WOW Was I Wrong!!!

Kavanaugh's revenge. It's coming. It's gonna be a long agonizing one on Soros and the Democrats. Justice will be served. :)

Sadly, he's big enough of a man to recuse himself if there's conflict of interest. You know, like judges really should do. I wouldn't count on any biased voting from this guy, I bet he votes exactly like Justice Kennedy did.

Nah, he's only human. He can't forget what they've done to him and his family. If he gets the chance, he's gonna screw the Communists/Democrats for sure. The Democrats screwed the pooch bigtime. They could have been civil and decent, but they instead allowed their hate and greed to get the best of em.

Their Agenda will likely be DOA at the Supreme Court for many years to come. And if Trump gets one more Justice, they're really finished. It's all about the Karma. And the Democrats have a whole lotta bad Karma coming their way. What they've done to Kavanaugh and his family, is unforgivable.

When Kavanaugh was nominated to the DC Court of Appeals back in 2004, the Dems filibustered him and his confirmation failed. Pres Bush renominated him in 2006, and after a bruising and difficult process he was confirmed, but there is no case that I know of during his 12 years where anyone can show where he allowed any bias against the Progs in his decisions and rulings. I also do not know of any decision of his that was overturned by the SCOTUS.

So, once again without any evidence to the contrary, I have no reason to think Kavanaugh will use his position to get even with the Dems at the expense of true justice. Which doesn't mean he won't rule in their favor, there's no reason to think he won't be fair and honorable even though the effing Democrats treated him very shabbily.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


Roberts is usually on the right side of what I consider true judicial jurisprudence, but he does stray every once in awhile. Such as in allowing the Obama Administration to redefine the Obamacare mandate as a tax and therefore legal to impose. (Never mind that Obama sold the ACA on the basis that it would NOT raise or impose new taxes in any way (and would not interfere with any existing systems that were satisfactory to the people.)

For that reason I would be thrilled if President Trump got one more SCOTUS pick before he leaves office. Preferably two more as Justice Thomas isn't a spring chicken any more. That would truly lock in a court that puts the Constitution and Law ahead of politics or partisanship or legal manipulations or socioeconomic ideology.

You're giving Roberts way more credit than he deserves. There was no severance clause in the ACA so the second they found anything unconstitutional in it, it should have been stricken in its entirety.

But Roberts philosophy is the court should salvage deeply flawed legislation if possible, he said so in the decision. That's not the job of the court, if legislation is flawed, it's up to the legislature that wrote it to fix it.

Roberts rewrote the ACA on at least two occasions, you mentioned the first, converting an unconstitutional penalty, to, in my opinion an unconstitutional tax. I say that because he claimed not having insurance could trigger more income tax. However the 16th Amendment says only income is a trigger for income tax. So in essence Roberts created a new direct tax that is authorized no where in the Constitution.

The second occasion was with the subsidies. The law said on 9 separate times that subsidies could only be paid to people who obtained insurance from State exchanges. When the law way written the commies didn't think the court would strike their extortion plot to force the States to open exchanges. Once that happened and many of the States told congress to pound sand, maobama illegally directed that subsidies be paid to folks who got their insurance through the federal exchange. When challenged, Roberts ignored black letter law, within the four corners of the ACA and decided that congress really intended to pay subsidies regardless of the exchange it was purchased from, even though congress stated 9 times that was not their intent.

Hopefully Kavanaugh can help straighten out Roberts stink'n think'n.

Kavanaugh's revenge. It's coming. It's gonna be a long agonizing one on Soros and the Democrats. Justice will be served. :)

Sadly, he's big enough of a man to recuse himself if there's conflict of interest. You know, like judges really should do. I wouldn't count on any biased voting from this guy, I bet he votes exactly like Justice Kennedy did.

Nah, he's only human. He can't forget what they've done to him and his family. If he gets the chance, he's gonna screw the Communists/Democrats for sure. The Democrats screwed the pooch bigtime. They could have been civil and decent, but they instead allowed their hate and greed to get the best of em.

Their Agenda will likely be DOA at the Supreme Court for many years to come. And if Trump gets one more Justice, they're really finished. It's all about the Karma. And the Democrats have a whole lotta bad Karma coming their way. What they've done to Kavanaugh and his family, is unforgivable.

When Kavanaugh was nominated to the DC Court of Appeals back in 2004, the Dems filibustered him and his confirmation failed. Pres Bush renominated him in 2006, and after a bruising and difficult process he was confirmed, but there is no case that I know of during his 12 years where anyone can show where he allowed any bias against the Progs in his decisions and rulings. I also do not know of any decision of his that was overturned by the SCOTUS.

So, once again without any evidence to the contrary, I have no reason to think Kavanaugh will use his position to get even with the Dems at the expense of true justice. Which doesn't mean he won't rule in their favor, there's no reason to think he won't be fair and honorable even though the effing Democrats treated him very shabbily.

