Yes...democrats are anti gun is O'malley....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yes....if they can ban guns they will, until then they will do whatever they can to make it harder for law abiding citizens to own and carry guns...and they will create as many laws as they can making gun owners felons for simple acts of gun ownership.....magazine limits, mandatory gun safes in homes......things that just create the opportunity to catch law abiding citizens, charge them with crimes, and pull their ability to own guns...

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

Martin O Malley Ban Sale Of Assault Weapons Launch National Gun Registry

Writing in The Boston Globe, O’Malley boasted of the gun controls he was able to pass while Governor:

In Maryland, we implemented some of the toughest measures in the nation to crack down on gun violence. The reforms we put in place included required licensing, fingerprinting, background checks, and safety training. We ensured that these requirements applied to all buyers, whether they were acquiring a gun from a dealer, a secondary sale, or as a private gift.

We took action to keep guns off the street and make them less deadly. We banned the sale of assault weapons and limited the size of magazines. And, if a firearm was lost or stolen, we required it to be reported immediately to law enforcement.

What a list: license requirements for firearm owners, mandated training, background checks, bans on assault weapons, and a ban on “high capacity” ammunition magazines.

O’Malley then suggested that the goals of Maryland at the time — when gun control was enacted — and the goals of the United States now should be one and the same.

Well, let’s see. How has gun control worked out for Marylanders? According to USA Today, not well. They report there were “43 homicides” in May of this year alone and a total of “116 homicides” in Baltimore through the first five months of the year.

To hedge his bets O’Malley points away from Maryland, pointing instead to the nation as a whole and claims there were 204 mass shootings “during the first 204 days of 2015.” That is a mass shooting a day.

How can Democrats claim a mass shooting a day? They list any shooting incident where at least two people are killed as a mass shooting. Thus, Adam Lanza’s heinous Sandy Hook attack, killing 26, was a mass shooting and Nidal Hasan’s 2009 Fort Hood attack, killing 13, was a mass shooting and John Russell Houser’s alleged July 23 attack on a Lafayette theater, killing two, was a mass shooting as well.

On January 5, 2014, Breitbart News reported that MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Len Everett talked of how “mass shootings” are increasing every day. They also revealed that their new criteria for a mass shooting would be any shooting where two or more people were killed.

Okay...which of his laws has lowered the gun murder rate in Baltimore?

We banned the sale of assault weapons and limited the size of magazines. And, if a firearm was lost or stolen, we required it to be reported immediately to law enforcement.

What a list: license requirements for firearm owners, mandated training, background checks, bans on assault weapons, and a ban on “high capacity” ammunition magazines.

Are criminals using "assault weapons in large numbers? No.

Did magazine size limits stop any of the mass shooters? No.

Did background checks stop any of the mass shooters? No.

Did making it a crime if you don't report a lost or stolen firearm to police stop or prevent crime with that gun? No.

Did making it a crime if you don't report a lost or stolen firearm to police do anything but create a new way to charge a law abiding gun owner, a victim of theft, with a crime, and therefore pull their ability to own guns....?


they also have finger printing of law abiding gun owners...did that do anything to stop gun crime or mass murder?

Did requiring mandatory training for gun owners prevent gun murders in Baltimore? No.

Are any of the above measures need in order to arrest someone who uses a gun to commit a crime?


Are any of the above measures needed to arrest a convicted felon if they are caught in possession of a gun, either in their home or carrying it on their person....?


So why do we need them....can any gun grabbers finally explain that to me?

Since no one has to date....

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As in the thread on libs coming up with real solutions to gun violence, they obviously can't answer these easy questions either...since it shows exactly why licensing, registration, magazine limits and other gun control measures are pointless and unnecessary....

Are any of the above measures need in order to arrest someone who uses a gun to commit a crime?


Are any of the above measures needed to arrest a convicted felon if they are caught in possession of a gun, either in their home or carrying it on their person....?


Tell me I am wrong......and explain exactly how they work to make me wrong...
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?

What laws will stop them, be specific.
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?

What laws are those asshole....that prevent criminals from getting guns exactly? Since they can't even keep guns from 3 terrorists in France, you know asshole, a place that doesn't even allow citizens to own guns, they have no gun stores where you can just walk in and buy guns, and fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines are completely illegal and not allowed for anyone......and 3 terrorists, 2 on government terrorist watch lists, one a convicted felon crossed an interantional border and picked up fully automatic military rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade launcher...all for the bargain price of 5,000 euros...

So asshole.....that doesn't even include the Marseille drug gangs in France who also prefer fully automatic, illegal rifles, the shooters in Belgium, the other terrorist in France who shot up the Jewish school, the shooting in Norway, the shooting in Denmark, and Sweden...

