Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Medical science also does not call it a baby.
What else would you call it? At the moment of conception you had your own uniques human DNA which is exactly the same as you have now. It contained all the information of the person you would become, your hair color, your eye color, etc. You are as different today from the baby you were at the moment of your birth as that newborn baby was from the way it was at the moment of conception. For the first nine months of your life you were nurtured inside of your mother's body and then you were nurtured outside of her body for years more. Birth was no more than a marker of your progress from the moment of your conception to who and where you are today.

We all know it is a baby. We ask a pregnant woman about her baby, not about her fetus. The only time we call it a fetus is when we decide to kill it in an effort to dehumanize our intended victim to ease our consciences. If a woman wants an abortion, she should the character to acknowledge she wants to kill another human being.
Ever notice how liberals, when given a choice, always choose death for a fetus, then protest when a convicted murderer is about to be executed?

That is the funny thing isn’t it? You have no trouble executing people knowing some of them are likely innocent. I guess we aren’t so different after all.
That may be true, but 100% of all babies are innocent.
And this is 100 percent sophistry – no one is advocating killing babies.
But you are advocating taking life.

My response was merely to show that you cant equate killing someone on death row to abortion. The two are not even close.
Women have the right to control their own bodies, that’s why I don’t mind fat shaming.

If you shoveled the calories down your throat under YOUR CONTROL...I can call you fat and gross.

On the other side of the coin, a woman in charge of her own body who chooses to eat well and exercise and is in good shape, I don’t mind saying she is a dime piece.
Men either have a say so in the issue or they don't. Which is it?
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.

State care that is fife with child abuse? Why are people so concerned about fetuses, but cease to care for children and the adult they become, once they're born?

Honestly I don’t really care about the kid. As an Anti-Abortionist (notbpro-life), my interest is in punishing women who get pregnant without the interest or capability to be one a parent..

I’d love to see the forced birth concept used to push streamlining of the adoption process and used as an opportunity to clean up the foster care systems; but that’s lee important to me than forcing the woman to have the child and the man t financially support her during the pregnancy.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
Nonsensical gibberish

Resorting to insults in absence of a a valid response? Sad.
I supplied a valid response to THE BOARD. YOU are not worth the kernel of popcorn stuck between my teeth on movie night much less a dignified response so you too, can go fuck yourself

On with the insults... Is that your strongest skill? A rational response appears to be above you pay grade.
You best put me on ignore snowflake cause I bitch slap motherfuckers like you DAILY on this board.

My "rational" responses are reserved for those I respect.
Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

or forced to take the obligations Coyote

i really don't mean to be unkind, i'm not.

But if it's not plain to women that risks AND obligations go hand/hand, they will forever and a day be subjugated by those they seek to foist their obligatory need(s) upon

700 women die during childbirth in America on average. (THE AVERAGE MURDER RATE IN CHICAGO)

An average of 680000 children are aborted in the US each year.

Don't give me the womans health/life risk BULLSHIT because the figures do not show the murder of unborn children correlate to the actual risk.

Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

U.S. Has The Worst Rate Of Maternal Deaths In The Developed World

NPR and ProPublica teamed up for a six-month long investigation on maternal mortality in the U.S. Among our key findings:

  • More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.
  • There's a hodgepodge of hospital protocols for dealing with potentially fatal complications, allowing for treatable complications to become lethal.
  • Hospitals — including those with intensive care units for newborns — can be woefully unprepared for a maternal emergency.
  • Federal and state funding show only 6 percent of block grants for "maternal and child health" actually go to the health of mothers.
  • In the U.S, some doctors entering the growing specialty of maternal-fetal medicine were able to complete that training without ever spending time in a labor-delivery unit.
Who forced the woman to have sexual intercourse? You're promoting irresponsible behavior with human life at stake. How deplorable.
No one is promoting anything. Well, except this: choices and decisions relating to one's body and health belong to one person only and that is the person who's body it is. This doesnt just apply to men, it spplies to women as well.
Men either have a say so in the issue or they don't. Which is it?
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???
Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

or forced to take the obligations Coyote

i really don't mean to be unkind, i'm not.

