Wishful Thinking....

Did the deficit go up every year Trump was in office - yes or no? What more proof do you need? Trump hired 5000 border guards, and fired everyone in the State Department. He put 40,000 people in for profit prison camps, but cut food stamps.

Every crisis Trump focused his laser like attention on, got much, much worse.
Why can't you understand that making such a DUMB ass comment "fired everyone in the State Department" just shows your stupidity? GEEZ don't you realize people are stunned by the ignorance of people like you! It's a shame!

NOW for a FACT! OK... Google search "did Trump fire everyone in the State Department"??? ZERO!
NOW for the FACTS!!! So easy to totally refute your dumb comment!
"Based on our research, the claim that President Trump fired the ‘entire’ pandemic response team is PARTLY FALSE. The Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense was disbanded under Trump’s then-national security adviser John Bolton. But Trump didn’t fire its members. Some resigned, and others moved to different units on the National Security Council…” (Caldera, 9/10).https://www.kff.org/news-summary/usa-today-fact-checks-claim-trump-fired-entire-nsc-global-health-unit/
NOTE that was just a pandemic team and they all weren't fired! But you are so stupid!

Employees13,747 Foreign Service employees 10,518 Civil Service employees 50,424 local employees
So YOU are so stupid that you said "Trump fire everyone in the State Department"! All 13,747 employees Right?

Actually Trump ordered 15,000 new border guards.

Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead​

So what is the problem? That certainly is more productive than telling illegals..as Biden did...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
I keep seeing Kevin McCarthy on the news and in election media talking about impeaching Biden, and assisting Trump's Second Revenge Tour, but precious little about what they're going to do on the economy.

Republicans had 4 years under Trump to cut spending, and they inflated it outrageously in every single year he was in office.

As for the source, please not that they rate HIGH in fact checks:

The biggest increase came when Democrats refused military spending unless they got billions for their bullshit. Trump said it would not happen again and Mc Turtle stabbed him in the back. Try the truth.
'Cutting spending' is meaningless rhetoric.

There is spending that is necessary, proper, and warranted.

There's also very little federal spending that CAN be cut, because most of it is tied to salaries and service contract the government is bound to contractually. That leaves approximately 35% of federal spending which can be cut, and most of that is the defense budget.

Truthfully, you could cut that in half and still be we able to defend yourselves.
Why can't you understand that making such a DUMB ass comment "fired everyone in the State Department" just shows your stupidity? GEEZ don't you realize people are stunned by the ignorance of people like you! It's a shame!

NOW for a FACT! OK... Google search "did Trump fire everyone in the State Department"??? ZERO!
NOW for the FACTS!!! So easy to totally refute your dumb comment!
"Based on our research, the claim that President Trump fired the ‘entire’ pandemic response team is PARTLY FALSE. The Directorate of Global Health Security and Biodefense was disbanded under Trump’s then-national security adviser John Bolton. But Trump didn’t fire its members. Some resigned, and others moved to different units on the National Security Council…” (Caldera, 9/10).https://www.kff.org/news-summary/usa-today-fact-checks-claim-trump-fired-entire-nsc-global-health-unit/
NOTE that was just a pandemic team and they all weren't fired! But you are so stupid!

Employees13,747 Foreign Service employees 10,518 Civil Service employees 50,424 local employees
So YOU are so stupid that you said "Trump fire everyone in the State Department"! All 13,747 employees Right?

Actually Trump ordered 15,000 new border guards.

Trump ordered 15,000 new border and immigration officers — but got thousands of vacancies instead​

So what is the problem? That certainly is more productive than telling illegals..as Biden did...
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

Triggered much. I have a life. Unlike YOU, I'm not being paid to post lies and bullshit. These facts are widely reported and well known. You post no credible proof of any of the crap you post, so get over yourself, asshole.
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'Cutting spending' is meaningless rhetoric.

There is spending that is necessary, proper, and warranted.

And there is spending that is wasteful, fraudulent and not needed.

We could easily cut 10% off the top of the Govt spending just by removing the "use it or lose it" mentality with budgets within the Fed Govt.
It's what we have to work with.

I mean maybe you go to sports events and bet money on a team that's not playing -
Makes as much since.
We already have other political parties that get on ballots. A 3rd party is not an impossibility.
Triggered much. I have a life. Unlike YOU, I'm not being paid to post lies and bullshit. These facts are widely reported and well known. You post no credible proof of any of the crap you post, so get over yourself, asshole.
YOU said about me..., I" being paid to post lies and bullshit." Well right there I know you are truly a dummy!
A) you make a total ass of yourself stating "I'm Paid". I'm paid ZERO and I should know BETTER than YOU!
But that's how totally dumb you are! You make a statement WITHOUT any knowledge of the situation. ZERO like your IQ!
B) "facts widely reported" Well if they are WHY are you so dumb and lazy not to at least substantiate clearly dumb statements?
C) OH boy.."you post no credible proof"!
How about these FACTS:
Biden to Eliminate fossil fuels..."I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”.

Encourage illegal immigrants: I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Biden's video:

Now if you are so totally dumb as to say Biden never said those things... I wouldn't be surprised!
The POTUS always gets blamed....well in your case every Dem POTUS does and every Repub POTUS is 100% innocent of adding to the spending.
In reality, the president should share responsibility with the Congress that gives him a shit bill that he is stuck with and has to sign, otherwise GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN. THE HORROR!!!

