Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

who heard and saw explosions before the second (South) tower collapsed.

Gee, I felt for the guy as he welled-up trying to recount seeing dozens of people jumping to their deaths! But the part about the explosions, I gotta say as someone fairly trained in material science that this is what buildings do as they lose internal support and become unstable under fantastic medial stress.
Gee, I felt for the guy as he welled-up trying to recount seeing dozens of people jumping to their deaths! But the part about the explosions, I gotta say as someone fairly trained in material science that this is what buildings do as they lose internal support and become unstable under fantastic medial stress.
These weren't just any 'buildings' - the unprecedented nature of 2 110 floor towers and a 47 floor tower ....turned to piles of dust -there's nothing to compare it to . And you can't prove they were "normal collapses" any more than I can disprove it.....but the evidence is right in front of you.
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These weren't just any 'buildings' - the unprecedented nature of 2 110 floor towers and a 47 floor tower ....turned to piles of dust -there's nothing to compare it to . And you can't prove they were "normal collapses" any more than I can disprove it.....but the evidence is right in front of you.

Nothing about that day, the situation, the collapses, anything.,... was normal. Your piles of dust by the way is pulverized concrete. How would you have liked the buildings to have come down, in block form?
These weren't just any 'buildings' - the unprecedented nature of 2 110 floor towers and a 47 floor tower ....turned to piles of dust -there's nothing to compare it to . And you can't prove they were "normal collapses" any more than I can disprove it.....but the evidence is right in front of you.

turned to piles of dust

What is the concrete supposed to do when thousands of tons collapse on top of it?
In order for a building to jacknife, it has to be leaning considerably....
The North Tower wasn't so surprising. But when the South Tower collapsed almost identically the same way......

No way that wasn't a classic ( unprecedented yes ) controlled demolition, that was perfectly planned and executed--- well if you don't count all those homicides.
The North Tower wasn't so surprising. But when the South Tower collapsed almost identically the same way......

No way that wasn't a classic ( unprecedented yes ) controlled demolition, that was perfectly planned and executed--- well if you don't count all those homicides.
The logic for all of this to go so perfectly, when the government can't handle something as simple as building roads right, is laughable. Again I ask, how would you have liked for them to have collapsed?
The North Tower wasn't so surprising. But when the South Tower collapsed almost identically the same way......

No way that wasn't a classic ( unprecedented yes ) controlled demolition, that was perfectly planned and executed--- well if you don't count all those homicides.

With zero evidence of explosives or thermite. Sure thing, Sparky.
The logic for all of this to go so perfectly, when the government can't handle something as simple as building roads right, is laughable. Again I ask, how would you have liked for them to have collapsed?
A new strawman argument....

I never said the government "did it"...

But that doesn't mean they aren't covering for who did....why ? National security reasons ? The truth would be more damaging than lies ?
With zero evidence of explosives or thermite. Sure thing, Sparky.
Repeating the lie for the kids.
There's a big surprise.
And you can't prove they were "normal collapses" any more than I can disprove it.....

I don't have to. Structural analysis done 20 years ago already proved it long ago. When the Twin Towers were built in the 1960s, they used a novel design technique to save money whereby 75% of the building couldn't support itself on its own unless properly tied to a central support column. The whole outside of the building were a house of cards. The only thing that kept it standing was the support tied to it via each floor deck! And if ONE floor deck failed, it quadrupled the stress on the next deck below past its failure point, starting an inevitable total collapse.

The entire structure was predicated on two things:
  1. No one in their widest imagination ever dreamed of a 9/11 attack.
  2. If a little private plane or jet accidentally hit a tower flying in fog or something, fireproofing would protect the floor decks.
But it didn't work. A jumbo jet hit the towers fully fueled under full throttle, the fireproofing blew off, and the resulting heat was enough to soften and weaken a floor deck until it sagged enough to fail and once the next deck below, also weakened, was hit with the weight and inertial impact of the deck above, a pancake collapse was begun.
There was evidence of thermite and explosives?

You mean paint chips? Anything else?
So you guys thought you covered all your tracks didn't you ?
  • Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002
“In the month that lapsed between the terrorist attacks and the deployment of the [FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT Team)], a significant amount of steel debris—including most of the steel from the upper floors—was removed from the rubble pile, cut into smaller sections, and either melted at the recycling plant or shipped out of the U.S. Some of the critical pieces of steel—including the suspension trusses from the top of the towers and the internal support columns—were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site. Fortunately, an NSF-funded independent researcher, recognizing that valuable evidence was being destroyed, attempted to intervene with the City of New York to save the valuable artifacts, but the city was unwilling to suspend the recycling contract.”

Documenting the Destruction of Physical Evidence at the World Trade Center
These weren't just any 'buildings' - the unprecedented nature of 2 110 floor towers and a 47 floor tower ....turned to piles of dust -there's nothing to compare it to . And you can't prove they were "normal collapses" any more than I can disprove it.....but the evidence is right in front of you.

C'mon, Angie, there were no bombs going off there. If anything blew up, maybe something like a natural gas heating line or something else flammable, but what you are seeing there, the "explosions," is nothing more than the air being forcefully ejected out sideways squirted through the exterior window openings as the only place it could go as each deck above slammed down hard onto the deck below. It must have been an absolutely horrible thing for people on lower decks as they could hear the decks above collapsing on them.

If there is anything that really sticks in my craw about that day it is how many people tried to leave the place after the first plane hit, AND THEY WERE TOLD TO GO BACK UP INSIDE AND GO BACK TO WORK. How fucking stupid.
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