Women have standards, but claim men shouldn't have any

Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

I'm guilty of this. I can't help it I love the same looking women I loved when I was 20.

I went on tinder and looked for girls 30 or older. Swipe left left left. I searched 19-29 and it was swipe right right right. What happens to women? They don't age well
It's just nature and nature is a bitch. Men reach their sexual prime on average when they're 17 but women aren't fully mature till they're 30. Now that sounds sort of backwards but women to me look good longer. However the dropoff is massive afterwards. Also, most of the appeal of women is their looks. With men it's their jobs and their confidence or personality. Men start to lose Testosterone after age 40 and they start to develop fat around their bellies and lose muscle definition. Still, a rich guy can always wear a suit and tie to cover up any flaws whereas women usually wear clothes that reveals their curves. Hard to show your shape when you don't have any.
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?

I think to each his own.
the problem with many women is that they think men are interested in love
too many romance movies and novels. Mom's need to teach their girls what it's all about, the only problem is, many mom's don't know... so I guess the onus is on the Dad's... cause they for damn sure know!
Most men are just interested in sex.
But there are some weirdos like me who are interested in love.
Bring em in with the booty......make em stay with love.

I have to admit I have one weakness.....a dynamite butt is my thing. I always felt that a woman with no ass is mean and not worth the bother with. I don't care how big her tits are. But that's just me.

Ah, that's horse puckey! I've known some girls with slim hips/flat-ish butt and large boobies that were the sweetest girls ever!

So nice, I didn't want to corrupt them with my naughty ways. :oops:

One of my good friends has a body type like that. Big boobs, flat butt. She's really beautiful though. She is French Filipino.
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

I'm guilty of this. I can't help it I love the same looking women I loved when I was 20.

I went on tinder and looked for girls 30 or older. Swipe left left left. I searched 19-29 and it was swipe right right right. What happens to women? They don't age well
It's just nature and nature is a bitch. Men reach their sexual prime on average when they're 17 but women aren't fully mature till they're 30. Now that sounds sort of backwards but women to me look good longer. However the dropoff is massive afterwards. Also, most of the appeal of women is their looks. With men it's their jobs and their confidence or personality. Men start to lose Testosterone after age 40 and they start to develop fat around their bellies and lose muscle definition. Still, a rich guy can always wear a suit and tie to cover up any flaws whereas women usually wear clothes that reveals their curves. Hard to show your shape when you don't have any.

You can massively add to your sexiness in attitude. That helps big time.
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

She will never find a guy who looks like her and can and will take care of her.

The vacation she's on cost a lot of money

Way too tall. Upper arms look either too skinny or photoshopped. Has had a boob job.
Thighs too muscular
Little bit of a belly, too much to be wearing a bikini
That explains the boner that guy is sporting.
I think it's hilarious (and I have no sympathy) when women get messy and fat, and they are like "he's my husband, he will love me no matter what" -

No. Love means wanting to please your mate. Not, well I have him now so I can do whatever I want and he'll still love me. doesn't work like that.
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

She will never find a guy who looks like her and can and will take care of her.

The vacation she's on cost a lot of money

Way too tall. Upper arms look either too skinny or photoshopped. Has had a boob job.
Thighs too muscular
Little bit of a belly, too much to be wearing a bikini
That explains the boner that guy is sporting.

Well look at the poor thing. He is clueless. Lol. Maybe its not a dude, but I would definitely be questioning that. :D
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

She will never find a guy who looks like her and can and will take care of her.

The vacation she's on cost a lot of money

Way too tall. Upper arms look either too skinny or photoshopped. Has had a boob job.
Thighs too muscular
Little bit of a belly, too much to be wearing a bikini
That explains the boner that guy is sporting.

Well obviously, any guy would do her...
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

She will never find a guy who looks like her and can and will take care of her.

The vacation she's on cost a lot of money

Way too tall. Upper arms look either too skinny or photoshopped. Has had a boob job.
Thighs too muscular
Little bit of a belly, too much to be wearing a bikini
That explains the boner that guy is sporting.

