Yep....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his website....

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"When is enough, enough!?! How much bloodshed, how many more deaths!?! My heart breaks at the news from Florida. I mourn the senseless loss of life. This must not be normal, such carnage must not be routine. Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Our nation must act." - Wacky Cory Booker
We need armed police at our schools. I don’t understand why people are not getting this?! I had armed police at my high school along with campus monitors. They were there to protect the students. I never felt safer...

You don't see any of these crazy assholes breaking into a police barrack trying to shoot everyone up! All of these events happen where they know that everyone is defenseless, helpless and WON'T BE ABLE TO SHOOT BACK. Want to stop the school violence? Other than end the liberal policies that keep a large part of the population in near poverty, end the concept of a "gun-free zone."
it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction. we are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in America with zero parallel anywhere else!
Democrats will immediately go into denial mode now over their Party's inspired violence.
Maybe the feds would have caught him beforehand if the dems didn’t send the fbi on wild goose chases after bed piss and Russian collusion

Of course the thing is Democrats have been spouting and adopting Russian propaganda for decades; it dominates American academia, and has since the 1960's. They love Gramsci, too, and embrace his positions and tactics explicitly and completely.
it only happens here not because of coincidence, not because of bad luck, but as a consequence of our inaction. we are responsible for a level of mass atrocity that happens in America with zero parallel anywhere else!

Rubbish. Mass murders are as common as dirt almost everywhere outside of the U.S., Europe, and Australia. Most of the deaths in the latter are baby killings by the 10's of millions, under laughably named ' progressive' agendas. Nearly the only places they aren't common and in fact rare are some non-Commie Asian countries, like Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore.
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"if Congress won't act to protect children from school shooting, the American people must!" - Wacky Gabby Giffords
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.

lol more sicko rubbish from terrorist supporting Democrats.
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
The guy that killed all those fags in Orlando was a white-Christian supremist?
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
The guy that killed all those fags in Orlando was a white-Christian supremist?

He probably is over at Democratic Underground, where nothing is allowed to interrupt Hive Melding.
"When is enough, enough!?! How much bloodshed, how many more deaths!?! My heart breaks at the news from Florida. I mourn the senseless loss of life. This must not be normal, such carnage must not be routine. Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Our nation must act." - Wacky Cory Booker

I agree with him.
The shooter is 19 years old and got expelled from the High School. Florida has the death penalty and uses it.
Yep...just reported on local news Channel 7, ABC chicago....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his facebook page.........

He was part Muslim and part Hispanic. Also a dreamer. Should make the right wingers very happy and Trump as well.:rolleyes: Also a Bernie supporter!!:eek:
Hey cocksucks, we recognize this as the NRA valentine to America. Bet you are real disappointed in the young mans accuracy. Only 17 dead, he should have done far better than that in a target rich environment. Yes, the AR 15, the murderers favorite firearm. Time to boot people like Rubio out, and get people in that are not swinging on the cock of the NRA.
The NRA is not nearly pro gun enough by the way.
An AR15 is nothing more than a sporting rifle. Shit for brains

Yep...just reported on local news Channel 7, ABC chicago....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his facebook page.........

He was part Muslim and part Hispanic. Also a dreamer. Should make the right wingers very happy and Trump as well.:rolleyes: Also a Bernie supporter!!:eek:
He is a progressive, That makes it not worth a shit
Since an AR 15 can be easily fired fully auto without any alteration, it is a machine gun. Therefore, it should require the same license to own as fully auto Thompson .45. Just require anyone that wants to take one off their property to have that license, or face a mandatory prison sentence of five years, be branded a felon, and have all their guns seized and destroyed. Make the sale of an assault weapon to someone without that license, whether in a store or a private sale, face the same penalty. For both the seller and the buyer. In one stroke, you have destroyed the market for these weapons, and kept them off the street after a few rednecks spend half a decade in the Federal Pen.
You’re fucking retarded, shithead...
Now you can go fuck yourself, millions of people think different than you on the subject...
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