WOW Was I Wrong!!!

OP you underestimated how much Dem's hate president Trump. BEFORE Trump even announced his SC nomination Dem's came out as opposed. Hell the Dem protestors arrived early with protest signs that left the name blank so they could write it in after the nominee was announced.

Dem's were banking on the 60 vote Senate rule for confirming SC nominees, when Trump and the GOP nuclear optioned their ass that was a severe gut punch.

Actually I don't think Trump had much to with it, their attitude would have been the same on any republican nominee. The commiecrats have had a reliably regressive super legislature in the court for decades. Losing that is the why for all the emotion and dirty tricks.

Because that would go against every grain of their body that wants to fundamentally chang the USA .
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


I think a lot of people saw it coming. This was always going to be razor thin, might have been this thin even without the bullshit from the last two weeks

Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?

OP you underestimated how much Dem's hate president Trump. BEFORE Trump even announced his SC nomination Dem's came out as opposed. Hell the Dem protestors arrived early with protest signs that left the name blank so they could write it in after the nominee was announced.

Dem's were banking on the 60 vote Senate rule for confirming SC nominees, when Trump and the GOP nuclear optioned their ass that was a severe gut punch.

Actually I don't think Trump had much to with it, their attitude would have been the same on any republican nominee. The commiecrats have had a reliably regressive super legislature in the court for decades. Losing that is the why for all the emotion and dirty tricks.


Right now the Democratic party is a wounded animal and increasingly unhinged.
This is war. Democrats who stray from the party line would be dealt with.

You and your bullshit analogies. All of the hand wringing by powerful white men who fear reprisals from women they've molested "I fear more for my sons than my daughters". What a bullshit line.

Statistics tell us that 1/3 women will suffer serious sexual assault or rape in her lifetime. That means their daughters have a 33% chance of being sexually assaulted. But their sons only have a .003% change of being falsely accused of sexual assault or rape. Of course Republlicans are never shy about needless fear mongering, but maybe the problem is that these men have been less than gentlemanly in their interactions with women and they think, holy cow that could be me! Rather the more likely scenario.

As a group, no group of white male is more entitled than rich prep school boys, especially when it comes to girls. Trump is one of those boys, and it's not surprising that Trump has surrounded himself with these types of people, or that so many of the men in the Trump orbit have very dodgy histories with women.

Over and over Kavenaugh demonstrated that he is a partisan and a liar, either of which utterly disqualifies him to serve on the SC.

Here's a thought, maybe women who remained silent should accept their responsibility as enablers. Prompt criminal prosecution is the answer, not sitting on allegations for years or decades when there's no way to prove what happened. Now women are blaming everyone else for their decisions. And before you start you're rant about me being insensitive, sensitivity has nothing to do with it, I'm just stating facts.

Now would you like to get back on topic.

getting the fucking 'good guys' with badges to believe you back then was not a top priority for them in many MANY cases.

More commie bullshit, men have been prosecuted for rape and assault forever. You folks keep telling me how women are equal to men, then you cry that you somehow can't get fair treatment for yourself. Make up your mind, are you some frail little thing that deserves protection or are you an equal?

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I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

When you don’t care about your constituents

Yep, Murkowski thinks she there to serve her own conscience instead of representing the wishes of Alaska. Hopefully she'll be primaried in 2020.


bullshit. the native alaskan population has a huge problem with assault & they really made their thoughts known for her to vote no.

Alaska Federation of Natives, a key supporter of Murkowski, opposes Kavanaugh appointment

Oh no, can't have a judge limiting the Commerce Clause to commerce like the Constitution says. These left wing organizations are a real hoot.

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.

Mike Drop.

Any real evidence that Kavanagh raped anyone?

I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


I think a lot of people saw it coming. This was always going to be razor thin, might have been this thin even without the bullshit from the last two weeks

Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


The Nazicrats are gutter scum and cannot be allowed in the halls of power.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


I think a lot of people saw it coming. This was always going to be razor thin, might have been this thin even without the bullshit from the last two weeks

Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.

I’d love to see where you’ve ever praised Trump. lol
that Democrats didn't want to put a drunk rapist on the Court... but the Republicans would put Jack the fucking Ripper on SCOTUS if it helps rich people.
Mike Drop.