I surely would have never noticed that. :rolleyes-41:
Women want to fall in love with a handsome wealthy man
Men just want to have a pretty wealthy women, but, will settle for less, at least for one night.

Seriously though, I think women just can't give up on the true love thing. No matter what realities they are faced with, how many bad relationships they have etc.

It's not like it's not possible to find a good husband, but, you need to lower your expectations, and, realize that even if a man DOES love you, if you let yourself go, he's going to lose interest. No ONLY cause you look gross, but it's disrespectful because to him it means you don't care enough to keep yourself looking good.
So true... Despite how women would like it to be different... A woman's number one asset in life is her beauty. Closely followed by, and coupled with her ability to use it to make her man "happy". The reality is that "a great personality" alone, is utterly meaningless...

Well, it all depends really on what you look for in a spouse.
Some men like subservience
Some men like to be challenged

All men want to find their spouse attractive, and, that's either going to be physically or through a sexy attitude and demeanor.

But, since you can't have sex 24/7, you have to like and enjoy that person, so, personality has to come into play. At least in a marriage it does.
He's just been seduced by the breasts. Look at him staring at the breasts. Lol! Guys are too funny. :lol:

Other cultures don't even care about boobs. Something about Americans. Maybe some latent "mommy" complex.
He's just been seduced by the breasts. Look at him staring at the breasts. Lol! Guys are too funny. :lol:

Other cultures don't even care about boobs. Something about Americans. Maybe some latent "mommy" complex.

I don't know that the guy is an American but I hear you! :lol: Men's obsession with breasts is pretty strange. If they see a nice pair of breasts, they can even ignore what the rest of the woman looks like sometimes.

Do they know that they too can get a knock out pair of breasts for just a few thousand dollars?
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?
I've known a number of men who had no standards when it came to women, particularly after last call.
However, I've noticed that some have such high standards that they won't even look sideways at anything less than the perfect woman, even though they are obviously less than perfect themselves. I blame this on Hollywood.

I'm guilty of this. I can't help it I love the same looking women I loved when I was 20.

I went on tinder and looked for girls 30 or older. Swipe left left left. I searched 19-29 and it was swipe right right right. What happens to women? They don't age well
It's just nature and nature is a bitch. Men reach their sexual prime on average when they're 17 but women aren't fully mature till they're 30. Now that sounds sort of backwards but women to me look good longer. However the dropoff is massive afterwards. Also, most of the appeal of women is their looks. With men it's their jobs and their confidence or personality. Men start to lose Testosterone after age 40 and they start to develop fat around their bellies and lose muscle definition. Still, a rich guy can always wear a suit and tie to cover up any flaws whereas women usually wear clothes that reveals their curves. Hard to show your shape when you don't have any.

You can massively add to your sexiness in attitude. That helps big time.
My nephew had long hair in high school. He had two girlfriends back then.
He started going bald at 28 and lost his hair.
He got a divorce when he was 35.
I'm not sure he's married now.
What the girls found out was other than his hair....he was sort of a wall flower.

I had hair halfway down my back after I retired from the military. It attracted young girls and even married women.
But the young girls are difficult to have a conversation with.
All they wanted was looks.
The married women just wanted to hang around at work with you.
Then I had my hip surgery and stopped being a gym rat and cut my hair.
Women used to be a problem at work.
Not anymore.
They leave me alone now.
Women want to fall in love with a handsome wealthy man
Men just want to have a pretty wealthy women, but, will settle for less, at least for one night.

Seriously though, I think women just can't give up on the true love thing. No matter what realities they are faced with, how many bad relationships they have etc.

It's not like it's not possible to find a good husband, but, you need to lower your expectations, and, realize that even if a man DOES love you, if you let yourself go, he's going to lose interest. No ONLY cause you look gross, but it's disrespectful because to him it means you don't care enough to keep yourself looking good.
So true... Despite how women would like it to be different... A woman's number one asset in life is her beauty. Closely followed by, and coupled with her ability to use it to make her man "happy". The reality is that "a great personality" alone, is utterly meaningless...

Well, it all depends really on what you look for in a spouse.
Some men like subservience
Some men like to be challenged

All men want to find their spouse attractive, and, that's either going to be physically or through a sexy attitude and demeanor.

