Wishful Thinking....

Typical Republicans

They didn’t demand spending cuts when Trump slashed taxes to historic lows. They never question the debt limit when a Republican is in office.

But as soon as a Democrat is in office, they demand fiscal austerity
We saw the same thing during the Bush years and the Obama years.

Republicans ALWAYS claim they'll "get it right" this time and never do...because it's not realistic
We saw the same thing during the Bush years and the Obama years.

Republicans ALWAYS claim they'll "get it right" this time and never do...because it's not realistic
Just like Democrats

Anyone continuing to vote for either party in the corrupt duopoly is practicing insanity
We saw the same thing during the Bush years and the Obama years.

Republicans ALWAYS claim they'll "get it right" this time and never do...because it's not realistic
Republicans never even attempt to balance the budget while they are calling the shots…..but demand austerity from Democrats
The Gators are actually good?

Yeah, that was pretty wishful thinking for sure.

But then again, the same thing can be said about the Aggies

Just read an article that put forth the idea of Richardson playing tight end as it turns out he is not a very good QB after all....tons of physical ability though.
Yeah, that was pretty wishful thinking for sure.

But then again, the same thing can be said about the Aggies

Just read an article that put forth the idea of Richardson playing tight end as it turns out he is not a very good QB after all....tons of physical ability though.
Y'all made the right hire. It's just gonna take him a little time. Definitely improved the team.

Anyway. Not to derail your topic. Now I'll get back on topic.
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From the above article...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who would probably become House Speaker if Republicans prevail in November, recently told Punchbowl News that his party might demand government spending cuts in order to vote to extend Washington’s borrowing limit. “You can’t just continue down the path to keep spending and adding to the debt,” McCarthy said. “You got to change your current behavior.”

Now, I 100% agree with those words from him. The wishful thinking part of me wants him to say that when there is a Repub president in the White House instead of just when there is a Dem there.

McCarthy was the House Majority Leader during the time that the GOP had both sides of Congress and the White House and yet never was legislation put forth to cut spending during that time when they could have actually done it.

As I said, just wishful thinking on my part.
Nobody in the duopoly has any interest in cutting spending.

It is all a bunch of money laundering schemes. Those schemes are designed to get elected officials rich. And it works. And we pay for it.

I want somebody to justify having a federal government. What good does it do me? I want some specifics.

So far, the only reasons given to me for needing a federal government have been to address problems created by the federal government.
Nobody in the duopoly has any interest in cutting spending.

It is all a bunch of money laundering schemes. Those schemes are designed to get elected officials rich. And it works. And we pay for it.

I want somebody to justify having a federal government. What good does it do me? I want some specifics.

So far, the only reasons given to me for needing a federal government have been to address problems created by the federal government.

I think National Defense from foreign adversaries would be in there.

But even that would need tight restrictions as the charlatans in Washington would find a way to make everything about National Defense.
Now, I 100% agree with those words from him. The wishful thinking part of me wants him to say that when there is a Repub president in the White House instead of just when there is a Dem there.

McCarthy was the House Majority Leader during the time that the GOP had both sides of Congress and the White House and yet never was legislation put forth to cut spending during that time when they could have actually done it.

As I said, just wishful thinking on my part.

Under President Donald Trump, Congress passed three spending bills — in 2017, 2018 and 2019 — that suspended the debt limit.
As do Repubs, douchbag.

But you do not give a fuck when they do it.
Actually the Democrats are the proverbial party of "tax and spend"

At least they try to balance the budget.

Republicans put their wild spending on the government credit card for future generations to pay for.

Republicans cut taxes on the rich, while continuing to spend. Remember the "Lauffer curve" that was supposed to balance the budget?

They should have called it the Laugher curve.
Yeah, that was pretty wishful thinking for sure.

But then again, the same thing can be said about the Aggies

Just read an article that put forth the idea of Richardson playing tight end as it turns out he is not a very good QB after all....tons of physical ability though.

Y'all need Spurrier back. The looks and scowls on his face were classic.

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