Would Trumps tariffs work?

The Free Trade supporters in this country point to the high quality and low prices of Chinese-made goods, claiming that these relatively low prices actually benefit Americans by freeing up money for other stuff that stimulates our economy indirectly. Happy, happy, right? Do we want $50 bluejeans made in China or the same bluejeans made in Los Angeles for $150? Honestly, now..

I would prefer to pay $50 for jeans rather than $150.

Certainly most shoppers at Walmart and Target would.

As the article points out, the persons who would be most hurt by Trump's proposed policies would be poor Americans. Levi's didn't choose to start manufacturing their jeans outside the United States because they preferred doing business in a myriad of other countries- but because in order to remain competitive they had to lower production costs.

Yes- when I find American products that are competitively priced- I buy them over products manufactured outside the United States. I particularly do not buy Chinese made foodstuffs- there is so much pollution in China that I don't trust that cheap Chinese garlic. But most of the clothes and shoes I buy are made in China- or Vietnam- or Latin America- or India. If there was a 20% higher tariff(many clothes and shoes already have among the highest tariffs charged on imports), I would be paying 20% more- at a minimum for equivalent product.

How many of you want to be paying another 20% sales tax?
About as well as Smoot-Hawley
I've posted an article that explains why that's wrong but that's another argument. I want to bring up how it is obvious trump is not sincere about tariffs. If he was it would have been debated at the Republican debates.

No way the GOP wants to have that conversation because they would have to admit they are against trumps ideas.

So if you vote trump and want him to pass his ideas, vote out Paul Ryan and mccain
When I read this it makes me realize that democrats will say and agree to anything in order to stay in power. It really is a fascist mentality and really unfair because for years democrats have been opposing these agreements because they hurt the manufacturing industries. There is definately a lot of evidence to support that but now that Trump is raising some questions about how equitable these agreements are the left now supports free trade..supposedly.

My own position is that tarriffs will not work in the way people think they will. The hope is that goods become to expensive to import into this country but if it is too expensive to make in this country then the investors won't build any manufacturing plants. It is kind of a catch 22 situation we are in but their is very little we can do to change it.
He is telling China, Stop manipulating your currency OR will take away your advantage.

So, you are for doing nothing? How's that working for ya?

How is taxing US consumers punishment for China? When did conservative start believing higher taxes is good for an economy?
When democrats started shipping our jobs overseas to mask inflation....
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved overseas with over 42,000 factories closed. Most of those years, Republicans were in charge of both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court. Recent history.
He is telling China, Stop manipulating your currency OR will take away your advantage.

So, you are for doing nothing? How's that working for ya?

How is taxing US consumers punishment for China? When did conservative start believing higher taxes is good for an economy?
When democrats started shipping our jobs overseas to mask inflation....
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved overseas with over 42,000 factories closed. Most of those years, Republicans were in charge of both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court. Recent history.
You've ever interacted with the EPA?
He is telling China, Stop manipulating your currency OR will take away your advantage.

So, you are for doing nothing? How's that working for ya?

How is taxing US consumers punishment for China? When did conservative start believing higher taxes is good for an economy?
When democrats started shipping our jobs overseas to mask inflation....
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved overseas with over 42,000 factories closed. Most of those years, Republicans were in charge of both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court. Recent history.
You've ever interacted with the EPA?
That answer doesn't make sense.
Trump is telling everyone we need tariffs to protect our manufacturing. All evidence I have seen points to it being a disaster. Here is a great link on the subject:
Everything Trump Says About Trade With China Is Wrong
America has real problems, and Americans are right to be upset with our political class and worried about their future. The Chinese government is also certainly no angel when it comes to trade (far from it). But anger and fear shouldn’t blind them to the facts.

Trump’s China trade plan is, at best, an empty threat.
In this case, the facts are clear: Trump’s China trade plan is, at best, an empty threat that no one—especially the Chinese government—takes seriously because it’s so obviously bereft of economic, legal, and moral foundation.

Even if the plan is nothing more than a ridiculous talking point, it still deserves our mockery and derision because it feeds the well-worn myth that America’s problems are caused by cheating foreigners and easily solved through protectionism. This myth helps Big Government politicians and their cronies avoid—like President Obama did with Solyndra—blame for the failures of their retrograde statism and corruption.

Trump’s protectionism deludes desperate voters into eschewing fundamental—and often difficult—reforms and instead supporting policies that actually make things worse. Trump’s plan is thus as pernicious as it is ridiculous, and it’s long past time for Americans to move on.

What evidence is there that trumps tariffs would work?

We shall see. I remember when Bush was president manufacturing was not doing good. Oil companies were doing good but not manufacturing. Defense companies did great but not car manufacturing and all their suppliers.

And manufacturing is vital to a good economy.

Trump Administration Imposes Steel, Aluminum Tariffs On EU, Canada And Mexico

So I'm hoping manufacturing doesn't take a hit from this although I can't imagine it won't.
Trump is telling everyone we need tariffs to protect our manufacturing. …

I'm really interested whether the politics of Trump is able to produce a new Great Depression and a new world war. It's somehow fascinating how playsident Donald Fauntleroy Trump - the new scissor, ah sorry: the new Cesar - throws the Rubicon and oversteps the dices.

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