Wtf is up with liberal relatives insulting and bashing conservative relatives?

I've got the opposite problem, my conservative relatives sit around and discuss conservative politics saying all the things conservatives say about liberals (communist, out to destroy America, lazy good-for-nothings looking for a handout) when I am right there in the room. They totally lack tact, tease me for my politics and attack my retorts to their comments as if I have blasphemed against God and dishonored the family. I do not go home all that often.

Families are actually combinations of families. Each bringing their experiences and beliefs to the table. Some came from dirt poverty of the Depression and cling to the Democrats as salvation through FDR. Others benefited from the conservative 1950s achieving middle class status and see free markets and limited government as the best. I think that is why each side makes sense to someone. No one seems to accept the middle as a good place to be, so they press for more of whatever they champion. Being the minority in a family is often tough.

I think that there are plenty of us who are in the middle and it's a minority that are far left or far right.
It's the ones in politics and the news that are making us think that it's one side or the other.
There are much more registered independents than there is D's and R's.
We all have much more in common than we think we do.
What we are arguing over its how to achieve the goals that many of us want.
No really. Although my most immediate 8 family members are liberal (stemming from my grandmother), the other 46 family members at Christmas Eve are all conservatives.

This morning I overheard two of my liberal family members.

"They don't even make 100k a year, and they think they are well off, haha. That's why the vote Republican, because they think they're well off."

When I hang out with my other relatives (conservatives) they (at most) will say this about the liberal pocket in family (AT MOST): "I wish they could see past the smoke and mirrors."

Really that's the worst thing my conservative relatives ever said.

Liberals always seem to need a boogey man, even if their own relatives.

I hactually had to intevene this Christmas morning and say:

"Listen I'm not well off, and I'm conservative. We don't vote for rewards and handouts, we vote for principle."

My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
You don't become a believer in Christ with just blind unthinking faith alone.
Oh but you do, almost without exception. Those who truly know know Christianity could never believe in it, at least not the way that you do. It would be impossible. You have faith because you were raised within the faith. That is true almost without exception, and for all other faiths as well. Once you accept the simple answers to the questions that have none, you go off to fight wars, plow the fields, and make babies, just exactly what the powers that be need you to do...
Atheists do all those things as well.
Atheists, like Theists, are morons.
It doesn't matter what anyone believes, it will eventually come down to faith.
No really. Although my most immediate 8 family members are liberal (stemming from my grandmother), the other 46 family members at Christmas Eve are all conservatives.

This morning I overheard two of my liberal family members.

"They don't even make 100k a year, and they think they are well off, haha. That's why the vote Republican, because they think they're well off."

When I hang out with my other relatives (conservatives) they (at most) will say this about the liberal pocket in family (AT MOST): "I wish they could see past the smoke and mirrors."

Really that's the worst thing my conservative relatives ever said.

Liberals always seem to need a boogey man, even if their own relatives.

I hactually had to intevene this Christmas morning and say:

"Listen I'm not well off, and I'm conservative. We don't vote for rewards and handouts, we vote for principle."

My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
You don't become a believer in Christ with just blind unthinking faith alone.
Oh but you do, almost without exception. Those who truly know know Christianity could never believe in it, at least not the way that you do. It would be impossible. You have faith because you were raised within the faith. That is true almost without exception, and for all other faiths as well. Once you accept the simple answers to the questions that have none, you go off to fight wars, plow the fields, and make babies, just exactly what the powers that be need you to do...
Atheists do all those things as well.
Atheists, like Theists, are morons.
It doesn't matter what anyone believes, it will eventually come down to faith.
Actually it eventually comes down to death, which resolves all questions on a personal level. Extinction solves all problems on a species level.
No really. Although my most immediate 8 family members are liberal (stemming from my grandmother), the other 46 family members at Christmas Eve are all conservatives.

This morning I overheard two of my liberal family members.

"They don't even make 100k a year, and they think they are well off, haha. That's why the vote Republican, because they think they're well off."

When I hang out with my other relatives (conservatives) they (at most) will say this about the liberal pocket in family (AT MOST): "I wish they could see past the smoke and mirrors."

Really that's the worst thing my conservative relatives ever said.

Liberals always seem to need a boogey man, even if their own relatives.

I hactually had to intevene this Christmas morning and say:

"Listen I'm not well off, and I'm conservative. We don't vote for rewards and handouts, we vote for principle."

