Women who get abortions are more likely to commit suicide.

There is a serious message in this thread:

Women who have had abortions must be permanently banned from becoming airline pilots!
Yeah, that's what the anti-choice zealots have been saying for years.

Women who get abortions are more likely to commit suicide. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

As per your bitch-ass usual, you jumped into a thread early just throwing out blanket defiance. You think if you can get that 2 spot and say nuh uh, then you've done your job. But you just come off as as a bitch.

From the article:

Two studies from Finland(1) show that women who had abortions were 6 to 7 times more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth. These studies were based on medical records rather than interviews.

Or they are just hors that can't be happy unless their legs are spread wide. Liberal philosophy on a woman's choice. Killing you're baby for convenience. Teaching young girls abstinence isn't the right thing to do, is another liberal policy. Another reason liberalism needs to go.

You sir, are a fucking moron.
No, Gruber says you are and you agree with him. Lol, Obama has done a great thing for conservatives. He proves liberals stand for nothing. The best part is he proves you are idiots. Gruber approved! Lol

I don't know any fucking "Gruber", moron. What I do know is you're a moron living on your own sick comic book world ranting anonymously on a message board about people you don't know and have probably never even met, attributing your own sicko comic book motives to other people in whose shoes you've never walked, topped off with a fundamental Eliminationist bullshit death wish on a sociopolitical philosophy that is completely beyond your ken.

Fuck you and anybody that thinks like you. :fu:

Scumbags like this make this place like being forced to live in Archie Bunker's fucking closet.

What? What the heck are you talking about? I raised a son on my own. With no child support. He is a great kid, well man. Self supportive and all around great guy. I taught him life means something no matter what. Not that it can be compromised for convenience. It was very hard, but I regret nothing. Oh, Gruber you know who he is. He helped write obamacare and he calls your kind stupid. So, if you support Obama well you know. Stupid! Lol

What in the fuck are you yammering on about now, moron?

-- Nobody brought up your kids or anybody else's... nothing in this thread is about Obamacare, which FYI I've always opposed back to when it was Romneycare as soon as it was announced ... and the only Gruber I know was an ensign on PT109 on McHale's navy played by an actor named Carl Ballantine. What in the blue FUCK does any of that have to do with this thread?

Go fuck yourself with a parking meter. Moron.
they are just hors that can't be happy unless their legs are spread wide.
Probably from constantly having to endure harassment like that from scum like you.
Remember I was against the liberal professor that said, men that open doors or give women their coats if they are cold are sexist. I treat women with total respect, but if you want to do anyone and everyone. Then you get pregnant, and you just want to kill the baby. Because you can't use contraception. Then yes, you are a piece of shit.
Try those things on modern women.

They actually like them.

I am the first man that gave my GF flowers, regularly opens her doors, send her candy etc.

In return, she treats me like a king.
Or they are just hors that can't be happy unless their legs are spread wide. Liberal philosophy on a woman's choice. Killing you're baby for convenience. Teaching young girls abstinence isn't the right thing to do, is another liberal policy. Another reason liberalism needs to go.

You sir, are a fucking moron.
No, Gruber says you are and you agree with him. Lol, Obama has done a great thing for conservatives. He proves liberals stand for nothing. The best part is he proves you are idiots. Gruber approved! Lol

I don't know any fucking "Gruber", moron. What I do know is you're a moron living on your own sick comic book world ranting anonymously on a message board about people you don't know and have probably never even met, attributing your own sicko comic book motives to other people in whose shoes you've never walked, topped off with a fundamental Eliminationist bullshit death wish on a sociopolitical philosophy that is completely beyond your ken.

Fuck you and anybody that thinks like you. :fu:

Scumbags like this make this place like being forced to live in Archie Bunker's fucking closet.