Just once, I want a president to say literally "fuck you" and let the government shut down for the remainder of his term. I would love to see a president have those kind of balls.

That dude would kick the shit out of everybody. His agenda would get past 100% of the time.

No president has those balls. They are all chickenshit motherfuckers who do not deserve to hold the title of "commander-in-chief."
If you REALLY want spending cuts while providing quality government services:

Socialize ALL government contractors.

That's where all the governments money is going - and it ain't going to the contractor's employees.

Besides, if all profits were removed from military contractors, we'd probably win our wars instead of having them last ad infinitum.

From the above article...

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who would probably become House Speaker if Republicans prevail in November, recently told Punchbowl News that his party might demand government spending cuts in order to vote to extend Washington’s borrowing limit. “You can’t just continue down the path to keep spending and adding to the debt,” McCarthy said. “You got to change your current behavior.”

Now, I 100% agree with those words from him. The wishful thinking part of me wants him to say that when there is a Repub president in the White House instead of just when there is a Dem there.

McCarthy was the House Majority Leader during the time that the GOP had both sides of Congress and the White House and yet never was legislation put forth to cut spending during that time when they could have actually done it.

As I said, just wishful thinking on my part.
If Repubs say freeze the budget, do you believe that it will bring affection, love and blessings as somewhere people will lose those payouts? Once we got into politicians paying people off the game was over.
If you REALLY want spending cuts while providing quality government services:

Socialize ALL government contractors.

That's where all the governments money is going - and it ain't going to the contractor's employees.

Besides, if all profits were removed from military contractors, we'd probably win our wars instead of having them last ad infinitum.
To many bums. To many contractors who are not very good and get money from their cultural backgrounds. To many contractors who are corrupted and have a different way of approaching private and public contracts. When we are poor enough and this exists, we will be a true banana republic and there will be no one sending us money for it.
YOU said about me..., I" being paid to post lies and bullshit." Well right there I know you are truly a dummy!
A) you make a total ass of yourself stating "I'm Paid". I'm paid ZERO and I should know BETTER than YOU!
But that's how totally dumb you are! You make a statement WITHOUT any knowledge of the situation. ZERO like your IQ!
B) "facts widely reported" Well if they are WHY are you so dumb and lazy not to at least substantiate clearly dumb statements?
C) OH boy.."you post no credible proof"!
How about these FACTS:
Biden to Eliminate fossil fuels..."I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”.

Encourage illegal immigrants: I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Biden's video:

Now if you are so totally dumb as to say Biden never said those things... I wouldn't be surprised!

Biden swears to end fossil fuel production then plays stupid when gas prices go up
If Repubs say freeze the budget, do you believe that it will bring affection, love and blessings as somewhere people will lose those payouts? Once we got into politicians paying people off the game was over.

Then they should just be honest about it and not pretend to care whenever there is a Dem in the White House
Then they should just be honest about it and not pretend to care whenever there is a Dem in the White House
Again, the fatal flaw in washington swamp rat deficit reduction is trying to gouge some interest groups while giving preferential treatment others

Thats sure to fail
If you REALLY want spending cuts while providing quality government services:

Socialize ALL government contractors.

That's where all the governments money is going - and it ain't going to the contractor's employees.

Besides, if all profits were removed from military contractors, we'd probably win our wars instead of having them last ad infinitum.
Why not make these fucking useless cocksuckers tell us why we need their stupid, worthless FedGov?

And the rubes NEVER catch on.

This is what I don't understand. You nation makes the same stupid mistakes over and over. This isn't your first flirtation with fascism. Or "commie witch hunts".

Right now, Americans are blaming Biden for high gas prices and inflation, even though these are worldwide problems. Even worse, you're prepared to vote Democrats out of office and restore the party of fiscal insanity back into the White House. Under Barrack Obama, they went batshit crazy and voted in the Tea Party because Obama didn't "fix" the economy fast enough to suit them.

In my opinion, Americans are so oblivious to what is happening in the rest of the world, that you're chasing your tail. Running in circles and going nowhere. You're not teaching your history to children. Not your REAL history. You're teaching them the story of "American Exceptionism", and leaving out all of the bits that make you uncomfortable.

You should look at what happened in South America when the authoritarians took over and "got rid of all of the liberals". 1970's, the IMF instituted Milton Friedman's trickle down economic chaos in all new governments in South America, and cut all social programs. Wages dropped, prices rose, the poor got poorer, and today you have a second and third world continent, despite some of the most resource rich nations in the world.

Name one authoritarian dictatorship when the PEOPLE are prospering. Just one. I'll wait.
Again, the fatal flaw in washington swamp rat deficit reduction is trying to gouge some interest groups while giving preferential treatment others

Thats sure to fail

The real problem is that Republicans have ceased to do anything for working Americans at all. No raises for low wage workers. Obama instituted overtime for low wage "managers" - burger flippers being promoted to "Manager" of the burger flippers so they could work 60 hour weeks without overtime. Donald Trump cancelled that overtime.

Under Trump, Congress passed tax cuts and little more, and the Senate confirmed judges. And increased defense spending. 40% of workers are living paycheck to paycheck. The middle class is shrinking, life expectancy decreasing, and climate disasters are on the rise. Republicans just want their rich donors to get richer, and screw the little people.

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