My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
Raise your hand if you believe that the OP of this thread is capable of being polite around his liberal family members.
You don't become a believer in Christ with just blind unthinking faith alone.
Oh but you do, almost without exception. Those who truly know know Christianity could never believe in it, at least not the way that you do. It would be impossible. You have faith because you were raised within the faith. That is true almost without exception, and for all other faiths as well. Once you accept the simple answers to the questions that have none, you go off to fight wars, plow the fields, and make babies, just exactly what the powers that be need you to do...
Atheists do all those things as well.
Atheists, like Theists, are morons.
It doesn't matter what anyone believes, it will eventually come down to faith.
Actually it eventually comes down to death, which resolves all questions on a personal level. Extinction solves all problems on a species level.
Death will confirm or negate your beliefs. Extinction will never bring up the question.
My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you claim made up names, etc., were all Jews. Many still believe in the apocryphal stories that didn't make it past the Council of Trent.

Jew hater.
Oh but you do, almost without exception. Those who truly know know Christianity could never believe in it, at least not the way that you do. It would be impossible. You have faith because you were raised within the faith. That is true almost without exception, and for all other faiths as well. Once you accept the simple answers to the questions that have none, you go off to fight wars, plow the fields, and make babies, just exactly what the powers that be need you to do...
Atheists do all those things as well.
Atheists, like Theists, are morons.
It doesn't matter what anyone believes, it will eventually come down to faith.
Actually it eventually comes down to death, which resolves all questions on a personal level. Extinction solves all problems on a species level.
Death will confirm or negate your beliefs.
Death will do neither. Death is nothingness. That's why the Christians won't be disappointed either. They will never know what didn't hit them.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you claim made up names, etc., were all Jews. Many still believe in the apocryphal stories that didn't make it past the Council of Trent.

Jew hater.
The Gospels were named long after the Gentiles started to become Christians. Without Paul that never would have happened. Those editors weren't Jews, not even close.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you claim made up names, etc., were all Jews. Many still believe in the apocryphal stories that didn't make it past the Council of Trent.

Jew hater.
The Gospels were named long after the Gentiles started to become Christians. Without Paul that never would have happened. Those editors weren't Jews, not even close.
It is also suspicious that the original texts have never surfaced. I think they must still exist but are so buried in some Vatican vault that the world will never see them.
My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you calim made up names, etc., were all Jews
Atheists do all those things as well.
Atheists, like Theists, are morons.
It doesn't matter what anyone believes, it will eventually come down to faith.
Actually it eventually comes down to death, which resolves all questions on a personal level. Extinction solves all problems on a species level.
Death will confirm or negate your beliefs.
Death will do neither. Death is nothingness. That's why the Christians won't be disappointed either. They will never know what didn't hit them.
Or so your faith tells you. :)
You don't become a believer in Christ with just blind unthinking faith alone.
Oh but you do, almost without exception. Those who truly know know Christianity could never believe in it, at least not the way that you do. It would be impossible. You have faith because you were raised within the faith. That is true almost without exception, and for all other faiths as well. Once you accept the simple answers to the questions that have none, you go off to fight wars, plow the fields, and make babies, just exactly what the powers that be need you to do...

I was raised in the faith and fell away from it in my late teens.
Stayed away from it until about the middle 90's when I was in my late 40's, because I saw that the things told in the Bible about the return of Christ are coming true right before our very eyes.
I also studied it in detail with learning history and archeology and quite a few hundred of books in many of the different religions of others.
To understand Christianity better, Christians should also learn about the Jewish faith.
No really. Although my most immediate 8 family members are liberal (stemming from my grandmother), the other 46 family members at Christmas Eve are all conservatives.

This morning I overheard two of my liberal family members.

"They don't even make 100k a year, and they think they are well off, haha. That's why the vote Republican, because they think they're well off."

When I hang out with my other relatives (conservatives) they (at most) will say this about the liberal pocket in family (AT MOST): "I wish they could see past the smoke and mirrors."

Really that's the worst thing my conservative relatives ever said.

Liberals always seem to need a boogey man, even if their own relatives.

I hactually had to intevene this Christmas morning and say:

"Listen I'm not well off, and I'm conservative. We don't vote for rewards and handouts, we vote for principle."

My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
The greatest creative works and art require the imagination to conceive. No lower life form could conceive of, nor create great works of music and art such as Bach and Da Vince. It is this very ability which leads us to also speculate about a creator of existence. It is this work of imagination and speculation that has led to the very foundation of morality.

