.....Would pardons be warranted?....

When totalitarian control is the hammer, it is going to take the incoming national police force and the American version of the KGB, Stasi, and SS to put a gun to the head of workers to put out a quality product. We won't be smiling as personal thought will be outlawed as we walk down streets and see half empty stores as proof of failures. We see the failure of the supply chain now and we have the infrastructure.
You freaks are out of your fucking minds. :cuckoo:

It was Trump who tried to steal an election he lost. And now he's advertising he wants to let his violent mob of domestic terrorists go free. Your head is screwed on backwards.
You freaks are out of your fucking minds. :cuckoo:

It was Trump who tried to steal an election he lost. And now he's advertising he wants to let his violent mob of domestic terrorists go free. Your head is screwed on backwards.
As the OP, I started the thread focused on his suggestion to pardon the Capitol attackers.
I thought that was newsworthy. And worthy of discussion.
And indeed, it proved to be.
The story is using up a lot of ink & bandwidth here and in the wider media....public and social.
Clearly, it was not inappropriate to put it on the USMB dance-card.


However the wink towards pardons was not the only notable comment in that rally.

Don Trump specifically urged his followers to "protest" in those cities where he is under legal scrutiny -- DC, New York, and Atlanta. And only those cities.

Trump: “If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta ...... “because our country and our elections are corrupt.”

So our elections are corrupt.
And America is corrupt.
And then urging to protest.

I would suggest the urging to "protest" is a wink and a nod, an imprimatur for the sequel to January 6th. Don Trump is teasing the mob to do it again. But now only in those jurisdictions where the practical machinery of our laws will investigate his actions.

A coincidence that it should only be in those jurisdictions?
Ummm, you be the judge.

If we look to the speeches at the Ellipse on January 6th as the template......Don Trump is setting the table for another violent attack by his dedicated/deluded fanboys. To protect himself.
He would do January 6th again.... buy this time as a defensive maneuver.

I saw this comment by opinionizer, Aaron Blake. I thought it not irrelevant:

"And after what happened a little more than a year ago..... it’d be pretty silly to pretend otherwise — or that Trump didn’t intend to plant that seed. One of the best legal protections he has right now is the fear that criminally charging a former president would inflame our divided country. And he served notice Saturday that he will happily stand by such a situation with a blowtorch in hand."
rubbish. You gimps are just vermin hoping to shut down your political opposition Soviet style, and everybody knows it. Your bullshit doesn't fly here.
What do you think you are doing?

Precisely that! Soviet style, with your lie about fraud and the election being STOLEN by us, from you.

It's all a lie...a lie you chose to push, without any proof that Trump won.

That's why we are so against Trump and his minions...using their lies to milk money from you, and to lie about our Country, to weaken our Demo racy.

Can you even imagine what you would do if Hillary or Biden had done such, and what you would do if they did such with such vigor as Trump, the former prezident? And the threats your side has made on locking us up, when the Rs take power?

You are the Soviets.
What do you think you are doing?

Precisely that! Soviet style, with your lie about fraud and the election being STOLEN by us, from you.

It's all a lie...a lie you chose to push, without any proof that Trump won.

That's why we are so against Trump and his minions...using their lies to milk money from you, and to lie about our Country, to weaken our Demo racy.

Can you even imagine what you would do if Hillary or Biden had done such, and what you would do if they did such with such vigor as Trump, the former prezident? And the threats your side has made on locking us up, when the Rs take power?

You are the Soviets.

Says the Chinese stooge.
As the OP, I started the thread focused on his suggestion to pardon the Capitol attackers.
I thought that was newsworthy. And worthy of discussion.
And indeed, it proved to be.

The story is using up a lot of ink & bandwidth here and in the wider media....public and social.
Clearly, it was not inappropriate to put it on the USMB dance-card.


However the wink towards pardons was not the only notable comment in that rally.

Don Trump specifically urged his followers to "protest" in those cities where he is under legal scrutiny -- DC, New York, and Atlanta. And only those cities.

Trump: “If these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta ...... “because our country and our elections are corrupt.”

So our elections are corrupt.
And America is corrupt.
And then urging to protest.