What? What the heck are you talking about? I raised a son on my own. With no child support. He is a great kid, well man. Self supportive and all around great guy. I taught him life means something no matter what. Not that it can be compromised for convenience. It was very hard, but I regret nothing. Oh, Gruber you know who he is. He helped write obamacare and he calls your kind stupid. So, if you support Obama well you know. Stupid! Lol

What in the fuck are you yammering on about now, moron?

-- Nobody brought up your kids or anybody else's... nothing in this thread is about Obamacare, which FYI I've always opposed back to when it was Romneycare as soon as it was announced ... and the only Gruber I know was an ensign on PT109 on McHale's navy played by an actor named Carl Ballantine. What in the blue FUCK does any of that have to do with this thread?

Go fuck yourself with a parking meter. Moron.
The hatred in this one is strong. Lol
I am the first man that gave my GF flowers, regularly opens her doors, send her candy etc.

In return, she treats me like a king.

Careful with that!

True story:

T'was a middle-aged guy whose wife had died some years before.
They had a son, now in his 20s, who thought he was God's Gift To Women and treated them like dirt.
The older guy set out to teach the kid a lesson. He made a date with the kid's GF. Dressed up nice; cleaned the car, brought her flowers, took her to a nice restaurant and then to a bar with a good band. She was all over him despite their age difference.

The son came into the bar. Dirty; had been working hauling gravel in a 10-wheeler parked outside. Downed a couple of beers and went out to lurk in the truck.

When the couple came out the little shit fired up the truck and took out after them. The girl escaped and the "old man" kept running. Finally, on a sharp turn with the truck slowed he jumped up on the front bumper and grabbed the hood ornament.

The kid took off down the road with the old man clinging on. He whipped around a curving gravel road and still the old man hung on. Finally where the gravel road joined a paved highway he slammed on the brakes and the father fell off. He quickly drove right over the old guy. Others who had seen what happened at the bar were in pursuit. They got to the intersection in time to see the kid reverse and back over his father then drive away. He drove about 70 miles to his father's house and drove the truck into the front wall.

Yes, he was arrested.

He served less than five years.

So let's be careful about taking good care of ladies - it can be fatal.
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."

Not even remotely related to what I posted, is it liar?

"Women who had an abortion" are not the opposite of "women who gave birth". Think about it.
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."

Not even remotely related to what I posted, is it liar?

"Women who didn't consider abortion" are not the opposite of "women who had an abortion". Nor are "women who gave birth". Think about it.

What did I lie about, moron? Stop talking out of your ass. (BTW, most the time that you use that liar card, I have no f'ing clue what I'm supposed to even have lied about....you should play that card less. It makes you look like butt tard).

The premise of the study was that women that commit abortion are much more likely to commit suicide than those who didn't. That's a "rational" relevant study. You just don't like it because it defies your world view. That's not to say that the study you suggest can't be useful. But pretending that the parameters of the study aren't "rational" is total "horse shit." Thanks to this study, women can know that if they don't commit abortion, they're quite possibly less likely to be suicidal. But you're having a little tizzy because you can't respect anything that you perceive as a threat to abortion rights.
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Yeah, that's what the anti-choice zealots have been saying for years.[/QUOTE

You didn't read the article, did you? Why don't you do that now? You might learn something.

I read it. It's the same old shit.
So you're right, and three independent studies based on medical records are wrong? You might want to get some knee braces. The weight of being right all the time has to be hard on the knees.

You need to excuse her, white man caused her problems. What she don't realize, it's the colored babies that are aborted the most. A sorry truth.

(This article first appeared in the January 20, 1992 edition of Citizen magazine)

How Planned Parenthood Duped America
At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood.

BlackGenocide.org The Truth About Margaret Sanger
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."

Not even remotely related to what I posted, is it liar?

"Women who had an abortion" are not the opposite of "women who gave birth". Think about it.

What did I lie about, moron? Stop talking out of your ass.

