Worried Trump could 'go rogue' Milley took top-secret action to protect nukes

This should come as a surprise to no one. After all, when Donnie was being briefed in advance of taking office he asked THREE TIMES about nukes: "If we have them, then why can't we use them?" :omg:

Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took top-secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.​
Woodward and Costa write that Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'​
Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.​
In response, Milley took extraordinary action, and called a secret meeting in his Pentagon office on January 8 to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons. Speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's war room, Milley instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he was involved.​
"No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I'm part of that procedure," Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.​

I don't know how is more delusional Milley or you...
Well, well, well, this tiny tidbit leaked out of a yet unpublished expose' of the last days of the last Administration has surely stampeded the loons. General Milley a traitor, gonna be shot/hung/gassed/injected...maybe all at once. I know. It is loonism.

I would suggest to the wackaloons...maybe try settling down for a bit. Let the cake bake. There is more reportage coming. Some already emerging. I ain't gonna do an Atlantic piece on what was reported just today, but I'm confident that you will see that there is relevant context.

So, as a shorthand....lemme just comment on some of the posting in this thread:

Well, this firs one is really out of the thrust of this thread...but I'll comment anyway.
I'll comment because it is a foolish thing to put up on a public social media site. The histrionic poster suggests....probably in a surge of internet tuff-guyism .... that he supports the killing of 9 million Americans. He doesn't say why. Just that he supports it.
So let's move on and let that poster's silliness rot on its own.


Well, it does seem that Milley was certainly having second doubts about the stability of Don Trump. But of far more importance to this story than Milley's concerns is.......China's concerns over that stability.

In fact, it was China's concerns that sparked Milley's ...and others.....calls to their counterparts in China. As was reported, American intelligence was picking up signals that some in China's leadership were concerned that Trump's much publicized rhetoric about making China pay for the emergence of Covid could very well lead to some stupid macho overdosing by an American leader widely reported as unstable....perhaps reported as such by Chinese spies themselves.

And with that received American intelligence, Milley and American civilian leadership in government, began making calls to their counterparts to reassure them that America itself was stable and would not do something stupid as a mere re-election tactic. Milley's call, and the other's calls, was in that context.......to tamp down Chinese anxieties created by Trump's political rhetoric.

Yes, they seemed to have been.
And so the corollary of that is: China's alarm arising from their perception of Trump's threats.

General Milley, and the others, were "reassuring" ....not 'warning'.
Milley, and the others, didn't want China to do something stupid out of fear.

What utter nonsense....as pointed out previously but which you still seem not to get......NEWSFLASH --China has one of the World's premier intelligence services that keeps them well informed on America and add to that China knows Trump very well thus they do not need some quisling like dumb ass milley to keep them informed.

To them he was just a useful idiot.

Again......Milley was played by Chinese Intelligence to create distrust and suspicion between the IU.S. Military and America's civilian leadership thus weakening America as well as to undermine America's nuclear credibility.

China plays the long game and they play it very well.

What many do not get is that our Nuclear Weapons Program's main purpose is to deter 'others' from attacking us.

If our enemies have no fear of our nuclear weapons then basically they are useless....as in they have no deterrent power....and it was that power that kept the peace between Russia and America during the cold war years--the so called MAD Doctrine....Mutually Assured Destruction.

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Well, well, well, this tiny tidbit leaked out of a yet unpublished expose' of the last days of the last Administration has surely stampeded the loons. General Milley a traitor, gonna be shot/hung/gassed/injected...maybe all at once. I know. It is loonism.

I would suggest to the wackaloons...maybe try settling down for a bit. Let the cake bake. There is more reportage coming. Some already emerging. I ain't gonna do an Atlantic piece on what was reported just today, but I'm confident that you will see that there is relevant context.

So, as a shorthand....lemme just comment on some of the posting in this thread:

Well, this firs one is really out of the thrust of this thread...but I'll comment anyway.
I'll comment because it is a foolish thing to put up on a public social media site. The histrionic poster suggests....probably in a surge of internet tuff-guyism .... that he supports the killing of 9 million Americans. He doesn't say why. Just that he supports it.
So let's move on and let that poster's silliness rot on its own.


Well, it does seem that Milley was certainly having second doubts about the stability of Don Trump. But of far more importance to this story than Milley's concerns is.......China's concerns over that stability.

In fact, it was China's concerns that sparked Milley's ...and others.....calls to their counterparts in China. As was reported, American intelligence was picking up signals that some in China's leadership were concerned that Trump's much publicized rhetoric about making China pay for the emergence of Covid could very well lead to some stupid macho overdosing by an American leader widely reported as unstable....perhaps reported as such by Chinese spies themselves.

And with that received American intelligence, Milley and American civilian leadership in government, began making calls to their counterparts to reassure them that America itself was stable and would not do something stupid as a mere re-election tactic. Milley's call, and the other's calls, was in that context.......to tamp down Chinese anxieties created by Trump's political rhetoric.

Yes, they seemed to have been.
And so the corollary of that is: China's alarm arising from their perception of Trump's threats.

General Milley, and the others, were "reassuring" ....not 'warning'.
Milley, and the others, didn't want China to do something stupid out of fear.

Nah, I think it would be more effective in Washington D.C. Then again all Blue Plantation Cities could be considered.
The Treason and perfidy of Milley, Pelosi, Bai Dung, Blinken and the PM/DSA Democrats Commies became very apparent during the month of August 2021.
Well, well, well, this tiny tidbit leaked out of a yet unpublished expose' of the last days of the last Administration has surely stampeded the loons. General Milley a traitor, gonna be shot/hung/gassed/injected...maybe all at once. I know. It is loonism.

