Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

So no one knows what this is?

The Big Bang, as viewed from somewhere? something? apparently beyond the Universe?
Universe is the name that we use to describe the collection of all the things that exist in space. It is made of many millions of millions of stars and planets and enormous clouds of gas separated by a gigantic empty space which is called the universe.
"the collection of all the things that exist in space"
Outer space, or just space, is the expanse that exists beyond the Earth and between celestial bodies. Outer space is not completely empty—it is a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles, predominantly a plasma of hydrogen and helium, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, neutrinos, dust, and cosmic rays. The baseline temperature, as set by the background radiation from the Big Bang, is 2.7 kelvins (−270.45 °C; −454.81 °F).[1] The plasma between galaxies accounts for about half of the baryonic (ordinary) matter in the universe; it has a number density of less than one hydrogen atom per cubic metre and a temperature of millions of kelvins;[2] local concentrations of this plasma have condensed into stars and galaxies. Studies indicate that 90% of the mass in most galaxies is in an unknown form, called dark matter, which interacts with other matter through gravitational but not electromagnetic forces.[3][4] Observations suggest that the majority of the mass-energy in the observable universe is a poorly understood vacuum energy of space, which astronomers label dark energy.[5][6] Intergalactic space takes up most of the volume of the universe, but even galaxies and star systems consist almost entirely of empty space.
So space - "a hard vacuum containing a low density of particles"

Wikipedia please! We beg of thee: Where, oh where are we supposed to be viewing that image from? What's that called?
Vacuum energy is an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire Universe. This behavior is codified in Heisenberg's energy–time uncertainty principle. Still, the exact effect of such fleeting bits of energy is difficult to quantify. The vacuum energy is a special case of zero-point energy that relates to the quantum vacuum.[1]

Can you say "Bullshit!"? I knew you could. What's wrong with this picture? Anyone?
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Almost every chemist, biologist, physicist, MD, electrical and mechanical engineer I know is a Republican.
Almost every idiot I know is a Liberal.

Either you know very few people or you are lying. Approximately 6% of scientists are conservative.
Universe is the name that we use to describe the collection of all the things that exist in space. It is made of many millions of millions of stars and planets and enormous clouds of gas separated by a gigantic empty space which is called the universe.
Therefore space limits the size of the Universe. But since the Universe is expanding then space must also be expanding. Expanding into what?
Wrong. Some guesses are much better than others. No, your guess is not as valid as a cosmologist's "guess". So no, it's not "anyone's guess".
Yes, it is. We cannot go back in time to see what actually happened...

Which theories are not falsifiable? Name a couple.
The Big Bang Theory
The Theory of Abiogenesis
The Theory of Evolution

Btw, evolution is as 'proven' as anything can be proven. It is an accepted fact.
No, it is not 'proven'... Neither religion nor science can be proven; they are open functional systems. They don't make use of proofs.

Evolution is the theory that present day life arose from the mutations of earlier life forms. That theory is not falsifiable, as we cannot use a time machine to see what actually happened all those years ago. Science has NO theories about past unobserved events...

Also, a fact is NOT a universal truth, nor is it a proof. A 'fact' is simply an assumed predicate. Facts are useful for speeding up conversations...
Somethings aren’t a theory. There are things that can be measured and even looked at.


Do you know what that is?
A theory is an explanatory argument. That's all a theory is.

I am not going to make arguments for you... Present your own arguments...
You've probably concluded that I'm going off on a tangent here, but I'm not. I'm actually backing the prime assertion made in the title. Aside from "new" and "Republicans" it's unquestionably true. Back in 1925 most people could answer the question "What's beyond the Universe?" with ease. It seemed obvious. Then major stupidity took over having nothing whatsoever to do with Party affiliation. Einstein caught it big time and sealed the deal. Now all we get for an answer is this clearly fallacious, circular reasoned crap. The Universe? Well, it's the Universe don't cha know? Space limits the size of the Universe and The Universe contains all space. Look, here's a picture from somewhere we just can't seem to put our finger on! Isn't that impressive though! Incredibly sad perhaps? All these great minds, cosmologists, thought experimenters, famous physicists... all militantly defensive and seemingly fully satisfied to work with this lame, unworkable conception of the very foundations of everything forever. I sensed something was way wrong with our physics as far back as 7th grade and it's only grown worse since then. Wake up people. Help is sorely needed here.
Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Sure, that's why in 1925 John Scopes was arrested and imprisoned for teaching evolution in school, right, Troll King?
Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Sure, that's why in 1925 John Scopes was arrested and imprisoned for teaching evolution in school, right, Troll King?
By the religious in charge.
Also True.
From opening sessions with prayer to new laws, religion often intersects with politics and policy in the Tennessee General Assembly's work, drawing passionate discussion and even national attention. And the week-old 2016 legislative session promises to deliver more of the same.
Wow, people new more about evolution in 1925 than Republicans do today!

Sure, that's why in 1925 John Scopes was arrested and imprisoned for teaching evolution in school, right, Troll King?
By the religious in charge.

Yes, in Tennessee which was completely controlled by your party, not Republicans.
It was completely controlled by white conservatives. Who were the Democrats in the 20s and 30s all the way up to the 60s. That’s when the white conservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans. At least you have to admit that today’s Republicans are white conservatives. And you know Lincoln was never a confederate.

You do know that Lincoln was never a confederate?

It was completely controlled by white conservatives. Who were the Democrats in the 20s and 30s all the way up to the 60s. That’s when the white conservatives left the Democratic Party and became Republicans. At least you have to admit that today’s Republicans are white conservatives. And you know Lincoln was never a confederate.

You do know that Lincoln was never a confederate?

Precisely, dill weed. Lincoln wasn't a confederate. Your people were and your people locked up Scopes for teaching evolution which flushes your entire troll thread right down the toilet, so you can shut up now and save yourself from further embarrassment.
National Film Preservation Foundation: Fifty Million Years Ago (1925)

The earth is 50 million years old?

And took thousands of years to cool down?


And the dinosaurs are terribly funny. Of course it was known what some of them looked like, they had bones.

But they didn't have computer technology so they couldn't figure out that T Rex and others balanced on their hind legs, not stood upright like people.

And the one dinosaur scratching itself with it's front legs was very cartoony.

But still, they got the form right, they knew the dinosaurs was from millions of years ago and they knew the both cooled down and heated up.

A far cry from the earth being thousands of years old and people being shimmered into being from dirt.

What this shows is how the "theory" of evolution keeps.......well......evolving. It's not settled science. It's continuing exploration.

In Arizona, teaching creationism is supported by 4 of 5 Republicans who want to oversee education

Evolution wording removed from draft of Arizona school science standards

More proof Republicans will never stop with their ignorance. They only way to stop them is to defeat them at the ballot box. And for the good of the country, they MUST be defeated. Can you imagine the country if Republicans got their way and taught their ignorance to American children?

Almost every chemist, biologist, physicist, MD, electrical and mechanical engineer I know is a Republican.
Almost every idiot I know is a Liberal.

Everyone I know who is on Welfare is a democrat.

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