The premise of the study was that women that commit abortion are much more likely to commit suicide than those who didn't. That's a "rational" relevant study. You just don't like it because it defies your world view. That's not to say that the study you suggest can't be useful. But pretending that the parameters of the study aren't "rational" is total "horse shit." Thanks to this study, women can know that if they don't commit abortion, they're quite possibly less likely to be suicidal. But you're having a little tizzy because you can't respect anything that you perceive as a threat to abortion rights.

It's a bullshit conclusion, that's why. And you have no clue what my "position on abortion rights" is, though I'm sure you'll be happy to fabricate one of those too.

The study is based on a false comparison and concludes on a non sequitur. This probably won't sink in since I'm repeating a repetition of what I said in the first place, but they're comparing "women who had an abortion" with "women who gave birth". Those are not opposites. They're not even mutually exclusive. And its non sequitur is drawing the conclusion that having that abortion is the only variable between the two. IT ISN'T.
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."

Not even remotely related to what I posted, is it liar?

"Women who had an abortion" are not the opposite of "women who gave birth". Think about it.

What did I lie about, moron? Stop talking out of your ass.

The premise of the study was that women that commit abortion are much more likely to commit suicide than those who didn't. That's a "rational" relevant study. You just don't like it because it defies your world view. That's not to say that the study you suggest can't be useful. But pretending that the parameters of the study aren't "rational" is total "horse shit." Thanks to this study, women can know that if they don't commit abortion, they're quite possibly less likely to be suicidal. But you're having a little tizzy because you can't respect anything that you perceive as a threat to abortion rights.

It's a bullshit conclusion, that's why. And you have no clue what my "position on abortion rights" is, though I'm sure you'll be happy to fabricate one of those too.

The study is based on a false comparison and concludes on a non sequitur. This probably won't sink in since I'm repeating a repetition of what I said in the first place, but they're comparing "women who had an abortion" with "women who gave birth". Those are not opposites. They're not even mutually exclusive. And its non sequitur is drawing the conclusion that having that abortion is the only variable between the two. IT ISN'T.

Oh, please. Your a libtard minion who will fight for abortion to the hilt. And that's exactly what you're doing.

And stop throwing out technical terms like non sequitur in a pathetic attempt to sound smart about your retarded logic. The conclusion was simple and followed proper rigors. Women that don't commit suicide are less likely to commit suicide. That's a simple fact. You're just throwing a tantrum like the little bitch you are.
What a horseshit study. It compares women who had abortions with "women who gave birth". That's not a comparison. A rational comparison would be between women who considered abortion and did it, versus women who considered abortion and did not.

So, women who didn't consider aborition don't count when it comes to the overall health of women? Talk about "horseshit."

Not even remotely related to what I posted, is it liar?

"Women who had an abortion" are not the opposite of "women who gave birth". Think about it.

What did I lie about, moron? Stop talking out of your ass.

The premise of the study was that women that commit abortion are much more likely to commit suicide than those who didn't. That's a "rational" relevant study. You just don't like it because it defies your world view. That's not to say that the study you suggest can't be useful. But pretending that the parameters of the study aren't "rational" is total "horse shit." Thanks to this study, women can know that if they don't commit abortion, they're quite possibly less likely to be suicidal. But you're having a little tizzy because you can't respect anything that you perceive as a threat to abortion rights.

It's a bullshit conclusion, that's why. And you have no clue what my "position on abortion rights" is, though I'm sure you'll be happy to fabricate one of those too.

The study is based on a false comparison and concludes on a non sequitur. This probably won't sink in since I'm repeating a repetition of what I said in the first place, but they're comparing "women who had an abortion" with "women who gave birth". Those are not opposites. They're not even mutually exclusive. And its non sequitur is drawing the conclusion that having that abortion is the only variable between the two. IT ISN'T.

Oh, please. Your a libtard minion who will fight for abortion to the hilt. And that's exactly what you're doing.

