Would republican voters support lowering the minimum wage if the GOP pushed such a thing?

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After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

I agree. Wages suck. Want to talk about wages that suck ass, try being a painter for a living. Check this out, many of us have multiple children that we don’t share a home with so there is typically the child support. Even more fucked up, if we don’t pay that child support the state will take will take away our drivers license and toss us in jail. We also typically have a drug habit to support. Tons of shit, but I digress. Anyway, here in Houston Texas the pay for a semi competent painter is about $9.50 an hour. $13.50 of you to industrial and work in the plants, $16.50 if you are willing to work above 6’. So what’s a lowly painter to do? Well I guess ask the government to pay us $15.00 and make it law! One problem though. Shit will just get more expensive. Dang. Here is what I did. I got reallocate good at what I do. That right there got me away from the biggest problem with wages and that’s illegally who collect food stamps and get section 8 housing. I also am so good at my shit, I pretty much say what I will be payed. If I don’t like what is offered, I move on. That simple. Now I get payed stupid amounts of money for what I do in a town where folks who do what I do for a living typically only get $10.00 an hour. No mandatory minimum needed.
“Would republican voters support lowering the minimum wage if the GOP pushed such a thing?”


They’d gleefully support getting rid of it altogether.

I'm not a republican, but that's definitely true of me. In fact, I don't have much interest in lowering it - other than a means of eliminating it altogether. Lefties convince themselves that people who oppose minimum wage have a hard-on for poor people and want to see them destitute. That's an easy boogieman to cheer against. But that's not why I oppose minimum wage. I oppose minimum wage for the same reason I oppose any attempts by government to dictate our economic decisions. It's simply too much power to grant to government.
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?
You make an interesting point but I don't think it's really partisan, because Trump has in some ways abandoned the free trade that was the basis for the gop establishment since Reagan remade the party in 76-80.

The dems approach since Reagan has not been about boosting wages through what had been democrat dogma: unions and (as you put it) the min wage. INSTEAD the dems focused on arguing we should tax the rich to provide for what stagnant wages no longer paid for: college, HC and retirement.

Imo one reason the dems lost some of their base to Trump was that people don't want welfare. For example, why should workers be on Medicaid. That is sort of insulting to some of the people on Medicaid. Why should others get a "subsidy" from the govt to pay for HC?

Neither party nor Trump has considered that IT SHOULDN'T MATTER WHERE SOMETHING IS MADE SO LONG AS ALL AMERICANS HAVE JOBS. Don't raise the price of the washer I have to have. Just raise what people make to a level they can live off wages. You couldn't do it in a day. A $10 cup of coffee? A checker at bed bath and beyond making 50K without a second job? But the actual cost of mftring a car or washing machine is probably downward.
Minimum wage in Washington state will be $13.50 on January 1st. If I run a fast food joint, I'm not hiring school kids for part time work. There should be an entry level minimum wage for kids in school so they can learn how to work. Perhaps $9.00/hr.
Not once did I say to eliminate Greed. Greed is a good thing when it's done in a healthy way. But when it is done in a way that it harms the general public then it needs regulated. It's a balancing act. The problem is, the greediest find ways to get even more greedy and harm the most even by buying off the very regulators that are supposed to be protecting the general public. In the end, Greed wins until things are so trashed that the General Public has no choice but to rebel. I know you think greed is always a good thing. You'll always spout the party line. But we are headed for the breakdown right now. 1929 is just around the corner since the same stupid mistakes are being made today. The next revolution will be over a loaf of bread.
What party line? I'm an Anarchist, I support no rulers. Dude, you're hilarious.

I also refuted everything you just said in my previous post. Once again, stop talking AT me, and talk to me. Reply to my actual message instead of repeating your mantra again. You're doing EXACTLY what Billy does.

Also, in response to the one or two new points you made while ignoring my entire previous message; We ARE heading for a breakdown, but that's because the state is unsustainable, it has nothing to do with the Private Sector. Government takes in less money through taxes, starting at roughly the 10% mark, while the population is always increasing, causing Social Programs to cost more. What also contributes to this is the fact that money is worth less when funneled through the Government, due to the Economic Calculation Problem preventing the Government from properly allocating resources. Or, in short, the Government is literally unsustainable.

Regulators are bought off because they exist at all. Government works in its own interests, just like every person does, because it's composed of people. Corruption is what you ask for when you grant additional rights to someone. I also already explained why every regulation works in favor of bigger businesses, you just completely ignored that because you're not having a discussion with me, you're just repeating your positions after they have already been refuted.
Imo one reason the dems lost some of their base to Trump was that people don't want welfare. For example, why should workers be on Medicaid. That is sort of insulting to some of the people on Medicaid. Why should others get a "subsidy" from the govt to pay for HC?

As a Republican voter, my opinion is that we elected Trump to send a message to the Republican party that doesn't listen to their constituents very well. Here is our problem:

When Democrats are in leadership, we have to do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in leadership, we still have to do things the Democrat way.

Republicans (particularly establishment Republicans) make all kinds of promises to us about our concerns. When they get our votes and make it to leadership, we hardly get what we asked for. Oh yes, they will throw us a bone here or there, but not address the major issues we elected them for.

When Trump debated, he spoke convincingly about the border problem. The other candidates? They talked about immigration reform. What does immigration reform mean? It means weakening our standards for people coming to this country. Nobody on our side asked for reform. We asked to close the border or at least as close as we can possibly get to it.

