Wonderful Donald to meet with Nice Man Corker in Trump Tower! is he the VP?


Corker's folly: THIS is your first GOP message?
What is Sen. Corker thinking?: Kudlow

"What can Senator Bob Corker be thinking? On his first Sunday-news-show appearance of the year, right at the beginning of a new Republican Senate era, does Corker communicate a new GOP message of growth and reform? Does he talk about business and personal tax reduction that might rejuvenate start-ups, higher wages, and job-creation? Does he talk about rolling back Obamacare or regulations in general? Does he discuss sensible immigration reform, including border security? Free-trade promotion that will help consumers and businesses? Education reform? The Keystone pipeline?

No. His first Republican message is: Raise the federal gasoline tax. He said this on Fox News Sunday and he repeated it on CNBC the next day."

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