much worse for people at the bottom of the income scale. That's what they did with the "Sequester" spending bill when Republicans retook the House under Obama. Nobody was happy with the result, but it did have the desired effect of slowing the recovery, which is what Republicans wanted to do to ensure Obama was a one term President.

Cut your bloated Defense Department budget. This budget has been supporting the exorbitant expenses associated with equipping and maintaining battlefield forces for the past 20 years. Cut the budget and call it a "peace dividend". Imagine if all of the money wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent on American infrastructure, education and health care over the past 20 years.

Cut the bloated corporate subsidies. This notion that Kansas will pay a corporation to move to that state and steal jobs from Washington or California is beyond ridiculous. There's a book out called "race to the bottom", and tax credits and free infrastructure to lure corporations to your state over another state are ridiculous.

The residents of Wisconsin would have paid $754 per person - every man, woman and child, to Foxxcom to bring that company to the state. This was the cost of "incentives" offered, and then it turned out that it was all a scam. Foxxcom has been going around the world getting "incentives" from governments to build facilities, but has yet to build a facility.

New York residents, in one of the last affordable boroughs of the city, would have paid $9 billion to build the infrastructure and services that Amazon needed. The net result would have been the destruction of their neighbourhood. Jeff Bezos doesn't need to be getting $9 billion in capital improvements on top of not paying ANY income taxes, either personally or through Amazon, to the government which is making him the wealthiest man on the planet.

This is outrageous.
PROVE it! Geez who in the hell are you to think your dumb ass comments mean anything? NOT one single shred of proof.
Now to prove you are a true dummy!
Are you saying this was wrong? The Trump administration quietly spent $10 billion from a Covid-19 fund for hospitals and used it to bankroll Operation Warp Speed contracts, The Trump administration quietly spent billions in hospital funds on Operation Warp Speed
WHAT is wrong with that? That's smart use of funds that don't REQUIRE MORE debt!
Now what is wrong with this?
The order outlines how the administration will expedite environmental reviews and approval of "high priority" infrastructure projects, such as repairs to bridges, airports and highways.

But again gator.... you provide NOT one piece of proof of your totally ignorant comment:
Trump moved money from agency to another end up spending more"! Prove it!!!

Did the deficit go up every year Trump was in office - yes or no? What more proof do you need? Trump hired 5000 border guards, and fired everyone in the State Department. He put 40,000 people in for profit prison camps, but cut food stamps.

Every crisis Trump focused his laser like attention on, got much, much worse.
"Across the board spending cuts" don't work because they make things much, much worse for people at the bottom of the income scale. That's what they did with the "Sequester" spending bill when Republicans retook the House under Obama. Nobody was happy with the result, but it did have the desired effect of slowing the recovery, which is what Republicans wanted to do to ensure Obama was a one term President.

Cut your bloated Defense Department budget. This budget has been supporting the exorbitant expenses associated with equipping and maintaining battlefield forces for the past 20 years. Cut the budget and call it a "peace dividend". Imagine if all of the money wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan had been spent on American infrastructure, education and health care over the past 20 years.

Cut the bloated corporate subsidies. This notion that Kansas will pay a corporation to move to that state and steal jobs from Washington or California is beyond ridiculous. There's a book out called "race to the bottom", and tax credits and free infrastructure to lure corporations to your state over another state are ridiculous.

The residents of Wisconsin would have paid $754 per person - every man, woman and child, to Foxxcom to bring that company to the state. This was the cost of "incentives" offered, and then it turned out that it was all a scam. Foxxcom has been going around the world getting "incentives" from governments to build facilities, but has yet to build a facility.

New York residents, in one of the last affordable boroughs of the city, would have paid $9 billion to build the infrastructure and services that Amazon needed. The net result would have been the destruction of their neighbourhood. Jeff Bezos doesn't need to be getting $9 billion in capital improvements on top of not paying ANY income taxes, either personally or through Amazon, to the government which is making him the wealthiest man on the planet.

This is outrageous.
Even if you had a dog in this fight - which as a canadian you dont - asking interest groups you dont like to get out of the life boat to drown is lib stupidity

No one is going to agree to be the sacrificial lamb for the sake of lib social engineering

From the above article...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who would probably become House Speaker if Republicans prevail in November, recently told Punchbowl News that his party might demand government spending cuts in order to vote to extend Washington’s borrowing limit. “You can’t just continue down the path to keep spending and adding to the debt,” McCarthy said. “You got to change your current behavior.”

Now, I 100% agree with those words from him. The wishful thinking part of me wants him to say that when there is a Repub president in the White House instead of just when there is a Dem there.

McCarthy was the House Majority Leader during the time that the GOP had both sides of Congress and the White House and yet never was legislation put forth to cut spending during that time when they could have actually done it.

As I said, just wishful thinking on my part.
'Cutting spending' is meaningless rhetoric.

There is spending that is necessary, proper, and warranted.
Read between the lines in posts like this. Even democrat politicians seem reluctant to talk about the Biden administration or illegal immigration or inflation or energy prices so what do they have to talk about? They would rather engage in a conversation about the minority party and they draw us into a discussion about things that are not a political reality. It beats the real world and talking about Biden.
Newman's multi-paragraph fake news article has a mere two partial and out of context sentences from McCarthy. That's what LWNJ moonbats get when they rely on known fake news sources like Yahoo.

I keep seeing Kevin McCarthy on the news and in election media talking about impeaching Biden, and assisting Trump's Second Revenge Tour, but precious little about what they're going to do on the economy.

Republicans had 4 years under Trump to cut spending, and they inflated it outrageously in every single year he was in office.

As for the source, please not that they rate HIGH in fact checks:


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