But if it's not plain to women that risks AND obligations go hand/hand, they will forever and a day be subjugated by those they seek to foist their obligatory need(s) upon

I agree. They do go hand in hand. And because of that tbe choice of how to handle them belong to the woman and no one else.
700 women die during childbirth in America on average. (THE AVERAGE MURDER RATE IN CHICAGO)

An average of 680000 children are aborted in the US each year.

Don't give me the womans health/life risk BULLSHIT because the figures do not show the murder of unborn children correlate to the actual risk.

Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

U.S. Has The Worst Rate Of Maternal Deaths In The Developed World

NPR and ProPublica teamed up for a six-month long investigation on maternal mortality in the U.S. Among our key findings:

  • More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.
  • There's a hodgepodge of hospital protocols for dealing with potentially fatal complications, allowing for treatable complications to become lethal.
  • Hospitals — including those with intensive care units for newborns — can be woefully unprepared for a maternal emergency.
  • Federal and state funding show only 6 percent of block grants for "maternal and child health" actually go to the health of mothers.
  • In the U.S, some doctors entering the growing specialty of maternal-fetal medicine were able to complete that training without ever spending time in a labor-delivery unit.
Who forced the woman to have sexual intercourse? You're promoting irresponsible behavior with human life at stake. How deplorable.
No one is promoting anything. Well, except this: choices and decisions relating to one's body and health belong to one person only and that is the person who's body it is. This doesnt just apply to men, it spplies to women as well.
You are promoting something, irresponsible behavior, resulting in murder of innocent defenseless human life. You rationalize very well, as do most godless creatures.
It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
Nonsensical gibberish

Resorting to insults in absence of a a valid response? Sad.
I supplied a valid response to THE BOARD. YOU are not worth the kernel of popcorn stuck between my teeth on movie night much less a dignified response so you too, can go fuck yourself

On with the insults... Is that your strongest skill? A rational response appears to be above you pay grade.
You best put me on ignore snowflake cause I bitch slap motherfuckers like you DAILY on this board.

My "rational" responses are reserved for those I respect.

Tut, tut! Still with the insults... What's even more pathetic is that you actually take yourself seriously... You and your pixels, must be quite the opponents in your eyes. LOL
Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

or forced to take the obligations Coyote

i really don't mean to be unkind, i'm not.

But if it's not plain to women that risks AND obligations go hand/hand, they will forever and a day be subjugated by those they seek to foist their obligatory need(s) upon

I agree. They do go hand in hand. And because of that tbe choice of how to handle them belong to the woman and no one else.
Good thing the child can't speak words yet, huh.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.
Women just get stuck holding the bag. They don't get pregnant by themselves. Could we could include another party that perhaps should control themselves a little better, too?
You gotta open them legs first. Unless it is rape, they have the ultimate control. Sperm is cheap, eggs are precious.
That is hardly her point. Men can go beat off also.
No, her point as is standard for split tails is to play the modern...independent woman... until some complication arises then play the damsel.
Western women are complete dog shit.
Every sperm is sacred, a potential new life if allowed to follow it’s natural course in the right environment. That makes masturb action mass murder. M en need to learn to control their hands.
Me dumpin a nut in a sock and you lettin the guy who bought you three 'Jaeger Bombs' dump one in you have two drastically different outcomes.

A sperm, if allowed to continue in it’s natural environment will create a baby. You, jerking off in the bushes, are murdering millions of potential babies.

That's the dumbest goddamn defense of baby murder there is. Seriously
No. It is using exactly the same arguments you use to force women to carry an unwanted pregnancy.
Well maybe if they did the dumb asses would make smarter choices?
No....lol! Who am I kidding?
Women were chattel for thousands of years for a reason. When it comes to responsible, adult, critically planned choices...they are complete shit sticks.
The guy can always walk away.

Please, refute that.
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???

When you're the one taking the risk, you get to decide which risks to take.
Men either have a say so in the issue or they don't. Which is it?
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?

For better or worse, that's the way nature arranged it. Trust me, many women would be happy for men to bear that particular privilege. When men begin carrying babies, I'll be the first to defend their right to make the choice of whether or not to carry that pregnancy to full term.

