Woman attacks 79 yr. old man on subway for reading from the bible.

The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.

Naw, I grew up on the Jersey side of the Hudson, a 40-minute bus ride to Manhattan. Shoe-wacking was never a "thing." But there was always an (unwritten) code of conduct that required people never to be rude in a public place or call attention to themselves. One was never to "disturb" anyone else, whether by raising one's voice, calling too early on the telephone, or asking personal questions of a stranger.

I guess some people in some parts of the country think that these things are acceptable behavior. I'm sorry that you had your coffee, eggs, and morning paper disturbed, since I know from personal experience that disturbing my morning ritual (coffee, eggs, and morning paper) turns me into a raging lioness. My Dad used to say two cups of coffee, one for each eye, and then you're a human. He used to get up first and would never come to wake my mother or me up without carrying a cup of coffee in offering! Congrats for not soaking your harasser with your glass of water or stabbing her hand with your fork. Great self control!:113:
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.

Naw, I grew up on the Jersey side of the Hudson, a 40-minute bus ride to Manhattan. Shoe-wacking was never a "thing." But there was always an (unwritten) code of conduct that required people never to be rude in a public place or call attention to themselves. One was never to "disturb" anyone else, whether by raising one's voice, calling too early on the telephone, or asking personal questions of a stranger.

I guess some people in some parts of the country think that these things are acceptable behavior. I'm sorry that you had your coffee, eggs, and morning paper disturbed, since I know from personal experience that disturbing my morning ritual (coffee, eggs, and morning paper) turns me into a raging lioness. My Dad used to say two cups of coffee, one for each eye, and then you're a human. He used to get up first and would never come to wake my mother or me up without carrying a cup of coffee in offering! Congrats for not soaking your harasser with your glass of water or stabbing her hand with your fork. Great self control!:113:

I will guarantee that if there are more than two people on a car there are people talking loud on their cellphones. It very well was once unacceptable but unfortunately, no one cares about those things any longer.
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.
The difference there is that a diner is private property and the owners can ask any patron to leave if they are being disruptive.

There is never a good reason to assault an 80 year old man no matter what he is saying or where he is saying it
He deserved a good boink over the head, if you ask me. But no, I wouldn't hit an old timer, either. Or anyone else. I think it's pretty ridiculous to sue over it, but there ya go--it's New York City.

Why is it ridiculous to sue for obvious damages?
Are you from New York, too?
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.
The difference there is that a diner is private property and the owners can ask any patron to leave if they are being disruptive.

There is never a good reason to assault an 80 year old man no matter what he is saying or where he is saying it
He deserved a good boink over the head, if you ask me. But no, I wouldn't hit an old timer, either. Or anyone else. I think it's pretty ridiculous to sue over it, but there ya go--it's New York City.

Why is it ridiculous to sue for obvious damages?
Are you from New York, too?

Nope. Will you answer my question?
So, the consensus seems to be that if you're loud about Conservative things, you need to be quiet. But if you're loud about progressive stuff, then its the first Amendment.

Faggots hate free speech; a subway is a public carrier for one, and for another there are no laws respecting freedom of Christianity, in speech or otherwise. There are no laws protecting anybody from religious speech, nor banning anybody from speaking on religious matters anywhere in public. The man is exercising a Constitutional right, and those that hate this can move to another country if they don't like it.

I would say that in the case of diners the owners should be able to quiet it down, but since faggots and all their fellow deviants all think since it serves the public and have sued businesses and practices then they can't complain about it now, and hope that lady continues to annoy faggots and deviants at the top of their lungs. Hopefully enough do this that all the deviant whiners leave the country.
So, the consensus seems to be that if you're loud about Conservative things, you need to be quiet. But if you're loud about progressive stuff, then its the first Amendment.

Nobody has said that. Maybe you should check into these voices in your head?
No, they did not say it. My statement is what is termed, a 'Rhetorical statement'. I read the posts here, and from the tone and content, came to an opinion that because the old man was reading out loud from a bible in a public space, that everyone thought it was bad because it was from the bible.

Then you were reading things not there.
I don't think I was, given the context of this forum. However, it is my opinion, hence the reason I stated my observation the way I did.
So, the consensus seems to be that if you're loud about Conservative things, you need to be quiet. But if you're loud about progressive stuff, then its the first Amendment.

Nobody has said that. Maybe you should check into these voices in your head?
No, they did not say it. My statement is what is termed, a 'Rhetorical statement'. I read the posts here, and from the tone and content, came to an opinion that because the old man was reading out loud from a bible in a public space, that everyone thought it was bad because it was from the bible.

Then you were reading things not there.
I don't think I was, given the context of this forum. However, it is my opinion, hence the reason I stated my observation the way I did.

Right, you were assuming based upon what you expect from the forum. Not from anything actually said.
So, the consensus seems to be that if you're loud about Conservative things, you need to be quiet. But if you're loud about progressive stuff, then its the first Amendment.

Nobody has said that. Maybe you should check into these voices in your head?
No, they did not say it. My statement is what is termed, a 'Rhetorical statement'. I read the posts here, and from the tone and content, came to an opinion that because the old man was reading out loud from a bible in a public space, that everyone thought it was bad because it was from the bible.

Then you were reading things not there.
I don't think I was, given the context of this forum. However, it is my opinion, hence the reason I stated my observation the way I did.

Right, you were assuming based upon what you expect from the forum. Not from anything actually said.
No even close.
Not quite what the OP states. But that'll teach him for torturing captive audiences.

