Witness who saw the towers collapse on 9/11.

C'mon, Angie, there were no bombs going off there. If anything blew up, maybe something like a natural gas heating line or something else flammable, but what you are seeing there, the "explosions," is nothing more than the air being forcefully erected out sideways squirted through the exterior window openings as the only place it could go as each deck above slammed down hard onto the deck below. It must have been an absolutely horrible thing for people on lower decks as they could hear the decks above collapsing on them.

If there is anything that really sticks in my craw about that day it is how many people tried to leave the place after the first plane hit, AND THEY WERE TOLD TO GO BACK UP INSIDE AND GO BACK TO WORK. How fucking stupid.
I understand wanting to believe they're telling you the truth, I used believe in Santa Claus too....Tooby.
Gee, I felt for the guy as he welled-up trying to recount seeing dozens of people jumping to their deaths!
W smiled.
His brain said Cha-ching $

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So you guys thought you covered all your tracks didn't you ?
  • Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives, March 6, 2002
“In the month that lapsed between the terrorist attacks and the deployment of the [FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team (BPAT Team)], a significant amount of steel debris—including most of the steel from the upper floors—was removed from the rubble pile, cut into smaller sections, and either melted at the recycling plant or shipped out of the U.S. Some of the critical pieces of steel—including the suspension trusses from the top of the towers and the internal support columns—were gone before the first BPAT team member ever reached the site. Fortunately, an NSF-funded independent researcher, recognizing that valuable evidence was being destroyed, attempted to intervene with the City of New York to save the valuable artifacts, but the city was unwilling to suspend the recycling contract.”

Documenting the Destruction of Physical Evidence at the World Trade Center

You guys? DURR
Unless the visual evidence was the explosive rigs, you're wrong.
I watched as an educated observer....and will
leave it at that.

I'll keep doing this, and you keep trying to debunk me...it is what it is. I'm not here to argue...I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....not before, during or since.

Pay attention kids. I'm not the one making shit up here. I'm a very patriotic American.
You guys? DURR
You're part of the cover up....at least.
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I watched as an educated observer....and will
leave it at that.

I'll keep doing this, and you keep trying to debunk me...it is what it is. I'm not here to argue...I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....not before, during or since.

Pay attention kids. I'm not the one making shit up here. I'm a very patriotic American.

You're part of the cover up....at least.

I watched as an educated observer....

You're half right.

I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....

So when will you present any evidence?
I watched as an educated observer....

You're half right.

I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....

So when will you present any evidence?
^ disinformation agent tactics^ (insults and redundant questions)
Pay attention kids.
With my help, you could be the best solvers of 9/11 yet.
I watched as an educated observer....and will
leave it at that.

I'll keep doing this, and you keep trying to debunk me...it is what it is. I'm not here to argue...I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....not before, during or since.

Pay attention kids. I'm not the one making shit up here. I'm a very patriotic American.

You're part of the cover up....at least.
You have never presented any such evidence.

Yes you are making shit up as you go you are a liar and treasonous anti american pig
I watched as an educated observer....and will
leave it at that.

I'll keep doing this, and you keep trying to debunk me...it is what it is. I'm not here to argue...I'm here to present evidence that it didn't happen the way we were told....not before, during or since.

Pay attention kids. I'm not the one making shit up here. I'm a very patriotic American.

You're part of the cover up....at least.
No one is trying to debunk you.

All of your claims have been massively debiunked I own your ass

Yes you make shit upo and lie with everty psot and you are a treasonous pig
This Thread is about WTC 7 and I disagree with the OP.
Well over a 1000 architects and engineers disagree with you and witness testimony’s validate them.witnesses reported hearing explosions in the basement of the towers BEFORE the plane struck above,you them on tv a speaking about it and have their clothes all torn up and rubble all over their face and everything,some said while running downstairs to escape they heard explosions and found saw some of the people with their faces blown off,you trying to tell me all these witnesses are lying? I don’t think so,they got nothing to gain by lying and they gave their testimony’s on live tv thst very day as well. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Wt7 is the crux of the coverup you can’t get around,you cannot explain why it collapsed when it was not hit by a plane or why some of the other buildings that were much closer to the towers and had far more extensive damage done to them and much more serious fires why they all remained standing yet bld 7 collapsed.:cuckoo:
Well over a 1000 architects and engineers disagree with you and witness testimony’s validate them.witnesses reported hearing explosions in the basement of the towers BEFORE the plane struck above,you them on tv a speaking about it and have their clothes all torn up and rubble all over their face and everything,some said while running downstairs to escape they heard explosions and found saw some of the people with their faces blown off,you trying to tell me all these witnesses are lying?

Absolutely. I believe they are lying. Highlighted so you get the message. They were paid off by special interest groups that were Anti-Bush, Anti-war, Anti-Semite and anti-American.

I am no fan of bush. He was a RINO asshole, but to insinuate that all of this was his fault is lunacy.

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