And stop throwing out technical terms like non sequitur in a pathetic attempt to sound smart about your retarded logic. The conclusion was simple and followed proper rigors. Women that don't commit suicide are less likely to commit suicide. That's a simple fact. You're just throwing a tantrum like the little bitch you are.

Yeah I knew it would sail over your head.
"Non sequitur" means "it does not follow". They draw a conclusion without a bridge to it. They've in effect cherrypicked one factor and pretended it's the only one and drawn a false conclusion. Basically like saying "snow is white; paper is white; therefore snow is paper".

Golly jeepers Wally, if only there were, I dunno some kind of 'internet' where you could look up shit that flies over your head, y'know?

And no, you will NOT plug my positions in for me based on the simplistic blanket images you spread your mental legs for while Fox Noise has its way with you. I state them -- not you.. That you're not even bright enough to figure this out makes you not only the dishonest hack I already know you are but not worth the time to piss in the wind.

You have a nice weekend now.
Yeah, that's what the anti-choice zealots have been saying for years.
A baby is not a choice its a human being. The choice is BEFORE you get pregnant. DON'T GET PREGNANT! Its VERY VERY EASY NOT TO DO!
Also. GOOD! You have such little compassion,heart,love etc that you can murder a living human being you deserve to die.
Just for perspective, there were 41,000 suicides in America in 2011. More than 32,000 were men, more than 8,000 for women.

What pro-lifers fail to observe is that mental health related issues are far more prevalent among men than women (can you recall any female pilots intentionally crashing planes?).

It is science that after a woman's had an abortion, her body reacts as though it has given birth, meaning that woman is susceptible to the same kind of postpartum depression that a woman who has given birth face.

But what the study fails to tell us is that America has the highest teenage pregnancy rate of all developed nations. Why is that? Because of dangerous pro-life actions like trying to make contraception difficult for teenagers to acquire and because of absolutely lousy, know-nothing sex-ed curriculums in religious right places that teach "just say no".

Just say no is the stupidest thing of all time. Teens are hormonal. They're going to have sex. Any adult who can't grasp that reality isn't a good parent. The reason why it's so important for contraception to be free for all people is to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.

These studies are the best argument for contraception-for-all. It is troubling then that in our reality, men have viagra covered in their health insurance while women have to fight tooth and nail to get birth control covered. It's troubling that we value boners more than women's health.

Stupid conservatives think that if you just pass a law that says abortion is illegal (thereby criminalizing the nation's women in one Draconian act) that it'll just magically go away. That's conservatives for you, always clinging to magical thinking, just like how cutting taxes can solve all economic problems.

If you're really pro-life then you must be in favor of free and easy access to contraception for women and teen girls. Human beings will have sex in this life and it is proven in all other developed countries to drastically reduce abortions you must stress safe sex practices. America's teens are 8 times more likely to get pregnant than European teens. And they have so much more sex than our teens do. It's because of contraception.

Anyone who argues the just say no thing can not be taken as a serious adult.
Yeah I knew it would sail over your head.
"Non sequitur" means "it does not follow". They draw a conclusion without a bridge to it. They've in effect cherrypicked one factor and pretended it's the only one and drawn a false conclusion. Basically like saying "snow is white; paper is white; therefore snow is paper".

Golly jeepers Wally, if only there were, I dunno some kind of 'internet' where you could look up shit that flies over your head, y'know?

And no, you will NOT plug my positions in for me based on the simplistic blanket images you spread your mental legs for while Fox Noise has its way with you. I state them -- not you.. That you're not even bright enough to figure this out makes you not only the dishonest hack I already know you are but not worth the time to piss in the wind.

You have a nice weekend now.

I know what it means, asshole. I'm saying you're just throwing out fancy talk and hoping it confuses the issue. The bridge (the study) is pretty simple. Women who don't have abortions commit suicides much less frequently. It's supported by the data presented. You're the one throwing out monkey shit, well they should've did this. Who gives a fuck what you think they should've done. The data is sound. You're not even throwing out spurious arguments, frankly.

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