Obviously you are referring to Brett Kavanaugh

You REALLY should be sued for defamation for publicly stating this with NO PROOF

Imbeciles who deem themselves judge, jury and executioner need to be taught a lesson. A VERY HARD lesson. That you and vile people like you can say these things about people where it has actually been proven that there is no evidence against them is repulsive.
Take all the time you need, Golfing

I think a lot of people saw it coming. This was always going to be razor thin, might have been this thin even without the bullshit from the last two weeks

Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.

I’d love to see where you’ve ever praised Trump. lol

Supreme Court Third Party Doctrine

President Trump Delivers Remarks On Opioid Crisis In New Hampshire

Trump makes it easier to get rid of federal employees, fulfilling State of the Union promise

Trump just de-regulated everything
Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.

I’d love to see where you’ve ever praised Trump. lol

Supreme Court Third Party Doctrine

President Trump Delivers Remarks On Opioid Crisis In New Hampshire

Trump makes it easier to get rid of federal employees, fulfilling State of the Union promise

Trump just de-regulated everything
That’s your response to a simple request? lol

As I’ve said many times before, there’s a reason why your party is being rejected. :)
This is war. Democrats who stray from the party line would be dealt with.

You and your bullshit analogies. All of the hand wringing by powerful white men who fear reprisals from women they've molested "I fear more for my sons than my daughters". What a bullshit line.

Statistics tell us that 1/3 women will suffer serious sexual assault or rape in her lifetime. That means their daughters have a 33% chance of being sexually assaulted. But their sons only have a .003% change of being falsely accused of sexual assault or rape. Of course Republlicans are never shy about needless fear mongering, but maybe the problem is that these men have been less than gentlemanly in their interactions with women and they think, holy cow that could be me! Rather the more likely scenario.

As a group, no group of white male is more entitled than rich prep school boys, especially when it comes to girls. Trump is one of those boys, and it's not surprising that Trump has surrounded himself with these types of people, or that so many of the men in the Trump orbit have very dodgy histories with women.

Over and over Kavenaugh demonstrated that he is a partisan and a liar, either of which utterly disqualifies him to serve on the SC.

Here's a thought, maybe women who remained silent should accept their responsibility as enablers. Prompt criminal prosecution is the answer, not sitting on allegations for years or decades when there's no way to prove what happened. Now women are blaming everyone else for their decisions. And before you start you're rant about me being insensitive, sensitivity has nothing to do with it, I'm just stating facts.

Now would you like to get back on topic.

getting the fucking 'good guys' with badges to believe you back then was not a top priority for them in many MANY cases.

More commie bullshit, men have been prosecuted for rape and assault forever. You folks keep telling me how women are equal to men, then you cry that you somehow can't get fair treatment for yourself. Make up you mind, are you some frail little thing that deserves protection or are you an equal?


No in any realistic numbers that would deter men from raping women. Statistics tell us that less than 30% of rapes are reported, and of those that are reported, fewer still are prosecuted. 994 out of 1000 rapists will walk free. Less than 1% of rapists end up in jail. And the process that women are put through when they do report a rape or sexual assault is often worse than the actual assault in the first place.

Saying things are fair and equal doesn't make them so. Just like saying that racial discrimination is illegal but we all know it happens. No where does it happen more than in the judicial system when no one wants to "ruin" the life of a bright young man with an allegation of rape. Like Brock Turner. And in Brock's case he was caught in the act of viciously raping an unconscious woman by two men who testified that what they saw made them throw up. And he was a fine young man whose life was ruin by a rape conviction and a six month sentence.

No woman reports the nice young man who raped her because she'll be treated like Dr. Ford is being treated in the media. Maybe not on a large scale but a small town can be just as cruel and drive you out. Especially if the boy comes from money and the girl doesn't. Women learn to shut up and wear a bathing suit under their clothes.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?


I think a lot of people saw it coming. This was always going to be razor thin, might have been this thin even without the bullshit from the last two weeks

Don't know about that, Gorsuch got 54 votes, same players. Of course the commies didn't play as dirty then.


Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.
On that we can agree, unfortunately commiecrats don't see it that way. Maobama used the courts to get regulations that didn't comply with the law by paying groups to sue demanding what he wanted, and the having the DOJ settle the case in the plaintiffs favor, bingo new law, no congress needed.

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This is war. Democrats who stray from the party line would be dealt with.

You and your bullshit analogies. All of the hand wringing by powerful white men who fear reprisals from women they've molested "I fear more for my sons than my daughters". What a bullshit line.

