Woman gets pushed, then slaps him. But she's wrong?

Because if i slap you in the face, you will be asleep on the floor. I am not a 130 pound woman. There are degrees, here. And i didn't suggest he just stand there. I suggested he act like a grown ass man and find security to remove the woman, who did not pose much threat to him.
I think he handled it the way it should have been handled. Gave her a tap and knocked her weak ass husband the F*** out.
You are worse than an idiot if you have to ask this question OP.

She's as wrong as the day is long.

And, of course, your title is a misleading lie.

Par for the course for Republicans.
Because she slapped him for touching her chest. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU...
Dont ever put your hand in someone's face. Its highly disrespectful. The husband should have had better control over his wife. She was irrational, an instigator and thought she could just do what she wanted to do. Her husband ended up paying the price and the woman ultimately had to protect her husband all for running her mouth and instigating violence. Just another Karen.
The idiot who hit her---should have had better control over himself...you don't touch someone else without permission...and you never punch someone weaker than you like a woman. Obvious, this idiot black guy has been hitting other women for him to so brazenly hit her and then punch her. TRASH...
The idiot who hit her---should have had better control over himself...you don't touch someone else without permission...and you never punch someone weaker than you like a woman. Obvious, this idiot black guy has been hitting other women for him to so brazenly hit her and then punch her. TRASH...
So you think it is ok for a white woman to slap a black man in the face and he is suppose to just turn the other cheek. Sorry Turtleshit this isn't 1921.
Yawn...you blowing smoke. This guys action indicate a habitual violent person...he should be locked up.
I dont blow smoke. I speak facts. After that punch I thought Chris Tucker was gonna run up on him and tell him he got knocked the fuck out. :lol:

I dont blow smoke. I speak facts. After that punch I thought Chris Tucker was gonna run up on him and tell him he got knocked the fuck out. :lol:

You don't speak facts...you blow shit around. This guy put his hands on her first..she had the right to slap him. He had no right to hit any woman especially one who was first assaulted by him. He obviously has been abusive to other women. This is why you see all those other guys get up to get him the fuck out of there. Wanna explain why you don't understand basic right from wrong?
So they're arguing about something. He pushes her in the chest area. She grabs his hand off her chest. Then slaps him.

So how is she wrong?

Wait a minute. With which hand does he shove her in the chest? It looks like she is holding onto his hand with her left one and then slaps him with her right?

Is there another video that shows what happened from a better angle, like from the front?
He didn't touch her chest he pushed her hand out of his face. See that is how black men got lynched back in the day, all it took was a white woman to tell a lie and claim a black man looked at her.
He touched her chest with his Right hand, and she hit his hand with her right hand and then slapped him with her right hand.
He was keeping her from putting her hand in his face. She didnt have a right to do that or slap him. Because she couldnt control herself her husband got knocked the fuck out and if I were him I would divorce her.
You are full of shit....He touched her chest with his right hand, She slapped his right hand with her right hand at chest level, and then she slapped him with her right hand.

Maybe you need to stop lying to yourself and everyone else.
He didnt touch her chest. He pushed her hand out of his face you liar.
You are an idiot.....his hand didn't go above her chest level when she slapped his hand away with her right hand and then slapped him across his face with his left hand. She btw, was standing up level up from his row and YOU CAN HIT REPLAY on the video.

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