I would suggest the urging to "protest" is a wink and a nod, an imprimatur for the sequel to January 6th. Don Trump is teasing the mob to do it again. But now only in those jurisdictions where the practical machinery of our laws will investigate his actions.

A coincidence that it should only be in those jurisdictions?
Ummm, you be the judge.

If we look to the speeches at the Ellipse on January 6th as the template......Don Trump is setting the table for another violent attack by his dedicated/deluded fanboys. To protect himself.
He would do January 6th again.... buy this time as a defensive maneuver.

I saw this comment by opinionizer, Aaron Blake. I thought it not irrelevant:

"And after what happened a little more than a year ago..... it’d be pretty silly to pretend otherwise — or that Trump didn’t intend to plant that seed. One of the best legal protections he has right now is the fear that criminally charging a former president would inflame our divided country. And he served notice Saturday that he will happily stand by such a situation with a blowtorch in hand."
You bring up a very good point. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the election process when Trump won the election. Even when he was defeated in the popular vote. And there was nothing wrong with prosecutors or our judicial system when Trump was not being charged with a crime. I mean it should be easy to discern a pattern here. Trump rallied those protestors to storm the Capital for the sole purpose of stopping the certification of Biden's election. A clear case of seditious behavior as stated in the US Criminal Code. He wasn't doing that for the country, he most certainly wasn't preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution. He was doing it for HIM, period.

Now, calling for protest in Georgia and New York, where he is under indictment--again, he ain't doing it for the country, or to change the judicial system, he is doing it for HIM, period. I mean how damn hard is it to understand, Trump has never done a damn thing for anyone or anybody except himself. He would, and will, throw his own children under the bus to protect his sorry fat ass. If the protestors had gotten to Pence and really strung him up, Trump would have relished the moment, if for no other reason than it gave him a couple more weeks of power. His very own VP, who stood with him when Pence certainly knew it was morally wrong.

Come on, the man shit on the government and shit on his father in order to build his sorry ass empire. Hell, he shit all over his own kin. No one is safe from his retribution. And for the life of me, I don't understand how anyone would want to even live next door to his self-absorbed ass, let alone show allegiance toward him. He has done nothing for anyone. He bought a historical estate, and purposely turned it into an eyesore to lower the property values of his neighbors. His problem is he has not run into someone like me. Because had he done that as my neighbor I would have waltzed over and gave him a good ass kicking, with my court cost money Dad always told me to carry because, well sometimes, some people deserve a good ass-kickin. That is Trump's biggest problem, and his day is coming, soon. If not the courts, then Baron will be the one delivering justice. Karma is real.
You bring up a very good point. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the election process when Trump won the election. Even when he was defeated in the popular vote. And there was nothing wrong with prosecutors or our judicial system when Trump was not being charged with a crime. I mean it should be easy to discern a pattern here. Trump rallied those protestors to storm the Capital for the sole purpose of stopping the certification of Biden's election. A clear case of seditious behavior as stated in the US Criminal Code. He wasn't doing that for the country, he most certainly wasn't preserving, protecting, or defending the Constitution. He was doing it for HIM, period.

Now, calling for protest in Georgia and New York, where he is under indictment--again, he ain't doing it for the country, or to change the judicial system, he is doing it for HIM, period. I mean how damn hard is it to understand, Trump has never done a damn thing for anyone or anybody except himself. He would, and will, throw his own children under the bus to protect his sorry fat ass. If the protestors had gotten to Pence and really strung him up, Trump would have relished the moment, if for no other reason than it gave him a couple more weeks of power. His very own VP, who stood with him when Pence certainly knew it was morally wrong.

Come on, the man shit on the government and shit on his father in order to build his sorry ass empire. Hell, he shit all over his own kin. No one is safe from his retribution. And for the life of me, I don't understand how anyone would want to even live next door to his self-absorbed ass, let alone show allegiance toward him. He has done nothing for anyone. He bought a historical estate, and purposely turned it into an eyesore to lower the property values of his neighbors. His problem is he has not run into someone like me. Because had he done that as my neighbor I would have waltzed over and gave him a good ass kicking, with my court cost money Dad always told me to carry because, well sometimes, some people deserve a good ass-kickin. That is Trump's biggest problem, and his day is coming, soon. If not the courts, then Baron will be the one delivering justice. Karma is real.