Kavanaugh's writings were included in SCOTUS decisions, which affirmed his opinion, 13 times.

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


Roberts is usually on the right side of what I consider true judicial jurisprudence, but he does stray every once in awhile. Such as in allowing the Obama Administration to redefine the Obamacare mandate as a tax and therefore legal to impose. (Never mind that Obama sold the ACA on the basis that it would NOT raise or impose new taxes in any way (and would not interfere with any existing systems that were satisfactory to the people.)

For that reason I would be thrilled if President Trump got one more SCOTUS pick before he leaves office. Preferably two more as Justice Thomas isn't a spring chicken any more. That would truly lock in a court that puts the Constitution and Law ahead of politics or partisanship or legal manipulations or socioeconomic ideology.

You're giving Roberts way more credit than he deserves. There was no severance clause in the ACA so the second they found anything unconstitutional in it, it should have been stricken in its entirety.

But Roberts philosophy is the court should salvage deeply flawed legislation if possible, he said so in the decision. That's not the job of the court, if legislation is flawed, it's up to the legislature that wrote it to fix it.

Roberts rewrote the ACA on at least two occasions, you mentioned the first, converting an unconstitutional penalty, to, in my opinion an unconstitutional tax. I say that because he claimed not having insurance could trigger more income tax. However the 16th Amendment says only income is a trigger for income tax. So in essence Roberts created a new direct tax that is authorized no where in the Constitution.

The second occasion was with the subsidies. The law said on 9 separate times that subsidies could only be paid to people who obtained insurance from State exchanges. When the law way written the commies didn't think the court would strike their extortion plot to force the States to open exchanges. Once that happened and many of the States told congress to pound sand, maobama illegally directed that subsidies be paid to folks who got their insurance through the federal exchange. When challenged, Roberts ignored black letter law, within the four corners of the ACA and decided that congress really intended to pay subsidies regardless of the exchange it was purchased from, even though congress stated 9 times that was not their intent.

Hopefully Kavanaugh can help straighten out Roberts stink'n think'n.


I am not giving Roberts a pass. I cited one example. I could have cited a few others. But my point was that he gets it right more often than he gets it wrong.

The funny thing is, the primary objection the Left/Democrats had to Roberts' appointment to the Supreme Court is that he is pro life and therefore likely to overturn Roe v Wade. :) (Neverthless, the Democrats weren't as nuts and irrationally vicious and irrationally partisan then as they are now, and Roberts confirmation was passed 78 -22.)
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


they aren't supposed to adjust the law to THEIR liking either... when anyone is within the borders of the united states (whether they are here legal or illegally) they are protected by the laws of this nation. kavanaugh tried to detain an illegal immigrant female who wanted to terminate her pregnancy & force her to carry to term. THANKFULLY that knuckledragging decision of his was overturned & the female received an abortion.
getting the fucking 'good guys' with badges to believe you back then was not a top priority for them in many MANY cases.

More commie bullshit, men have been prosecuted for rape and assault forever. You folks keep telling me how women are equal to men, then you cry that you somehow can't get fair treatment for yourself. Make up your mind, are you some frail little thing that deserves protection or are you an equal?


uh-huh. more ignorant poorly educated bullshit.... it wasn't that long ago a woman could be questioned about her clothing, or where she was or who she was with(date rape) or even about her past boyfriends & if she 'slept' around when she took the stand; as if she deserved it .

1979 ---which really wasn't that long ago ---was the first time a woman was legally able to have her husband charged with marital rape.

Well now that you bring it up, why would Ford go to an upstairs bedroom with two guys? Especially two guys she claims didn't live in the house and were drunk. Can't claim she was drunk, after all she's sure she only had one beer. That's just one more unanswered question in Ford's fairy tale.


Another idiot who didn't listen to her actual testimony but thinks he can weigh in with a judgement.
She said she went upstairs to use the bathroom, after drinking a beer.
They followed her and when she came out, pushed her into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
Now, GFY. You're adding to the lies and distortions.

Well dick breath, that's not what she said, and I quote:
Early in the evening, I went up a very narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the restroom. When I got to the top of the stairs, I was pushed from behind into a bedroom across from the bathroom. I couldn’t see who pushed me. Brett and Mark came into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
See post 187 for the remainder of my reply. There's more holes in that BS than a colander.


perhaps they were already up there waiting....
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


they aren't supposed to adjust the law to THEIR liking either... when anyone is within the borders of the united states (whether they are here legal or illegally) they are protected by the laws of this nation. kavanaugh tried to detain an illegal immigrant female who wanted to terminate her pregnancy & force her to carry to term. THANKFULLY that knuckledragging decision of his was overturned & the female received an abortion.

US citizen inmates have no right to release for elective surgery, why should a wetback?