The 79-year-old man was delivering a sermon aboard a southbound No. 2 train headed toward 42nd Street-Times Square just after 10 a.m. Thursday when the 30-something woman removed her shoe and whacked him in the head, police said.

That's bullshit.

Street preachers have been part of Americana for centuries. She should have taken a limousine if she didn't want to deal with the people.

I remember as a kid, I would see street preachers on occasion in the city of Youngstown. I would never pay them any mind, although some of my contemporaries would argue with them. Either response if fine, but assault against someone just exercising their right to free speech as well as freedom of religion just isn't right.
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.

As far as we know, it disturbed one passenger.
And? At his age, he should know how to behave in public. Haven't you ever been on a bus or subway? Perhaps sitting next to somebody yapping loudly on a cell phone? People shouldn't be rude on public transportation. This headline made it sound like this guy was just reading a book on his lap. Misleading. The people who were in that train car were not there to be some sort of audience for him. They were just going places.
One psycho-bitch defending another. Oh well.
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.

As far as we know, it disturbed one passenger.
And? At his age, he should know how to behave in public. Haven't you ever been on a bus or subway? Perhaps sitting next to somebody yapping loudly on a cell phone? People shouldn't be rude on public transportation. This headline made it sound like this guy was just reading a book on his lap. Misleading. The people who were in that train car were not there to be some sort of audience for him. They were just going places.

what the fuck is wrong with you? You don’t assault a 79 old man under any circumstances. SMFH
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.
The difference there is that a diner is private property and the owners can ask any patron to leave if they are being disruptive.

There is never a good reason to assault an 80 year old man no matter what he is saying or where he is saying it
He deserved a good boink over the head, if you ask me. But no, I wouldn't hit an old timer, either. Or anyone else. I think it's pretty ridiculous to sue over it, but there ya go--it's New York City.
So here's to hoping you get what you deserve as decided by someone who doesn't like what you say

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head
The last time I was on Metro North, on the way in to Grand Central, an insane Negro started mumbling about White people will be destroyed by her deity, and on the way back a White female said she wanted to be a Witch and stated she then started eating potato chips after I asked her a few questions. Very troubling! Who pays their rent and other expenses...Whitey?
Like I’ve always said all progressives are fucked in the head


But the idea of assaulting elderly Americans for exercising their basic 1st Amendment rights in the public square was a line they didn't cross not too long ago.
Not quite what the OP states. But that'll teach him for torturing captive audiences.

The 79-year-old man was delivering a sermon aboard a southbound No. 2 train headed toward 42nd Street-Times Square just after 10 a.m. Thursday when the 30-something woman removed her shoe and whacked him in the head, police said.
Doesn't matter

it's still an assault and since it is an assault because of his religious beliefs it is technically a hate crime

The worst thing is a street preacher, but I would not of hurt him or wacked him, but I would of told him to "shut up".
Not quite what the OP states. But that'll teach him for torturing captive audiences.

The 79-year-old man was delivering a sermon aboard a southbound No. 2 train headed toward 42nd Street-Times Square just after 10 a.m. Thursday when the 30-something woman removed her shoe and whacked him in the head, police said.
Doesn't matter

it's still an assault and since it is an assault because of his religious beliefs it is technically a hate crime

The worst thing is a street preacher, but I would not of hurt him or wacked him, but I would of told him to "shut up".
You fucking progressives are hypocrites, if he was environmentalist you wouldn’t say a thing you Cowardly piece of shit...
The OP's headline is a bit misleading. It gave me the impression that this woman wacked him for reading a book. Lots of people bring reading materials on the subway, so I thought "wow, that sucks." But it turns out that he was putting on some show that was disturbing the rest of the passengers. I can't condone wacking him with a shoe. I would like to think that someone would ask him politely to stop and that he would stop.
These folks never shut up. We have a local proselytizer who used to come into the local diner and have an extremely LOUD "conversation" with the others at her table which was a sermon and could be heard by the entire restaurant. Now, if I wanted to hear a sermon, I would go to church. If I want to eat my eggs over easy and read the paper, I go to the diner. The waitress would try to get her to quiet down, but within a minute she was back up to full volume. It was annoying as hell and I FELT like hitting her over the head with my shoe, though I didn't. Maybe if I was a New Yorker, I would have.
The difference there is that a diner is private property and the owners can ask any patron to leave if they are being disruptive.

There is never a good reason to assault an 80 year old man no matter what he is saying or where he is saying it
He deserved a good boink over the head, if you ask me. But no, I wouldn't hit an old timer, either. Or anyone else. I think it's pretty ridiculous to sue over it, but there ya go--it's New York City.
So here's to hoping you get what you deserve as decided by someone who doesn't like what you say

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Don't you worry. I am quiet and well behaved in public, unlike the old fart who was imposing his religious views on a captive audience whether they liked it or not.
Not quite what the OP states. But that'll teach him for torturing captive audiences.

The 79-year-old man was delivering a sermon aboard a southbound No. 2 train headed toward 42nd Street-Times Square just after 10 a.m. Thursday when the 30-something woman removed her shoe and whacked him in the head, police said.
Doesn't matter

it's still an assault and since it is an assault because of his religious beliefs it is technically a hate crime

The worst thing is a street preacher, but I would not of hurt him or wacked him, but I would of told him to "shut up".

Most street preachers love the opportunity for dialogue. They would welcome your interaction.

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