would the left have empowered the private sector to fight covid 19 ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.
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Tesla and GM and GE had to ask Trump to invoke the DPA...and it took over ten days for him to give it teeth once he finally did.

Dems would have done so as soon as the problem became one
would the left have empowered the private sector to fight covid 19 ?

Their support for the Green New Deal Second Great Depression and Communist Revolution should answer your question.

Not to mention how desperate they were to have the Defense Production Act invoked. Tells me they were convinced they would have to order private industry to help, and didn't even consider the possibility of just asking them. Or maybe they just WANTED to order them to.
and the strongest economy in the history of our nation right before the outbreak also helped the private sector to step up !
Tesla and GM and GE had to ask Trump to invoke the DPA...and it took over ten days for him to give it teeth once he finally did.

Dems would have done so as soon as the problem became one
If the sick bitch Hitlery was in power(thank God) that the US citizens didnt elect her, all those companies would be either in China, or Mexico. Dumbasses like Lesh, here forgets that the brown turn Oblummer chases all manufacturing overseas. Idiots, thy name is Demoncrap.
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, there would not have been a need to get the private sector involved in the testing. The CDC would not have been without leadership and the roll out of the test would have gone better.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, the country would have started preparations in December, like the rest of the first world, and so the whole pandemic would be taking a much different trajectory.
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, there would not have been a need to get the private sector involved in the testing. The CDC would not have been without leadership and the roll out of the test would have gone better.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, the country would have started preparations in December, like the rest of the first world, and so the whole pandemic would be taking a much different trajectory.
like the rest of the world ! i hate to break it to you but many many countries are being ravaged by the Chicom cough !
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.
Trump waited for the private sector to step in to give them time to scheme & price gouge the federal government. Corporate America does nothing for the people of this Country unless it increases their profit margins & this shit going on right now is a good example. And Trump ain't no fucking better.
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, there would not have been a need to get the private sector involved in the testing. The CDC would not have been without leadership and the roll out of the test would have gone better.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, the country would have started preparations in December, like the rest of the first world, and so the whole pandemic would be taking a much different trajectory.

Would this be the same dems who had 3 years to set up a healthcare website, paid 600 million dollars for it and was a massive failure? Most IT companies claimed they could have done it in a couple of months for 100,000.
and the strongest economy in the history of our nation right before the outbreak also helped the private sector to step up !

More to the point, at least in my opinion, is that our nation's inherent capitalist mindset is what led the private sector and private individuals to swing into action immediately, without waiting for government instruction, to start dealing with and alleviating the problem.
i think it is a question that needs to be asked . the private sector has been retooling researching and fast tracking medical supplies protective gear testing and treatments to fight this outbreak ! thanks to the POTUS actions in removing barriers and government regs to empower the private sector to fight this pandemic we are testing more than any country on earth and are speeding toward treatments that will save thousands of lives ..[it will be the private sector that makes the difference in this fight ! but what if the POTUS was a big government business taxing liberal ? would the private sector be used as effectively in this fight ? if recent history tells us anything the answer is no ! so in the future when the naysayers on the left claim that big government is the answer and more regs and higher taxes are the answer remember this struggle we are facing ! it will be the private sector that has the biggest impact in stopping this virus ...that and taking personal responsibility over our actions like social distancing personal responsibility [something else the left does not believe in ] and not relying on big government to solve all our problems.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, there would not have been a need to get the private sector involved in the testing. The CDC would not have been without leadership and the roll out of the test would have gone better.

Had there been a Democrat in the White House, the country would have started preparations in December, like the rest of the first world, and so the whole pandemic would be taking a much different trajectory.

Yeah, had there been a Democrat in office, trusting in big government to handle things best the way YOUR dumb ass obviously does, we'd have been just as much on the cutting edge of fixing the problem as Canada is. Tell me, which Canadian company was it that was just in the news, touting their impending breakthroughs in fighting the pandemic?
If the sick bitch Hitlery was in power(thank God) that the US citizens didnt elect her, all those companies would be either in China, or Mexico. Dumbasses like Lesh, here forgets that the brown turn Oblummer chases all manufacturing overseas. Idiots, thy name is Demoncrap.
Oh bullshit. The move of manufacturing to China got it's main impetus from Fast Track for China under the Bush Admin
Yeah, had there been a Democrat in office, trusting in big government to handle things best the way YOUR dumb ass obviously does, we'd have been just as much on the cutting edge of fixing the problem as Canada is.
And yet you morons were just touting Trump for enacting the Defense Production Act...which he did weeks late and very reluctantly....when it became obvious he had no choice
More to the point, at least in my opinion, is that our nation's inherent capitalist mindset is what led the private sector and private individuals to swing into action immediately,
Wrong. CEOs of major corps like GE and Tesla were begging Trump to enact the DPA so they could "swing into action"

There would have been no begging were a Dem in office...for that or for the stock piles of ventilators

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