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


they aren't supposed to adjust the law to THEIR liking either... when anyone is within the borders of the united states (whether they are here legal or illegally) they are protected by the laws of this nation. kavanaugh tried to detain an illegal immigrant female who wanted to terminate her pregnancy & force her to carry to term. THANKFULLY that knuckledragging decision of his was overturned & the female received an abortion.

US citizen inmates have no right to release for elective surgery, why should a wetback?


ask the judge who granted it. you should be happy -

no anchor baby.
More commie bullshit, men have been prosecuted for rape and assault forever. You folks keep telling me how women are equal to men, then you cry that you somehow can't get fair treatment for yourself. Make up your mind, are you some frail little thing that deserves protection or are you an equal?


uh-huh. more ignorant poorly educated bullshit.... it wasn't that long ago a woman could be questioned about her clothing, or where she was or who she was with(date rape) or even about her past boyfriends & if she 'slept' around when she took the stand; as if she deserved it .

1979 ---which really wasn't that long ago ---was the first time a woman was legally able to have her husband charged with marital rape.

Well now that you bring it up, why would Ford go to an upstairs bedroom with two guys? Especially two guys she claims didn't live in the house and were drunk. Can't claim she was drunk, after all she's sure she only had one beer. That's just one more unanswered question in Ford's fairy tale.


Another idiot who didn't listen to her actual testimony but thinks he can weigh in with a judgement.
She said she went upstairs to use the bathroom, after drinking a beer.
They followed her and when she came out, pushed her into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
Now, GFY. You're adding to the lies and distortions.

Well dick breath, that's not what she said, and I quote:
Early in the evening, I went up a very narrow set of stairs leading from the living room to a second floor to use the restroom. When I got to the top of the stairs, I was pushed from behind into a bedroom across from the bathroom. I couldn’t see who pushed me. Brett and Mark came into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.
See post 187 for the remainder of my reply. There's more holes in that BS than a colander.


perhaps they were already up there waiting....

Pure fantasy, deal with it, her story won't hold water no matter how you try to spin it.

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

You like your drunk senators better I suppose.

At least drunken Senators can be voted out.
Nobody saw it coming? After a Sanders supporter and democrat activist opened fire on a republican baseball team last year and liberal democrats have been calling for amputation of Kavanaugh's penis you think it's strange that only a single courageous democrat senator decided to do the right thing?
I see it as only a single courageous Republican decided to do the right thing.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

You like your drunk senators better I suppose.


He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


SCOTUS has become just another arm of the GOP.

It's now just a tool for reversal of Roe v Wade, just as the Republicans have been threatening for 20 years.
People who KNEW Trump was nothing but a cheap, sleazy porn-star fucking tax-evading con man voted for him just because he promised to load the court with right wing evangelical assholes who would end abortion.
And that is exactly what has happened.
So when the welfare roles explode over the next 10 years from unwanted children whose families can't afford them, you right wing buttheads promise right here and now that YOU will bear the cost.
Pony up, bitches.

It's obvious how much you fear losing your regressive super legislature. Judges aren't there to create or adjust a law to your liking, something Roberts has yet to learn.


they aren't supposed to adjust the law to THEIR liking either... when anyone is within the borders of the united states (whether they are here legal or illegally) they are protected by the laws of this nation. kavanaugh tried to detain an illegal immigrant female who wanted to terminate her pregnancy & force her to carry to term. THANKFULLY that knuckledragging decision of his was overturned & the female received an abortion.

US citizen inmates have no right to release for elective surgery, why should a wetback?


ask the judge who granted it. you should be happy -

no anchor baby.

That's another topic the court should revisit. Illegals are under the jurisdiction of treaties, not the US, so they should have no claim to birthright citizenship.

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

You like your drunk senators better I suppose.


He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.

Another lib wanting violence.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

You like your drunk senators better I suppose.


He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.

Another lib wanting violence.

Yeah, got to love the party of tolerance and inclusion. LMAO

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

You like your drunk senators better I suppose.


He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.

Another lib wanting violence.

Yeah, got to love the party of tolerance and inclusion. LMAO



Here is the governor of my state:

"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York
You like your drunk senators better I suppose.


He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.

Another lib wanting violence.

Yeah, got to love the party of tolerance and inclusion. LMAO



Here is the governor of my state:

"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York

And for some good news, 58% of independent voters disapproved of how the commies handled Kavanaugh. Not looking good for the commies in the midterms.

He likes it when they're shooting up republicans at ball games.
Should have been someone with better aim.

Another lib wanting violence.

Yeah, got to love the party of tolerance and inclusion. LMAO



Here is the governor of my state:

"Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life conservatives 'have no place' in New York"
Gov. Cuomo: Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives ‘have no place’ in New York

And for some good news, 58% of independent voters disapproved of how the commies handled Kavanaugh. Not looking good for the commies in the midterms.


"Kavanaugh catapults Marsha Blackburn into lead in key Tennessee Senate race"
Kavanaugh catapults Marsha Blackburn into lead in key Tennessee Senate race

She's one of my favs

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