World beginning to relate to Israel now

Baloney - the video is evidence that Hamas, Militants of Palestine and ISIS are all working together - birds of a feather? Fly together. Your dog won't hunt. Forget it. Ask Roudy after he watches the video. Their goose is officially cooked.

You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!
Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

I have to agree with you, Roudy. I believe the West is waking up and realizing that these Arabs trying to steal Israeli land will be trying to take theirs next if they're not careful. Germany is already regretting it.
Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

The world understands that there is a big difference between the resistance of a colonized and oppressed people and terrorists from another continent that carry out terrorist acts in Europe. It is the Israelis who are occupying land on another continent. What Europe needs to look to Israel for is to see what happens when you allow hordes from another continent to invade as the European Jews did in Palestine. Had the Jewish hordes been stopped early on, the hordes would not have been able to settle in and eventually take over land on another continent.

The world cannot see any difference between a Palestinian terrorist animal attacking a Jewish school, shopping mall, or wedding, and mowing down innocent Jews in the name of allah, or an ISIS animal mowing down Frenchmen in a concert, or Americans in San Bernardino celebrating Christmas, or etc. That is not resistance that is Islamic savagery.

The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!

Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack

Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?
Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

Europeans aren't as stupid as Americans. They know full well that Palestinians are in Palestine and are resisting occupation. They also know that the unquestioning support of Israel by the U.S. and their (European) guilt by association contributes to Muslim terrorism in Europe.

When they wake up one day to the claim that their land belongs to the Muslims they allowed in? They will suddenly relate very well to Israel.

I agree. The Zionists invaded Palestine in much the same way as the Muslims are invading Europe. Europe must stop the Muslim migration or its people will suffer what the native Palestinians suffered with the similar migration of European Jews to Palestine. Had the native Palestinians been more effective in stopping the Zionist migration, they would not be in the situation they are in today.
Recent terrorist events in Paris, San Bernandino, and yesterday the stabbing in London has once again allowed the world to understand the Islamist savagery, antisemitism, and barbarism coming from Palestinians and Muslims in general, that Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.

And yet, despite being under a constant threat of terrorism and war, Israel is able to defend itself, and maintain its democratic values as a state that has approximately 1.8 million Arab Muslim Israeli citizens with the exact same rights as all Israeli citizens.

Maybe the West can learn a few things from the Israelis? :clap2:
What we are learning is that Israel is part of the problem as to why we get Terrorism in America. The news reported that the San Bernardino Terrorist was also Fixated with Israel.
Which proves that America needs to get strongly behind Israel and cut off all support of the terrorists who are trying to take their land - it makes sense - doesn't it?
Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.
Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

Europeans aren't as stupid as Americans. They know full well that Palestinians are in Palestine and are resisting occupation. They also know that the unquestioning support of Israel by the U.S. and their (European) guilt by association contributes to Muslim terrorism in Europe.
When they wake up one day to the claim that their land belongs to the Muslims they allowed in? They will suddenly relate very well to Israel.

I agree. The Zionists invaded Palestine in much the same way as the Muslims are invading Europe. Europe must stop the Muslim migration or its people will suffer what the native Palestinians suffered with the similar migration of European Jews to Palestine. Had the native Palestinians been more effective in stopping the Zionist migration, they would not be in the situation they are in today.
There was no such thing as a Palestinian before 1948. The Jews have a 4,000 yr. history with Israel. It's their land. What's your point? That other people lived there over the past 4,000 years? Yes, we know that. If a tenant rents your house and property for a period of time - they are still a renter - they are not the rightful owners. You are. Get it?
Recent terrorist events in Paris, San Bernandino, and yesterday the stabbing in London has once again allowed the world to understand the Islamist savagery, antisemitism, and barbarism coming from Palestinians and Muslims in general, that Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.

And yet, despite being under a constant threat of terrorism and war, Israel is able to defend itself, and maintain its democratic values as a state that has approximately 1.8 million Arab Muslim Israeli citizens with the exact same rights as all Israeli citizens.