Imagination IS morality.

Prior to that, human life was a cheap as a deer in the forest. To be spent and taken at a whim. Political hatred is one of the last bastions of the lack of morality; where it seems to be perfectly acceptable to be a savage without morals and decency.

It can only be hoped that the unimaginative of our species will slowly die out.
Actually, the belief that there is no afterlife is quite common among the lower intelligent species of our planet. After all, any forest creature will never look to an after life. They lack that higher brain function to imagine. The same with most of the primates. Though many of them can and do mimic humans, and some are quite bright, they lack that higher form of cognitive ability to imagine a source of creations.

It seems some humans have also failed to fully evolve and exhibit those same traits.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you claim made up names, etc., were all Jews. Many still believe in the apocryphal stories that didn't make it past the Council of Trent.

Jew hater.
The Gospels were named long after the Gentiles started to become Christians. Without Paul that never would have happened. Those editors weren't Jews, not even close.
Even if we go with your faith that tells you that (faith is believing something you can't possibly know), naming something doesn't change the story. btw, Paul was actually named Saul of Tarsus, the.....wait for it.....Jew.
You got one part right, Heaven is indeed from the imaginations of men, and so is Hell as well as all the rest, talking bushes and donkeys included.

As for knowing what other creatures think, we have very little idea and no idea on life after death. We do know that elephants and other species grieve for the dead. That would be an obvious place to start looking.
It seems you have real problems with the Jews, since they wrote the entire story. Old and New. All Jews, all the time.
Humans are a disease. Did you miss that part?

And plenty of Christians messed around with the NT, including adding names to the Gospels when they had none, not to mention picking what books made it into the Bible in the first place.
All Jews, all the time. The first Christians that you claim made up names, etc., were all Jews. Many still believe in the apocryphal stories that didn't make it past the Council of Trent.

Jew hater.
The Gospels were named long after the Gentiles started to become Christians. Without Paul that never would have happened. Those editors weren't Jews, not even close.
Even if we go with your faith that tells you that (faith is believing something you can't possibly know), naming something doesn't change the story. btw, Paul was actually named Saul of Tarsus, the.....wait for it.....Jew.

Paul said "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city [Jerusalem] at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers' law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today." (Acts 22:3)
No really. Although my most immediate 8 family members are liberal (stemming from my grandmother), the other 46 family members at Christmas Eve are all conservatives.

This morning I overheard two of my liberal family members.

"They don't even make 100k a year, and they think they are well off, haha. That's why the vote Republican, because they think they're well off."

When I hang out with my other relatives (conservatives) they (at most) will say this about the liberal pocket in family (AT MOST): "I wish they could see past the smoke and mirrors."

Really that's the worst thing my conservative relatives ever said.

Liberals always seem to need a boogey man, even if their own relatives.

I hactually had to intevene this Christmas morning and say:

"Listen I'm not well off, and I'm conservative. We don't vote for rewards and handouts, we vote for principle."

My extended family (husbands side) were mostly liberal. They never seemed to miss a chance to say something in front of me about Jesus in an attempt to offend me - which all stemmed from their being liberal Marxists - very educated people mind you - I pretended to not hear them and treated them with respect. All of them have died of cancer in the past several years and only two are left. They died young too. I couldn't get over how quickly they were gone. One still contacts us occasionally and the other person doesn't contact us at all. If you think about how miserable they are it will cause you to feel more empathy for them. After all, what have they got to look forward to after this life is over? Hell? You know it is so true - the Word says, What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul. Life is so fleeting. They just do not understand how much so until it is too late.
Dead is dead little friend. Don't have sympathy for them, they couldn't give a damn. And there is no afterlife that anyone knows of. That is the fantasy of children and childish adults believing that death. meaning oblivion, can be overcome. Nothing could be further from the truth.

This shows how dumb you don't can't know...and yet you claim to least people who are religious say they have faith.....which is more hope than anything else...there is implied "not knowing" for sure....why...because they don't know either...but you guys are the fools who claim to absolutely know for sure........

that is just stupid.....none of us will know till we die....and if we are wrong it won't matter.....if you are a minimum you will feel stupid.....
Politics is pervasive. It threatens to tear whole families apart. Republican or Democrat. I remember a time when families cared for each other regardless of what positions they held.

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