Woke in Government - Sheetz Being Sued for Hiring Based on Criminal Record


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
This is just another example of the lunacy that occurs when you fill government agencies with lefties.

Amazing isn't it?.....Millions upon millions of Americans manage to muddle through life without a criminal record yet the ones that don't expect to be rewarded for it with a job over those that don't have a record.

Hey, maybe we need more "Felons are US" scrap yards so they can be gainfully employed taking in EV charger cables. ;)
Bottom line: Should an employer be forced to hire a murderer or a sucker puncher or an embezzler or an animal abuser?
What's going on here is rather insidious. Americans - including Americans in responsible positions in the Justice Department - have lost their minds. They have heard "discrimination is bad" for so long that they have become convinced that...discrimination is bad - even illegal.

But most discrimination is good. You discriminate when you pick a sports team, teachers discriminate when they hand out grades, "selective" schools discriminate as a matter of policy.

Sheetz tries not to hire people with a criminal record. To most rational people, being a convicted criminal has the predictable and appropriate penalty that many employers won't want to have anything to do with you.

But to the justice department, that is evil discrimination.

Just one more reason to vote against Leftists.
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I note that they are being sued in a Baltimore federal court instead of near their Altoona, PA HQ which is a red area.

I'm sure they will get a fair shake in a "chocolate city" where nearly everyone has a relative that's a felon.

More lawfare.
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This why we need to work to eradicate racism and white supremacy out of our justice system to ensure the laws and justice are carried out fairly and w/o favor OP.
I disagree with the administration that requiring a background check is discriminatory against minorities. Unlike the administration I understand that not all minorities are criminals, just more of the racism Biden is known for making its way into policies.
This why we need to work to eradicate racism and white supremacy out of our justice system to ensure the laws and justice are carried out fairly and w/o favor OP.

That is the leftist spin for sure, but it is grossly exaggerated. Many act as if cops and courts just let white people go when they are caught, for example, with felony possession of a gun and a bag full of crack. They don’t, but that is what we are supposed to believe. Do white cops give white people less speeding tickets than black people? I don’t know, maybe, but if so the same could likely be said about black cops and white people. We aren’t talking about speeding tickets though, we are talking about more serious crimes and very few cops or judges white or black would let a criminal walk just because they happen to be of the same race.

There are more black people in prison on a per capita basis because they commit more crimes on a a per capita basis than white people. Much of that has to do with poverty and the crime culture that often arises from it. White privilege and racism are fabricated excuses to keep people from accepting personal responsibility for their own actions.
This why we need to work to eradicate racism and white supremacy out of our justice system to ensure the laws and justice are carried out fairly and w/o favor OP.
So why does Joe do a background check on White House tourists, his nominees, and employees of the White House???

Only one reason - JOE BIDEN IS A RACIST

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