Maybe the West can learn a few things from the Israelis? :clap2:
What we are learning is that Israel is part of the problem as to why we get Terrorism in America. The news reported that the San Bernardino Terrorist was also Fixated with Israel.
You've got that backwards. We are learning that the same terrorists attacking Israel are attacking Europe and America now. It is not the wisest PR move if you ask me.
As usual your zeal for ass kissing Zionism blinds you!

Father of San Bernardino shooter: Son supported ISIS -

"Who does not talk about it these days? He said he shared the ideology of al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic State, and he was fixated on Israel," the elder Farook said, referring to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

Europeans aren't as stupid as Americans. They know full well that Palestinians are in Palestine and are resisting occupation. They also know that the unquestioning support of Israel by the U.S. and their (European) guilt by association contributes to Muslim terrorism in Europe.
When they wake up one day to the claim that their land belongs to the Muslims they allowed in? They will suddenly relate very well to Israel.

I agree. The Zionists invaded Palestine in much the same way as the Muslims are invading Europe. Europe must stop the Muslim migration or its people will suffer what the native Palestinians suffered with the similar migration of European Jews to Palestine. Had the native Palestinians been more effective in stopping the Zionist migration, they would not be in the situation they are in today.
There was no such thing as a Palestinian before 1948. The Jews have a 4,000 yr. history with Israel. It's their land. What's your point? That other people lived there over the past 4,000 years? Yes, we know that. If a tenant rents your house and property for a period of time - they are still a renter - they are not the rightful owners. You are. Get it?

Oh get out of here. Palestine existed for 2,000 years. The Europeans that colonized the place had no deeds to Palestine, the native Palestinians are descendants of the people that lived in the area before the Jews arrived. They are descendants of the Canaanites, the Philistines, the Samaritans and others including Jews that later converted to the religions of convenience over time.
You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!
Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

Europeans aren't as stupid as Americans. They know full well that Palestinians are in Palestine and are resisting occupation. They also know that the unquestioning support of Israel by the U.S. and their (European) guilt by association contributes to Muslim terrorism in Europe.

An Islamist stabbing attack, bombing or mass shooting isn't "resisting occupation" no matter where it occurs. The ISIS animals think they are "resisting occupation" as well. For that reason the French and British have called the ISIS attacks an act of war, and begun massive bombing campaigns against ISIS strongholds.

Therefore Israel and the West are fighting the same exact enemy, and Israel is just another frontline in Islam's war against humanity, freedom, and Western values. With each Islamist terrorist attack, the West grows closer to Israel.
Recent terrorist events in Paris, San Bernandino, and yesterday the stabbing in London has once again allowed the world to understand the Islamist savagery, antisemitism, and barbarism coming from Palestinians and Muslims in general, that Israel has to deal with on a daily basis.

And yet, despite being under a constant threat of terrorism and war, Israel is able to defend itself, and maintain its democratic values as a state that has approximately 1.8 million Arab Muslim Israeli citizens with the exact same rights as all Israeli citizens.

Maybe the West can learn a few things from the Israelis? :clap2:
What we are learning is that Israel is part of the problem as to why we get Terrorism in America. The news reported that the San Bernardino Terrorist was also Fixated with Israel.
You've got that backwards. We are learning that the same terrorists attacking Israel are attacking Europe and America now. It is not the wisest PR move if you ask me.
As usual your zeal for ass kissing Zionism blinds you!

Father of San Bernardino shooter: Son supported ISIS -

"Who does not talk about it these days? He said he shared the ideology of al-Baghdadi to create an Islamic State, and he was fixated on Israel," the elder Farook said, referring to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Yeah, strange, Islamists are also mentally ill antiSemites, what a suprise!
Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

The world understands that there is a big difference between the resistance of a colonized and oppressed people and terrorists from another continent that carry out terrorist acts in Europe. It is the Israelis who are occupying land on another continent. What Europe needs to look to Israel for is to see what happens when you allow hordes from another continent to invade as the European Jews did in Palestine. Had the Jewish hordes been stopped early on, the hordes would not have been able to settle in and eventually take over land on another continent.