So asshole, if countries with complete bans on weapons can't keep them out of the hands of criminals...which gun laws would specifically keep them out of the hands of criminals here in the states....

I thought so asshole, you can't name any....

Considering the Church shooter, shouldn't have had that weapon, dittos the theater shooter....

So to comment.....?
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?

Rdean...not only are you an are a really stupid asshole who can't name one law you accuse the Republicans of blocking that would stop one criminal or mass shooter from getting a gun......

again, since you are so fucking stupid....get an adult to help you and try to answer these questions......

As in the thread on libs coming up with real solutions to gun violence, they obviously can't answer these easy questions either...since it shows exactly why licensing, registration, magazine limits and other gun control measures are pointless and unnecessary....

Are any of the above measures needed in order to arrest someone who uses a gun to commit a crime?


Are any of the above measures needed to arrest a convicted felon if they are caught in possession of a gun, either in their home or carrying it on their person....?


Tell me I am wrong......and explain exactly how they work to make me wrong...

So which of those measures would do anything to stop a criminal or mass shooter from killing people or committing crimes....

You stupid asshole....
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns.

Okay shit for one law that you anti gun extremists that has, or would prevent any of the mass shooters or criminals...since you are so sure Republicans have blocked them surely, even with your shit for brains you could name one?
"Yes...democrats are anti gun is O'malley....

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, O’Malley isn't 'representative' of all democrats, and none of the measures O’Malley advocates have been invalidated by the Supreme Court as being in violation of the Second Amendment.
"Yes...democrats are anti gun is O'malley....

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, O’Malley isn't 'representative' of all democrats, and none of the measures O’Malley advocates have been invalidated by the Supreme Court as being in violation of the Second Amendment.

Oh, I see you didn't answer my question either...because of course you are a coward...and once in the past Separate But Equal was also seen as Constitutional.......
O'Malley's actions as governor caused Beretta to move out of Maryland entirely and set up shop here in TN. Thanks, Martin! You didnt need those jobs anyway.
"Yes...democrats are anti gun is O'malley....

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, O’Malley isn't 'representative' of all democrats, and none of the measures O’Malley advocates have been invalidated by the Supreme Court as being in violation of the Second Amendment.

Oh, I see you didn't answer my question either...because of course you are a coward...and once in the past Separate But Equal was also seen as Constitutional.......
Hey, none of what O'Malley has proposed has been rejected by referendum by the people of Guam! So it's valid!
O'Malley's actions as governor caused Beretta to move out of Maryland entirely and set up shop here in TN. Thanks, Martin! You didnt need those jobs anyway.

Well...that did make Baltimore safer right?:rofl:
If one man gets to determine what everyone in a party thinks, then the republicans are literally bat shit nuts. are talking about the democrats, not the Republicans.....Cruz, in particular is not being controlled by the party leadership.....but the lock step statists......yeah, those are the democrats for you....
I have had and used firearms since before I could get a license to drive....And I never intend on getting rid of them...
Proposing regulations for dangerous devices is not an example of extremism. Insisting that anyone and everyone can carry any kind of firearm anywhere all the time is extreme.
It's not that you're wrong, it's that you're stupid. This is what you said:

While doing absolutely nothing to stop criminals and mass shooters......all that takes is to arrest them when they commit crimes or get caught with guns and lock them up. And you know what, they aren't doing that....makes you wonder why not....

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

And it's Republicans who who block any laws that would stop the crazies from getting guns. Everyone knows that. How can you not?

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.


I was looking at your incredibly stupid post....well they all are pretty much stupid...but this one deserves some thought on how really stupid it is......

For one, they are locked up WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES, only by then, it's too fucking late.

Which crime doesn't function exactly like this.....

Drunk they arrest you before you drive drunk?

Car they arrest you before you steal the car?

Murder, a little closer to our they arrest you before you commit murder?

Guns for some reason are different in your seem to think that you can prevent gun crime before it happens....unlike any other crime on the fucking stupid is that........?
Proposing regulations for dangerous devices is not an example of extremism. Insisting that anyone and everyone can carry any kind of firearm anywhere all the time is extreme.

Hmmmmm....who advocates for that? I know you guys make that up in your minds, especially when all of your stupid ideas, like licensing, registration, magazine limits, waiting periods.....are show to be pointless and stupid.....

But who exactly advocates for any kind of firearm anywhere all the time?

And guns are regulated, highly regulated....criminals can't own them or carry them...and if they try to do either thing they can be arrested on the spot...and are supposed to be locked up for years....but rarely are.......


Do you need licensing, registration, or magazine limits to arrest a criminal who uses a gun to commit a crime? No.

Do you need any of those to arrest a felon in possession of a gun, either in his home or on his person? No.


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