Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19?

Health Care workers go to work every day and are exposed to every infectious disease imaginable, including C-19. We take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. Should we refuse to go to work?

O...M...G!!!!!!! ALARM notify the Dem party leaders this deadly crisis must be averted NOW!!! While you are at it NY City is fine with people packing into their subway cars like sardines, total crickets. MILLIONS ARE AT RISK OF DYING IN NY CITY, oh the humanity. #sarcasm
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Don't know where you have been BUT......lots of people have had the virus which means most all large businesses have had employees and bosses come down with the virus. The virus is here to stay---and we can not shut down jobs and supply chains for over grown melodramic babies.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?

Nice try at baiting people with the hope of getting them to say something like....."Not on your life".....or ..... "Sure, but then I'd sue his arse if I came down with it." Your not so veiled attempt to set them up to criticize the President for "going to work" and "putting ALL those people around him in "mortal danger" will fall flat. Conservatives and Republicans are not like the sheeple who blindly follow the liberal, Dumb-o-crat, leftist radicals because they can't think for themselves.

The Presidency, and all the supporting staff around him is not your normal "job". He has a Country to run and the support staff knew the task they were committing to when they signed on.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?

Stupid thread. Most of your target responders on this forum don't work.
True, that most of us no longer have to work, but equally true, most of us not working were management or supervision and have made the call, sending people home for the good of the operation. Among managers, we have also been known to say to a fellow management level (including plant Mgr) that came in sick or got sick, "Dude, you look like $hit. Whatever you think needs to get done, we'll take care of it or I'll take care of it. You need to get outta here before you spread pestilence around the office" It is also true, that most of us did not have to worry about not being paid, as we could write our own sick leave and usually worked more than 50 on straight salary anyway. You just do not bring sickness into the plant or office on purpose. It does not pay.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Don't know where you have been BUT......lots of people have had the virus which means most all large businesses have had employees and bosses come down with the virus. The virus is here to stay---and we can not shut down jobs and supply chains for over grown melodramic babies.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 20 actual COVID cases for every confirmed one.

Most of the country has apparently already came down with it.

Its not a huge deal
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Don't know where you have been BUT......lots of people have had the virus which means most all large businesses have had employees and bosses come down with the virus. The virus is here to stay---and we can not shut down jobs and supply chains for over grown melodramic babies.

The World Health Organization estimates that there are 20 actual COVID cases for every confirmed one.

Most of the country has apparently already came down with it.

Its not a huge deal
You have been listening to donnie, too much. He's crazy and his people are coming down with it left and right. Most of those people can work from home. He doesn't have any reason to be in the office itself as he can do everything necessary from the residence, except going to the office as a misguided political statement of stupidity.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
If I worked in the White House.....sure....2 weeks paid leave fosho.
Health Care workers go to work every day and are exposed to every infectious disease imaginable, including C-19. We take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. Should we refuse to go to work?
God Bless the front line workers during COVID including health workers and the many others.
If you do not have to work from the office why don't you work remotely?
Will you wear the same protection that health care workers?
Other world leaders who came down with COVID isolated. Boris Johnson went to one of his houses until he was over it.
Why in todays world do you have to show up for work anyway? Paris Climate Accord all the prog elites jet into France, using up tons of CO2, why cant they do it over the net? Oh yeah, what is good for the goose, inst good for the gander. They are elites, shit fucks like you, are worthless, so subjugate yourself to your masters.
Would you go to work if your boss was screwing an intern barely older than his daughter?
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19?

Already have. No biggie
Not affected by the panic porn.

Conservative smart Republicans would not do what Trump is doing but dumbasses would no matter their political persuasion.
Would you go to work if your boss was screwing an intern barely older than his daughter?
Trump could take a dump on your face and you would ask for more. The Trump minions are cult like. Trump is their messiah. He can do no wrong.
Health Care workers go to work every day and are exposed to every infectious disease imaginable, including C-19. We take necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our patients. Should we refuse to go to work?
God Bless the front line workers during COVID including health workers and the many others.
If you do not have to work from the office why don't you work remotely?
Will you wear the same protection that health care workers?
Other world leaders who came down with COVID isolated. Boris Johnson went to one of his houses until he was over it.
Why in todays world do you have to show up for work anyway? Paris Climate Accord all the prog elites jet into France, using up tons of CO2, why cant they do it over the net? Oh yeah, what is good for the goose, inst good for the gander. They are elites, shit fucks like you, are worthless, so subjugate yourself to your masters.
Trump could take a dump on your face and you would ask for more. The Trump minions are cult like. Trump is their messiah. He can do no wrong.
Would you go to work if your boss was coming to work with COVID-19 and 20 of your co-workers had already come down with COVID-19?
Don't know where you have been BUT......lots of people have had the virus which means most all large businesses have had employees and bosses come down with the virus. The virus is here to stay---and we can not shut down jobs and supply chains for over grown melodramic babies.
My job brings me into contact with many businesses and I have not seen one have 35 cases in one office not to say all at one time.
Do you realize how stupid you are in trying to protect Trump. Disgusting
PROGS have the brain-development of Kindergarteners. Sure dude, we'd all go to work with Trump under an uncontrolled environment because we can only think in simple terms, just like a PROG.
Unless I was sick I would work. My bills won't pay themselves.
It is not a matter of working or not working.
It is do you work in an environment where you take precautions for workers to not catch the COVID-19 or do you ignore the precautions.
It is better for a business and the employees to do what you can to prevent COVID.
How well do you feel the White House is working with 35 staff having COVID.
Trump and his supporters are the dumbest of the dumb.

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