The world cannot see any difference between a Palestinian terrorist animal attacking a Jewish school, shopping mall, or wedding, and mowing down innocent Jews in the name of allah, or an ISIS animal mowing down Frenchmen in a concert, or Americans in San Bernardino celebrating Christmas, or etc. That is not resistance that is Islamic savagery.

The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?
It was a nice apparently. Eery how these animals commit the same atrocities whether it's against Jews or Europeans.
You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!
Watch the video - Militants of Palestine are a branch of Hamas and are on the same side. Who was the main target of ISIS? Bataclan theatre. Who is in this video threatening a terrorist attack if Bataclan does not stop hosting IDF at their theatre? The Militants of Palestine. ISIS and Militants of Palestine - Hamas are working together. The world needs to demand Militants of Palestine and Hamas get the same punishment ISIS is getting. Drive them all out of Israel. They don't belong there and terrorists should not be rewarded. EVER.
Who is that in the video? Militants of Palestine. That's who.

Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

Exactly. Wonder how they would feel if the rest of the world ignored them when they got hit by terrorists? Better yet I wonder how they would feel if every time Paris or Holland or Germany got hit the world responded by blaming them and accusing them of oppressing the Muslims and not doing enough for them. I wonder how they'd feel if the whole world believed the terrorists who lied against them, falsely accused them and decided to blame them as the aggressors. How confused would they become? Would that be enough to make them wake up and realize what Israelis' go through on a daily basis? What exactly will it take. That is what I wonder.

Correct. The West will have to be careful condemning Israel, since they would be shooting themselves in the foot when they decide to defend themselves against the same Islamic terrorists that Israel if fighting. Islamist attacks in Europe and America will continue, this is inevitable, and with each attack the world becomes more sympathetic toward Israel.

I have to agree with you, Roudy. I believe the West is waking up and realizing that these Arabs trying to steal Israeli land will be trying to take theirs next if they're not careful. Germany is already regretting it.

Well the world is finally beginning to realize that Israel is on the same side as they are, fighting same Islamic terrorists that want to Islamicize every land and turn them into Caliphates. And with each act of terror it confirms it even more that Israel is yet another free democratic nation that is in the crosshairs of this evil ideology.
Also, the civilized world needs to be more careful punishing Israel for defending itself against Palestinian Islamist savages, because they are having to do the same with Islamist terrorists behaving the same way as Palestinian terrorists.

The world understands that there is a big difference between the resistance of a colonized and oppressed people and terrorists from another continent that carry out terrorist acts in Europe. It is the Israelis who are occupying land on another continent. What Europe needs to look to Israel for is to see what happens when you allow hordes from another continent to invade as the European Jews did in Palestine. Had the Jewish hordes been stopped early on, the hordes would not have been able to settle in and eventually take over land on another continent.

The world cannot see any difference between a Palestinian terrorist animal attacking a Jewish school, shopping mall, or wedding, and mowing down innocent Jews in the name of allah, or an ISIS animal mowing down Frenchmen in a concert, or Americans in San Bernardino celebrating Christmas, or etc. That is not resistance that is Islamic savagery.

The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!
Two paragraphs filled with meaningless personal attacks and gibberish, without addressing the fact that with each Islamist terror attack, the civilized world gets closer to Israel.

Actually, quite the opposite is happening:

"“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is for them a metaphor for the subordination of the Arab world and the Muslim community,” he said, further calling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “a breeding ground for such an attack.”