Even though we got the President we wanted, we still have poison in the Congress, particularly the Senate. So we need to change that as well.
After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?
It's not governments place to eliminate job opportunities with artificial minimums.

We currently have many 1000s of people working for campaigns making $0.00/hr.

If a person can choose to work for $0.00/hr, why can't that person choose to work for $6.00/ hr?
1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.
Start your own business and you'll know something.

Currently you don't.
1. You say we don't need unions. Okay, let's go with that.

2. You say we don't need Min Wage. Okay, let's go with that

3. Now, what are you going to do with the fact that the Cost of Living, every year in the last 40 years, has outstripped the increase in wages. Todays dollar and todays wages, Today's Worker makes less than the Worker 40 years ago. What are you going to do about the Greed Factor.
Start your own business and you'll know something.

Currently you don't.

I've started 3 successful businesses in my lifetime. Not everyone should start their own business. Most should work for others that start their own business. What does that have to do with anything? You are just throwing more bullshit in the ballgame hoping to change the subject. Didn't work. Now, answer my question.
Yes , minimum wage laws are racist and should be zero.
Zero wages. Ain't that what we call slavery?

Once again the history of the minimum wage laws was racist ..and who works for minimum wage? Check the job boards only in high minimum wage states do they post a lot of minimum wage jobs they start them at.

While you're entitled to your opinion, you're not entitled to make stuff up.

You said minimum wage laws are racist. Prove it. With facts. Not anecdotes.
No, I wouldn't support lowering minimum wage.

I support kids in high school or retired people to make minimum wage and even college students making minimum wage.

But if you are 35 years old, have 3 kids and a spouse while making minimum wage for the past 10 to 15 years, that's on you and no one else.

Minimum wage is entry level work, it isn't supposed to support a single person who lives on their own or a couple and it's definitely not going to support a family.

Find a job, start on the bottom level and work your way up...the way it's supposed to be done. Stop taking basket weaving in college, if you can't hack it, go to a trade school, get a simple business degree to get your foot in the door with a good company, stop trying to get everyone else to pay for your ignorance.

I filled out an application a long time ago to work for Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati. I got an interview and was almost hired until the interviewer noticed I had no college education. He told me, "You need at least two years of college to work here, I'm sorry but we can't hire you." I asked him why I needed two years of college to drive a forklift and he said because when you move up, you will be required to use that education.

I never got my two years of college education but I wish I did. P&G stock has split multiple times since then and they have stock options, lol.
No, I wouldn't support lowering minimum wage.

I support kids in high school or retired people to make minimum wage and even college students making minimum wage.

But if you are 35 years old, have 3 kids and a spouse while making minimum wage for the past 10 to 15 years, that's on you and no one else.

Minimum wage is entry level work, it isn't supposed to support a single person who lives on their own or a couple and it's definitely not going to support a family.

Find a job, start on the bottom level and work your way up...the way it's supposed to be done. Stop taking basket weaving in college, if you can't hack it, go to a trade school, get a simple business degree to get your foot in the door with a good company, stop trying to get everyone else to pay for your ignorance.

I filled out an application a long time ago to work for Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati. I got an interview and was almost hired until the interviewer noticed I had no college education. He told me, "You need at least two years of college to work here, I'm sorry but we can't hire you." I asked him why I needed two years of college to drive a forklift and he said because when you move up, you will be required to use that education.

I never got my two years of college education but I wish I did. P&G stock has split multiple times since then and they have stock options, lol.

A company as big as P&G didn't have some type of tuition reimbursement? That's interesting and how did they know forklift drivers want to move up?

After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Lowering the minimum wage would not effect actual workers who have skills....what it would actually do is allow teenagers to get jobs and job skills that help them get real jobs once they are out of high school......the minimum wage was never supposed to support a family of 10.....
Poor black children in the hood will be able to get jobs and not deal crack...

Win win for everyone

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Of course I do, I posted a couple of threads and posts over the years on the high minority unemployment rate.


To the left, that is a feature, not a bug......unemployed, educated in democrat controlled public schools, broken homes, angry, poor, uneducated.......exactly the people the democrats want to rule over....
I wouldn't have much enthusiasm for lowering the minimum wage...

... however, if we're talking about eliminating it.

Lol oh my god. What the fuck do you even think would happen after that?

I can dream, can t I?
Okay so your dream comes true. Then what? What do you think will happen?

The value of labor is determined by the market in exactly the same way the price of goods and service is determined by the market?

Something along those lines?
I wouldn't say it's exactly the same way. People will negotiate a price for a good they're selling in a much different way then they'll negotiate a price for their labor. More emotion goes into deciding what you'll accept for your labor and there tends to be more irrationality, a perfect example being that people will accept such a discount on their labor's value that they end up hating their job. This is the root problem with wages right now. Of course an employer is going to try to see if they can get the best price for your labor, but if you accept that price then you've accepted that this is what you're worth. Minimum wage does nothing to fix this problem.
Yes , minimum wage laws are racist and should be zero.
Zero wages. Ain't that what we call slavery?

Not unless someone own's someone else. The point (I assume) bear is making is that the law doesn't force employers to pay their employees the minimum wage. They can always choose to fire people rather than pay them more. And if someone is on the bubble, if they're not high performers and barely keeping their job at $10/hr, demanding that their wages be increased - to $12/hr, or whatever - might be just enough to get them fired. MW laws don't force employers to pay more, they just ban any jobs that pay below the minimum.
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