I would suggest to the wackaloons...maybe try settling down for a bit. Let the cake bake. There is more reportage coming. Some already emerging. I ain't gonna do an Atlantic piece on what was reported just today, but I'm confident that you will see that there is relevant context.

So, as a shorthand....lemme just comment on some of the posting in this thread:

Well, this firs one is really out of the thrust of this thread...but I'll comment anyway.
I'll comment because it is a foolish thing to put up on a public social media site. The histrionic poster suggests....probably in a surge of internet tuff-guyism .... that he supports the killing of 9 million Americans. He doesn't say why. Just that he supports it.
So let's move on and let that poster's silliness rot on its own.


Well, it does seem that Milley was certainly having second doubts about the stability of Don Trump. But of far more importance to this story than Milley's concerns is.......China's concerns over that stability.

In fact, it was China's concerns that sparked Milley's ...and others.....calls to their counterparts in China. As was reported, American intelligence was picking up signals that some in China's leadership were concerned that Trump's much publicized rhetoric about making China pay for the emergence of Covid could very well lead to some stupid macho overdosing by an American leader widely reported as unstable....perhaps reported as such by Chinese spies themselves.

And with that received American intelligence, Milley and American civilian leadership in government, began making calls to their counterparts to reassure them that America itself was stable and would not do something stupid as a mere re-election tactic. Milley's call, and the other's calls, was in that context.......to tamp down Chinese anxieties created by Trump's political rhetoric.

Yes, they seemed to have been.
And so the corollary of that is: China's alarm arising from their perception of Trump's threats.

General Milley, and the others, were "reassuring" ....not 'warning'.
Milley, and the others, didn't want China to do something stupid out of fear.
You realize all that bullshit is easily debunked. If we need to 'reassure' someone we have the State Department. They specialize in diplomacy. If the general had concerns there are protocols to follow. This attempted whitewash fails on every level.
You realize all that bullshit is easily debunked. If we need to 'reassure' someone we have the State Department. They specialize in diplomacy. If the general had concerns there are protocols to follow. This attempted whitewash fails on every level.
Exactly.....Milley in a wild and reckless manner let the Chinese Intelligence apparatus play him; as previously noted.

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No, Milley had to do what was done in Nixon's final days when he was wandering about the WH drunk and mumbling to himself. KEEP HIS ASS AWAY FROM THE NUKE SUITCASE!

If it is true, this isn't a gray area. Milley committed treason. NO President of the United States has the ability to launch a nuclear attack, period. There are multiple levels of approval and failsafe systems in place.

The closest we came to nuclear war was probably during the Cuban Missile Crisis although we did not learn of how close it was until after the Soviet Union collapsed.
Treason???? As I recall it was not Milley, but Trump, that instigated an insurrection against the newly elected government of the United States of America. That is Treason.
Your desperation is always expected and welcome. The FBI could find no evidence that there was any coordination or insurrection. IF this is true, at the least Milley must resign. I would think that a drop in rank would be in order. If true, it cannot be swept under the rug.
Does this mean that if Joey Xi by any chance also makes the decision to attack, General Milley would notify China in advance?
By all that is logical that is TREASON......

Milley Told China in Secret Phone Call He Would Give the CCP Advance Warning if US Was Ever Going to Attack

That certainly is what the information we see has said. If it is true, it is treason!
After January 6th....Milley had every right to fear that trump would go rouge and launch a nuclear attack or start a war in an effort to retain power. Milley appears to state empathically that all the procedures must be followed. He knew that if possible trump, would unilaterally launch nuclear weapons. Milley took steps to assure that would not happen. SIMPLE!
Prove it...I want to see the evidence...including the rants and raves that trump inflicted on anyone that was in ear shot. I want cabinet members to testify how unhinged trump was and how many of them feared he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE!
I take it that you're being facetious. NONE of your rants is important. There is a fail-proof system and a chain of command that must be followed or we have nothing more than chaos.

For Milley to act on his own, if shown to be true, is treason, period.
If General Milley had interfered with President Trump in any way, he would have been arrested. He would have swatted like fly.
"About 50% of the country is now vaccinated. Is it just me, or does this remind you of a team project where half the team does all the work?" -Jimmy Fallon

Little wonder that Jimmy Fallon and all the other late-night shows have fallen to "Gutfeld".

Peculiar isn't it? How the far-left can see that when they want to force someone to do something but they can't understand that the same philosophy when it comes to financing our country.

I guess Trumpism truly is a cult. Who else but a cultist would defend Trump’s right to launch a nuclear strike if Trump thought it would help him politically and then attack a man who sought to hold that mad man at bay? Who else but a cultist would not give a damn if they, theIr children and neighbors were incinerated in an unnecessary nuclear war?

Trumpism is way beyond Jim Jones at this point.
That's just flat-out ignorant and especially desperate.
This is lie.

At no point did Milley refuse to obey an order, instruct anyone else to disobey an order, or otherwise advocate undermining the authority of the president.

Milley’s actions were appropriate, warranted, and patriotic; he correctly realized that Trump had gone beyond reckless and irresponsible becoming unpredictable, unstable, and dangerous.

This was reaffirmed by the American people when they voted Trump out of office, and thankfully so.
Not even close. If what the book says is true, it isn't even a gray area and Milley has committed treason.
Hey, you lied when you wrote Milley “promised to spy for the Chicoms.” When will you stop lying?

Specifically, how did anyone lie? Milley told his counterpart in the Communist Chinese military that Milley would call him so there was no surprise.

Would General Eisenhower have been guilty of treason had he called Adolph Hitler on June 5, 1944, that an attack was coming at Normandy?

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