The comments by the Dutch politician follow similar rhetoric by Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström, who said Monday that Palestinian grievances with Israel led to the Paris attacks. "

Dutch Socialist leader links Paris terror attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict

I'm so glad you brought that up. I agree. You see, The Militants of Palestine threatened a terrorist attack against Bataclan Theatre / Cafe back 2008 and the ISIS terrorists were told to target Bataclan by a well known terrorist who had ties to the Hamas Terrorists and the terrorist group - Militants of Palestine. In this video from 2008 you will see with your own eyes these Palestinian Muslim thugs threatening a terrorist attack on Bataclan Theatre in Paris if they didn't stop hosting IDF and Jewish gala events. The Militants of Palestine are the ultimate Nazi gestapo thugs. Have a look.

By your own admission you agree that ISIS, Hamas, and the Militants of Palestine are working together in their work of worldwide terrorism. This is why the entire world should side with Israel and tell these Arabs calling themselves Palestinians it's game over and they lose - they need to get out of Israel and go back to their own Arab lands..

ISIS and the Palestinians are working together. This video proves it.

This is precisely why Roudy is right. Israels enemies? Are France's enemies, Mumbai's enemies, California's enemies and lest we forget New York's enemies. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians (and are not) danced in streets for joy and handed out candy in celebration on 9/11. In fact, Israel's enemies - are the World's enemies. Time for the world to wake up.

Watch this:

ISIS calls Hamas 'apostates', pledges to fight them in Gaza

Baloney - the video is evidence that Hamas, Militants of Palestine and ISIS are all working together - birds of a feather? Fly together. Your dog won't hunt. Forget it. Ask Roudy after he watches the video. Their goose is officially cooked.

You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!

Which idol is that?
Starting to relate to israel? Is every nation starting to keep a pen of people they considee undesirable in their backyard?
The world understands that there is a big difference between the resistance of a colonized and oppressed people and terrorists from another continent that carry out terrorist acts in Europe. It is the Israelis who are occupying land on another continent. What Europe needs to look to Israel for is to see what happens when you allow hordes from another continent to invade as the European Jews did in Palestine. Had the Jewish hordes been stopped early on, the hordes would not have been able to settle in and eventually take over land on another continent.

The world cannot see any difference between a Palestinian terrorist animal attacking a Jewish school, shopping mall, or wedding, and mowing down innocent Jews in the name of allah, or an ISIS animal mowing down Frenchmen in a concert, or Americans in San Bernardino celebrating Christmas, or etc. That is not resistance that is Islamic savagery.

The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.
Last edited:
Actually, quite the opposite is happening:

"“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is for them a metaphor for the subordination of the Arab world and the Muslim community,” he said, further calling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict “a breeding ground for such an attack.”

The comments by the Dutch politician follow similar rhetoric by Sweden’s Foreign Minister Margot Wallström, who said Monday that Palestinian grievances with Israel led to the Paris attacks. "

Dutch Socialist leader links Paris terror attacks to Israeli-Palestinian conflict

I'm so glad you brought that up. I agree. You see, The Militants of Palestine threatened a terrorist attack against Bataclan Theatre / Cafe back 2008 and the ISIS terrorists were told to target Bataclan by a well known terrorist who had ties to the Hamas Terrorists and the terrorist group - Militants of Palestine. In this video from 2008 you will see with your own eyes these Palestinian Muslim thugs threatening a terrorist attack on Bataclan Theatre in Paris if they didn't stop hosting IDF and Jewish gala events. The Militants of Palestine are the ultimate Nazi gestapo thugs. Have a look.

By your own admission you agree that ISIS, Hamas, and the Militants of Palestine are working together in their work of worldwide terrorism. This is why the entire world should side with Israel and tell these Arabs calling themselves Palestinians it's game over and they lose - they need to get out of Israel and go back to their own Arab lands..

ISIS and the Palestinians are working together. This video proves it.