A man's choice is who he chooses to have sex with, after the act, he no longer has the final say on what happens to a body he doesn't live in.
The father also has an emotional and practical say in what happens to that baby, because what is inside her womb has his DNA also.

If a man shares the responsibility of raising the child, then he also shares the decision of whether or not that child, or potential child lives.

Obviously, if the mother is at risk of death, then yes, that would put the decision in her hands, but in the case of a child that can be brought to term without risk, then he has as much say as she does.
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???
For one, she is not a bitch. For another...rare as it might seem, I know some one who did die in childbirth, leaving an infant and grieving father. I know many woman who had serious complications with blood pressure and pre eclampsis. It is stilla very dangerous time for women and you dont have tbe rigbt to force it on them. Technically a pregnancy can be implantef in a man, but it is very high risk. I dont see the men, who are demanding a woman carry anunwanted pregnancy lining up to offer their bodies...do you?
Men have equal responsibility, yes.
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?

For better or worse, that's the way nature arranged it. Trust me, many women would be happy for men to bear that particular privilege. When men begin carrying babies, I'll be the first to defend their right to make the choice of whether or not to carry that pregnancy to full term.

A man's choice is who he chooses to have sex with, after the act, he no longer has the final say on what happens to a body he doesn't live in.
The father also has an emotional and practical say in what happens to that baby, because what is inside her womb has his DNA also.

If a man shares the responsibility of raising the child, then he also shares the decision of whether or not that child, or potential child lives.

Obviously, if the mother is at risk of death, then yes, that would put the decision in her hands, but in the case of a child that can be brought to term without risk, then he has as much say as she does.
No...he doesn't. Because ultimately, it is her body that will have to go through this...not his.
Until you are forced to take those risks, against your will...your opinion doesnt mean a whole lot.

or forced to take the obligations Coyote

i really don't mean to be unkind, i'm not.

But if it's not plain to women that risks AND obligations go hand/hand, they will forever and a day be subjugated by those they seek to foist their obligatory need(s) upon

I agree. They do go hand in hand. And because of that tbe choice of how to handle them belong to the woman and no one else.
Good thing the child can't speak words yet, huh.

What gives it rights over another's body?
That's half the battle. No for the question that matters. If the MOTHER wants an abortion and the FATHER doesn't what do we do?

It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???
For one, she is not a bitch. For another...rare as it might seem, I know some one who did die in childbirth, leaving an infant and grieving father. I know many woman who had serious complications with blood pressure and pre eclampsis. It is stilla very dangerous time for women and you dont have tbe rigbt to force it on them. Technically a pregnancy can be implantef in a man, but it is very high risk. I dont see the men, who are demanding a woman carry anunwanted pregnancy lining up to offer their bodies...do you?
I hate to break it to you but they FORCED it on themselves when they willingly spread their legs without the proper precautions.

You all want to claim that it's a womans body and she is the one risking her life but apparently she didn't think that "risk" was worthy of a fifty cent rubber or whatever.
If she is that careless why cry about the so called risks
It's the woman's call given that it's her life and her health that is being put on the line.
So wait, it's a two person situation when it comes to the responsibility of caring for the baby, but when it comes to extinguishing the life of that baby, the mother has the sole decision?
She has all the risk.
She does but the "risk" is so infinitesimal that this line of argument is absurd.

She has a bigger chance of getting in a car wreck but the bitch still drives while pregnant does she not???
For one, she is not a bitch. For another...rare as it might seem, I know some one who did die in childbirth, leaving an infant and grieving father. I know many woman who had serious complications with blood pressure and pre eclampsis. It is stilla very dangerous time for women and you dont have tbe rigbt to force it on them. Technically a pregnancy can be implantef in a man, but it is very high risk. I dont see the men, who are demanding a woman carry anunwanted pregnancy lining up to offer their bodies...do you?
I hate to break it to you but they FORCED it on themselves when they willingly spread their legs without the proper precautions.

You all want to claim that it's a womans body and she is the one risking her life but apparently she didn't think that "risk" was worthy of a fifty cent rubber or whatever.
If she is that careless why cry about the so called risks
Because even rubbers fail.

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