Yeah, conservatives are probably right. We don't need an infrastructure bill...

However, they're wrong.

View attachment 593963

Wonder how the Congressional delegation from PA voted on the bills.
We passed an infrastructure bill with bi partisanship last summer. It was the GD socialists and the the Squad that tied everything up for months and months by insisting it be paired with 5 trillion dollars of socialism programs. You dishonest focks just can't leave it alone. America voted to remove Trump but they also voted remove a hell of a lot of Democrats too. Forced indoctrination into socialism being disguised as mandatory childcare is not acceptable to anyone with an IQ over 75. No more government mandates. No more trillions of dollars of free money.
We passed an infrastructure bill with bi partisanship last summer. It was the GD socialists and the the Squad that tied everything up for months and months by insisting it be paired with 5 trillion dollars of socialism programs. You dishonest focks just can't leave it alone. America voted to remove Trump but they also voted remove a hell of a lot of Democrats too. Forced indoctrination into socialism being disguised as mandatory childcare is not acceptable to any9one with an IQ over 75. No more government mandates. No more trillions of dollars of free money.
Define socialism boi.
Go on, you lazy retard. Go back and see the answers I already provided. Screw the article. Read the actual bill, dildo. Fuck sake, you liberoids are lazy motherfuckers.
putting Bluto down for an incomplete.
putting Bluto down for an incomplete.
I’m failing you for your unconscionable dishonesty and laziness.

If you were in a war, you’d be frag’ed by your own troops. In fact, I dub thee “Neidermeyer.”
Now tell us what you don’t like in the bill.
Tbf, I checked, and this is everything BackAgain has so far managed to list vaguely in response to that query:
Here is one example: Ask most people what the term “infrastructure” incudes and I doubt a whole lot will say “sports fishing restoration and recreational boating safety.” Those things may well be of some importance. But are they “infrastructure?” I’d say “no.” But Title VIII of this monstrous piece of legislation says “yes.”
i.e. He has an opinion about that one item and doesn't care if anyone sane agrees with him. That one item proves that the bill is mostly pork. Even if no one else agrees that the item smells porkish.

It occurs to me that this is exactly how to ensure that every spending bill get loaded up with pork. Never help pass any spending bills when the other team occupies the WH. Do absolutely nothing. The voters won't even notice, let alone mind. They don't count anyway. All that matters is keeping your team's billionaire sponsors happy while pissing off the other team's billionaire sponsors -- even when they sponsor both parts of the duopoly.

Helping out with fishing promotes the tourist industry and provides locals an excuse to get out, exercise, and enjoy our great outdoors. Boating safety. 'Nuff said.
Tbf, I checked, and this is everything BackAgain has so far managed to list vaguely in response to that query:

i.e. He has an opinion about that one item and doesn't care if anyone sane agrees with him. That one item proves that the bill is mostly pork. Even if no one else agrees that the item smells porkish.

It occurs to me that this is exactly how to ensure that every spending bill get loaded up with pork. Never help pass any spending bills when the other team occupies the WH. Do absolutely nothing. The voters won't even notice, let alone mind. They don't count anyway. All that matters is keeping your team's billionaire sponsors happy while pissing off the other team's billionaire sponsors -- even when they sponsor both parts of the duopoly.

Helping out with fishing promotes the tourist industry and provides locals an excuse to get out, exercise, and enjoy our great outdoors. Boating safety. 'Nuff said.
We invest in making our highways safer
We also need to make our waterways safer
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We invest in making our highways safer
We also need to make our waterways safer
Yes, the term infrastructure is intentionally vague:

  1. the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
    "the social and economic infrastructure of a country"
If an infrastructure bill were just intended to improve roads and bridges it would be called something like "The Road and Bridge Improvement Bill." Yes, we must still try, given our hopelessly broken political reality. But one must appreciate that, regardless of major Party, such bills are now written nearly exclusively by corporate lobbyists to improve their respective corporate bottom lines and not in our collective interests.

This bridge failure provides clear evidence. Not about who sucks more today, the Democrats or Republicans? They both do. That goes without saying. No, that the system is seriously broken. We certainly have no shortage of know how when it comes to inspecting, building, and maintaining safe bridges in this country. The people are clearly behind funding it. So who really doesn't give a crap? Corporations.. and all their billionaires behind, daily enriching themselves at the public's expense.

Let's hold a general strike until all is reset. No more corporate lobbyists. Public interest specialists only. A minimum of five major political parties. No more limiting discussion to either our way or the highway.. Get money out of politics!
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putting Bluto down for an incomplete.
President Joe Biden signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday, finalizing a key part of his economic agenda.
It will deliver $550 billion of new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years, touching everything from bridges and roads to the nation's broadband, water and energy systems.

$1,200,000,000 - $550,000,000 = $650,000,000 in spending that does not involve the maintenance/repair of roads, bridges, dams, and the electric grid.
Come on Bluto

Just pick any in this article that you don't like. Show us the it's almost all pork with no infrastructure in bill.

Everything In The $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill: New Roads, Electric School Buses And More
President Joe Biden signed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday, finalizing a key part of his economic agenda.
It will deliver $550 billion of new federal investments in America's infrastructure over five years, touching everything from bridges and roads to the nation's broadband, water and energy systems.

$1,200,000,000 - $550,000,000 = $650,000,000 in spending that does not involve the maintenance/repair of roads, bridges, dams, and the electric grid.
$110 billion is dedicated to roads and bridges

The overwhelming majority of Republicans voted against it
They voted against it because a large majority of that money went to non infrastructure feel good programs.

For whatever reason your precious Democrats do not want to see a stand alone infrastructure only bill. They use everything as a means to expand upon existing and create more social programs.

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