This is precisely why Roudy is right. Israels enemies? Are France's enemies, Mumbai's enemies, California's enemies and lest we forget New York's enemies. The Arabs calling themselves Palestinians (and are not) danced in streets for joy and handed out candy in celebration on 9/11. In fact, Israel's enemies - are the World's enemies. Time for the world to wake up.

Watch this:

ISIS calls Hamas 'apostates', pledges to fight them in Gaza

Baloney - the video is evidence that Hamas, Militants of Palestine and ISIS are all working together - birds of a feather? Fly together. Your dog won't hunt. Forget it. Ask Roudy after he watches the video. Their goose is officially cooked.

You need to keep up...

ISIS is NOT a friend of Hamas!

"birds of a feather"? Ah yes, that old racist mantra...

Forget about it....

We are all ONE... We all pray to different 'idols', but we are the same people!

Which idol is that?

Good question... What ever idol you want to believe in...

After all, there are so many!

Not one of them proven, not one of them believable...
The world cannot see any difference between a Palestinian terrorist animal attacking a Jewish school, shopping mall, or wedding, and mowing down innocent Jews in the name of allah, or an ISIS animal mowing down Frenchmen in a concert, or Americans in San Bernardino celebrating Christmas, or etc. That is not resistance that is Islamic savagery.

The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!
The uneducated world, the racist world, the fearful world... YOUR world... Cannot see a difference... That is true....

That is uneducated, bigoted savagery...

I fear your kind more than I fear Islam!

I have no time for 'terrorists', every 'terrorist' is the scum of the earth and should be stopped, by whatever means available...

To think that the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are all 'terrorists' is simply dumb!
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.
Is there a difference between this Islamic animal going around stabbing innocent people on a London subway, and a Palestinian Islamic Jihadi animal going around stabbing innocent Israelis in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv? Not to the civilized world.

Another day another Muslim infected with Mad Muslim Disease (TM) trying to slaughter totally innocent people in the name of Allah.

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -

London police treat knife attack as terrorist incident -
Melissa Gray and Tim Hume, CNN
Story highlights
  • "The threat from terrorism remains at severe," a police official says
  • One person suffered serious injuries, but they're not considered life-threatening
  • Police are looking into reports that man yelled, "This is for Syria," during attack
Someone posted a news story from Europe on here last night that said the guy had a machete. That was the headline - a machete. Was it a knife or a machete? Do you know?

It was a 3" bladed knife...

Hardly a machete!

Funny, the Muslim animal was busy trying to behead a poor old man with that 3" bladed knife, before he was stopped by law enforcement. Never underestimate the savagery of an Islamic terrorist.

Wow, do you have a link to the news article that states that the perpetrator was trying to "behead a poor old man"?

Even the worst newsmongers couldn't make that one up!

Never underestimate the lunacy of the simple, zionut mind!

Yes, the Muslim animal was trying to behead an old man, after stabbing him. Not my fault you're an ignorant moron:

London station terrorist tried to behead vic: witness

London Train Station Attacker Tries To Behead Victim, WIll Be Treated As Terrorist Attack

Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go'

Witnesses told how as he entered the ticket hall he attacked a 56-year-old man carrying a guitar and beat him unconscious.

"We are treating this as a terrorist incident. I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."
Commander Richard Walton, head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command

Armed with a four inch knife, he then began to cut at his neck as tried to behead him.

Ok, did you read your links?

A 'witness' said that the attacker MAY have been trying to behead the man...

Of course, the 'witness' is unnamed and there is no information as to how many beheadings the 'witness' has experienced before to be able to make such an informed judgement...

I think that trying to behead someone with a 3" blade might take quite some time!

Not my fault you are sucked into Fox News and alike and choose to spew out the same scaremongering as the mainstream media...

The world does not and will not relate to Israel, excluding the US of course... The rest of the world, including Europe, are a little tired of the Israeli bleating... Time for change...

Israel is on no one's side except their own!

Europe is waking up to the fact that Israel is a belligerent state, I'm sure the US will catch up soon!

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