Statistics tell us that 1/3 women will suffer serious sexual assault or rape in her lifetime. That means their daughters have a 33% chance of being sexually assaulted. But their sons only have a .003% change of being falsely accused of sexual assault or rape. Of course Republlicans are never shy about needless fear mongering, but maybe the problem is that these men have been less than gentlemanly in their interactions with women and they think, holy cow that could be me! Rather the more likely scenario.

As a group, no group of white male is more entitled than rich prep school boys, especially when it comes to girls. Trump is one of those boys, and it's not surprising that Trump has surrounded himself with these types of people, or that so many of the men in the Trump orbit have very dodgy histories with women.

Over and over Kavenaugh demonstrated that he is a partisan and a liar, either of which utterly disqualifies him to serve on the SC.

Here's a thought, maybe women who remained silent should accept their responsibility as enablers. Prompt criminal prosecution is the answer, not sitting on allegations for years or decades when there's no way to prove what happened. Now women are blaming everyone else for their decisions. And before you start you're rant about me being insensitive, sensitivity has nothing to do with it, I'm just stating facts.

Now would you like to get back on topic.

getting the fucking 'good guys' with badges to believe you back then was not a top priority for them in many MANY cases.

More commie bullshit, men have been prosecuted for rape and assault forever. You folks keep telling me how women are equal to men, then you cry that you somehow can't get fair treatment for yourself. Make up you mind, are you some frail little thing that deserves protection or are you an equal?


No in any realistic numbers that would deter men from raping women. Statistics tell us that less than 30% of rapes are reported, and of those that are reported, fewer still are prosecuted. 994 out of 1000 rapists will walk free. Less than 1% of rapists end up in jail. And the process that women are put through when they do report a rape or sexual assault is often worse than the actual assault in the first place.

Saying things are fair and equal doesn't make them so. Just like saying that racial discrimination is illegal but we all know it happens. No where does it happen more than in the judicial system when no one wants to "ruin" the life of a bright young man with an allegation of rape. Like Brock Turner. And in Brock's case he was caught in the act of viciously raping an unconscious woman by two men who testified that what they saw made them throw up. And he was a fine young man whose life was ruin by a rape conviction and a six month sentence.

No woman reports the nice young man who raped her because she'll be treated like Dr. Ford is being treated in the media. Maybe not on a large scale but a small town can be just as cruel and drive you out. Especially if the boy comes from money and the girl doesn't. Women learn to shut up and wear a bathing suit under their clothes.

If you think requiring enough evidence to prove guilt is disrespecting anyone, well you're just a screw ball. And like I said, don't blame the rest of us for women who chose not to say any thing and enable bad men to continue in their ways. Ford is responsible for not having the facts and trusting a commiecrat to keep their word and recommend lawyers. BTW her lawyers should be disbarred and Ford should be fired for stupidity. It was on the news for days that the judiciary committee was willing to go to CA to speak to her privately, she swore under oath she wasn't aware of that offer. Give me a fricking break.

BTW there's no way you can prove the numbers you're spewing.

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Gorsuch is even more middle of the road than Kavanaugh.

Oh bullshit, Kavanaugh voted with your hero Garland something like 96% of the time. Your just afraid he won't buy into the commie social justice movement. Idiots like you cry about a judge being political and the demand judges be political. How about we just demand judges apply the law and Constitution as written and let the chips fall where they may?


Damn son, relax. I have been very supportive of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks, one of the few areas that I have praised him.

By the way, a judge that applies the law and Constitution as written, is a middle of the road judge as the Constitution has no party lean to it.

You partisan sheep are so clueless.

I’d love to see where you’ve ever praised Trump. lol

Supreme Court Third Party Doctrine

President Trump Delivers Remarks On Opioid Crisis In New Hampshire

Trump makes it easier to get rid of federal employees, fulfilling State of the Union promise

Trump just de-regulated everything
That’s your response to a simple request? lol

As I’ve said many times before, there’s a reason why your party is being rejected. :)

I provide 4 examples for your simple request and you get mad? Fuck are one stupid sheep
I am used to the Libertarian party being rejected, too many sheep like you.
I predicted some red State dems would vote for Kavanaugh with a confirmation vote of 56-44, now it looks like for the first time in history a supreme court justice will be confirmed with a positive vote of less than 50. 49-48 for confirmation, no one saw this one coming.

Your thoughts?

Cinsider Pence the 'UN-CAST' 50th vote if it makes you feel better....

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