.....Would pardons be warranted?....

Trump threatening to pardon the insurrectionists is the perfect example of why that son of a bitch should never be allowed to run for public office again.

And his rant to rile his followers up to riot again just like he did on Jan. 6 is another reason.

He's a lunatic.
Yeah, he signed his own fate with that lunacy. Some 60 to 70 percent of America believes Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. Advertising he will give seditionists a get out of jail card will only give a majority of Americans yet another reason to vote for his opponent.
. Some 60 to 70 percent of America believes Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election.

60-70% of Americans pick their noses and eat their boogers, too.

The other 30-40 percent are intelligent enough to recognize the fallacy of the argumentum ad populum -- the appeal to popularity.
60-70% of Americans pick their noses and eat their boogers, too.

The other 30-40 percent are intelligent enough to recognize the fallacy of the argumentum ad populum -- the appeal to popularity.
Those would be Republicans and they only make up around 30 percent. America is not going to elect a proponent of sedition.
Those would be Republicans and they only make up around 30 percent. America is not going to elect a proponent of sedition.
You are simply too utterly stupid to understand the simple fact that just because people people believing in something, that doesn't make it so.
She's dead because she listened to Trump. People who do Trump's bidding all end up getting the shit end of the stick, but most at least survive with their lives. If Babbit stayed home instead of listrning to the rants of that lunatic she'd be alive today.

Own it.
Democrats: Modern day Nazis.
60-70% of Americans pick their noses and eat their boogers, too.

The other 30-40 percent are intelligent enough to recognize the fallacy of the argumentum ad populum -- the appeal to popularity.
Honestly, argumentum ad populum does not apply when the argument is about winning elections which are decided by popularity....

In this case, since 60% do not agree the election was stolen and it is likely that even a smaller number are on board with pardoning the rioters it would seem his statement is correct, the one that line was used to support:
"Advertising he will give seditionists a get out of jail card will only give a majority of Americans yet another reason to vote for his opponent."

Politically speaking, Trump's statement was moronic. If that actually was his intention, it was rather dumb to telegraph it out to a group of people that this would largely turn away from voting for him.

And on the flipside, I would bet the number of people this would motivate to vote for him would be damn near zero. No gains to be had here, only losses.

You're always the victim, ya poor schmuck.

Not me, you clod. The country. Only fascists, like you, push for trespassers to be sent to prison for years, when your leftist goons walk after admittedly trying to burn cops alive.

You are fucked in the head.
Yeah, he signed his own fate with that lunacy. Some 60 to 70 percent of America believes Biden is the legitimate winner of the 2020 election. Advertising he will give seditionists a get out of jail card will only give a majority of Americans yet another reason to vote for his opponent.
When totalitarian control is the hammer, it is going to take the incoming national police force and the American version of the KGB, Stasi, and SS to put a gun to the head of workers to put out a quality product. We won't be smiling as personal thought will be outlawed as we walk down streets and see half empty stores as proof of failures. We see the failure of the supply chain now and we have the infrastructure.
He implied that he pardoned them all, he said that they were mistreated, he implied that they were innocent. trump is a psychopath, he says whatever he feels, he actually believes that whatever he says is the truth.
not sure where you get that he’s imply them all. He said he’d treat them fairly, and if requires a pardon he would. some have been treated unfairly.

again you are reading more into what he said…
Which ones?
What was unfair?
How do you know?
I don't know which ones...hence why if they apply, the pardon attorneys would investigate. See, under a GOP President, and well...how folks that aren't dembots operate is that they conduct investigations, accept the results and then make a determination...not just use mob rule and draw a conclusion first
You are simply too utterly stupid to understand the simple fact that just because people people believing in something, that doesn't make it so.
Moron, I've been arguing that very point ever since November 4th, 2020.
Not me, you clod. The country. Only fascists, like you, push for trespassers to be sent to prison for years, when your leftist goons walk after admittedly trying to burn cops alive.

You are fucked in the head.
Sadly, you beyond help. No one is being sent to prison for years for trespassing.

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