No, there was massive fraud. They just didn't expect him to have as much support as he did. They could only swing about a 10% vote total.

The 2020 election they pulled out all of the stops. They had to cheat so bad it was obvious to all but the brain dead.
No, there was massive fraud. They just didn't expect him to have as much support as he did. They could only swing about a 10% vote total.

The 2020 election they pulled out all of the stops. They had to cheat so bad it was obvious to all but the brain dead.
Tell us, exactly what was done illegally, in what states, that was STOLEN from trump, and how many votes Trump won by in those states, that would have given their electoral votes to Trump, instead of Biden, that would have given Trump, the electoral college win, instead of Biden's 306 to 132.

Until you can show the proof of such, under the law, you are nothing but a pawn, in this dangerous and traitorous, big lie game of Trump's.
Tell us, exactly what was done illegally, in what states, that was STOLEN from trump, and how many votes Trump won by in those states, that would have given their electoral votes to Trump, instead of Biden, that would have given Trump, the electoral college win, instead of Biden's 306 to 132.

Until you can show the proof of such, under the law, you are nothing but a pawn, in this dangerous and traitorous, big lie game of Trump's.

Mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. Totally against the law, yet they did it anyway.

Millions more people registered in Wisconsin than actually live there.

There is tons of evidence, you just ignore it because you are a partisan hack.
Trump is a piece of garbage who will burn this Country to the ground & watch from Mar A Lago just like he did on 1/6 from the W.H.

He's a malignant psychopath who belongs in prison.
No, there was massive fraud. They just didn't expect him to have as much support as he did. They could only swing about a 10% vote total.

The 2020 election they pulled out all of the stops. They had to cheat so bad it was obvious to all but the brain dead.
Again, that makes no sense whatsoever. First, no president with Trump's approval ratings has ever been re-elected. Never. Second, there was a record voter turnout, especially among young people. And even the elderly, Trump got a 50/50 split, and young people, voting in record numbers, swung the election to Biden. Then there are the women voters, again, Trump lost that sector, and rightfully so. He had no chance whatsover of winning and those that believe that he somehow lost due to fraud are about as ignorant as a slug.
Again, that makes no sense whatsoever. First, no president with Trump's approval ratings has ever been re-elected. Never. Second, there was a record voter turnout, especially among young people. And even the elderly, Trump got a 50/50 split, and young people, voting in record numbers, swung the election to Biden. Then there are the women voters, again, Trump lost that sector, and rightfully so. He had no chance whatsover of winning and those that believe that he somehow lost due to fraud are about as ignorant as a slug.

You are factually wrong. Trump gathered 10 million MORE votes than he got the first time around. The polls were lies.

They still are. Anyone with a brain KNOWS that. The democrat apparatchiks tried to steal Florida too, but the Hispanic vote was HUGE. It blew away even their best attempts at fraud.

The evidence is overwhelming.
Again, that makes no sense whatsoever. First, no president with Trump's approval ratings has ever been re-elected. Never. Second, there was a record voter turnout, especially among young people. And even the elderly, Trump got a 50/50 split, and young people, voting in record numbers, swung the election to Biden. Then there are the women voters, again, Trump lost that sector, and rightfully so. He had no chance whatsover of winning and those that believe that he somehow lost due to fraud are about as ignorant as a slug.
Trump's own people (notably Bill Barr) told him the spring before the election that he was going to lose the upcoming election if he didn't modify his tone and behavior. He did NOT. So he lost
You are factually wrong. Trump gathered 10 million MORE votes than he got the first time around. The polls were lies.

They still are. Anyone with a brain KNOWS that. The democrat apparatchiks tried to steal Florida too, but the Hispanic vote was HUGE. It blew away even their best attempts at fraud.

The evidence is overwhelming.
So what if Trump got 10 million more votes. There were 22 million more votes cast, so right there, he lost two million votes, and he didn't even win the popular vote in 2016. I mean wake up and smell the coffee fool.

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