But, since you can't have sex 24/7, you have to like and enjoy that person, so, personality has to come into play. At least in a marriage it does.
The top quality I looked for in a wife was can I trust her.
If not......she's gone.
Woman logic:
-I refuse to date short, bald men with no money; I will only go for tall, muscular, rich men
-But if men refuse to date old, fat women with messed up kids from a previous relationship; well then, they are sexist pigs who refuse to see the beauty within

Screw that! I only go for good looking, young women without baggage. No exceptions.

How do you like that?

I think to each his own.
the problem with many women is that they think men are interested in love
too many romance movies and novels. Mom's need to teach their girls what it's all about, the only problem is, many mom's don't know... so I guess the onus is on the Dad's... cause they for damn sure know!
Most men are just interested in sex.
But there are some weirdos like me who are interested in love.
Bring em in with the booty......make em stay with love.

I have to admit I have one weakness.....a dynamite butt is my thing. I always felt that a woman with no ass is mean and not worth the bother with. I don't care how big her tits are. But that's just me.

I think men like to love someone, I just think they are not normally in active pursuit of it. Normally. Not like women. Of course, they don't have a biological clock either.

We all have our "turn ons" ... mine is a tall, dark haired man :)

Mine is men in suits, going up and down escalators at airports. Preferably thin and blonde. :biggrin:
I think it's hilarious (and I have no sympathy) when women get messy and fat, and they are like "he's my husband, he will love me no matter what" -

No. Love means wanting to please your mate. Not, well I have him now so I can do whatever I want and he'll still love me. doesn't work like that.
Being fat and out of shape also says something about you.
It says "I'm lazy".
Women want to fall in love with a handsome wealthy man
Men just want to have a pretty wealthy women, but, will settle for less, at least for one night.

Seriously though, I think women just can't give up on the true love thing. No matter what realities they are faced with, how many bad relationships they have etc.

It's not like it's not possible to find a good husband, but, you need to lower your expectations, and, realize that even if a man DOES love you, if you let yourself go, he's going to lose interest. No ONLY cause you look gross, but it's disrespectful because to him it means you don't care enough to keep yourself looking good.
So true... Despite how women would like it to be different... A woman's number one asset in life is her beauty. Closely followed by, and coupled with her ability to use it to make her man "happy". The reality is that "a great personality" alone, is utterly meaningless...

Well, it all depends really on what you look for in a spouse.
Some men like subservience
Some men like to be challenged

All men want to find their spouse attractive, and, that's either going to be physically or through a sexy attitude and demeanor.

But, since you can't have sex 24/7, you have to like and enjoy that person, so, personality has to come into play. At least in a marriage it does.
The top quality I looked for in a wife was can I trust her.
If not......she's gone.

Well, here is a good standard, and it applies to men as well . . .

Women want to fall in love with a handsome wealthy man
Men just want to have a pretty wealthy women, but, will settle for less, at least for one night.

Seriously though, I think women just can't give up on the true love thing. No matter what realities they are faced with, how many bad relationships they have etc.

It's not like it's not possible to find a good husband, but, you need to lower your expectations, and, realize that even if a man DOES love you, if you let yourself go, he's going to lose interest. No ONLY cause you look gross, but it's disrespectful because to him it means you don't care enough to keep yourself looking good.
So true... Despite how women would like it to be different... A woman's number one asset in life is her beauty. Closely followed by, and coupled with her ability to use it to make her man "happy". The reality is that "a great personality" alone, is utterly meaningless...

Well, it all depends really on what you look for in a spouse.
Some men like subservience
Some men like to be challenged

All men want to find their spouse attractive, and, that's either going to be physically or through a sexy attitude and demeanor.

But, since you can't have sex 24/7, you have to like and enjoy that person, so, personality has to come into play. At least in a marriage it does.
The top quality I looked for in a wife was can I trust her.
If not......she's gone.

You can't have a relationship that is happy if there is no trust.
If you don't trust, or, if you are not trusted, you will feel trapped and on guard.
That is NO way to live.

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