Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

If the landlord is increasing rent above what the market bears, then move to a more reasonably priced unit elsewhere.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

And it's none of your business how your landlord spends his money. It's his, not yours.
There is a thing called government. Of the people, by the people, for the people. At least that is the ideal we strive for. Not government by and for GREEDY landlords.

No, it's not just "his" business. With a business owner who sells furniture, that's his business. With one who deals with people's homes, that his AND THEIRS.
If the landlord is increasing rent above what the market bears, then move to a more reasonably priced unit elsewhere.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

And it's none of your business how your landlord spends his money. It's his, not yours.
There is a thing called government. Of the people, by the people, for the people. At least that is the ideal we strive for. Not government by and for GREEDY landlords.

No, it's not just "his" business. With a business owner who sells furniture, that's his business. With one who deals with people's homes, that his AND THEIRS.

You sound EXACTLY like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
That fairy tale story has been around long enough that nobody believes it any more and rightfully so.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Here's the proof.

You are a statist.

Conservatives generally are statist authoritarians, like their leftist counterparts. You propose a government intrusion, but it is okay in your mind because it is only when in certain exceptional situations (i.e. those effect you) and you forget or don't care about what such an intrusion does to landlords.

This is what distinguishes me (a liberal) from conservatives and leftists.

You can throw out all your excuses about this being an issue of people and their homes, but it is all the same and that excuse is nonsense. Who pays for the landlord's home? What do you think the landlord will do with the extra money?

If you were truly principled, you would never suggest such a statist authoritarian overreach--even one that benefits you or "people."

The market dictates price. If the landlords did not have the market support for such a price hike, they would never get away with it. There is high demand for rentals right now because nre home building is not keeping up with demand, making it harder for people to go from renting to buying. Thus, higher demand for rentals.

The good news is that there is always a market solution and/or an excellent opportunity for someone get wealthy solving the lack-of-supply problem. Landlords will likely use the temporary surplus to solve the problem by building more rental properties (increasing supply).

That is all I will say on the matter.

So you purport to know all about the "market support" for the area that I live in, do you ? Well answer this, Mr. Knowledge > If the "market support" is so good for $300-400/month rent increases, then why is this the ONLY apartment complex for miles around, that is raising rents this way ?

The answer is simple. That you are just blowing off hot air, with a lot of emotion, and no facts.

What do I think the landlord will do with the extra money ? I think he'll buy jewels, 10 sportscars, or some other wasteful, stupid thing, or do nothing with it. You think he needs this extra money ? Not hardly. And if he did, that still wouldn't be any reason to raise rents to exhorbitant amounts, causing people to uproot their lives.

For all the landlords in this thread who have been crabbing about all the stuff they have to pay for, I say the same thing that I have said 100 times in this forum to business owners who hire low-wage aliens. If you can't afford to run a business(of any kind) without hiring low wage aliens (or raising rents 100s of $$), then you can't afford TO BE IN BUSINESS AT ALL. And you shouldn't be in business, period. And you should do what all the rest of us (who can't afford it) do. GET A JOB.

And no, I'm not a statist. I just see the state as having certain functions. With regard to business (as a former business owner myself) I'd prefer the state be involved with business as little as possible. But raising apartment rents 60% ? Yes, that calls for some state support, and I'm not the slightest bit shy to say it. Just being OK with the state taking action, in certain things, that doesn't mean you're a "statist" (is that word just a cover for someone not wanting to say "liberal")

If anybody wants to point fingers at those who accept some "state" intervention, let's see what they have to say about ICE, Border Patrol, and the National Guard.

Saying that if an investor shouldn't do business without raising rents is like saying you shouldn't be a renter if you can't afford to pay any price increases in rent.

What a person does with their own property that they paid for is not the business of government. If you had boxes of Archie and Jughead comic books you paid 10 cents for as a child, and can now sell them at $100.00 per copy, should government tell you that you can't do that? You can only charge 25 cents per copy?

People make investments like that all the time. My father built the house we grew up in for $9,000. It's now worth $120,000. Would it be wrong for my father to take advantage of the real estate market?

You have no idea of what the new landlords plans are. You have no idea if they will make money or lose money. You're just making wild assumptions at this point. I don't know either. I don't know the name of your apartment complex or I'd look it up, or perhaps get the phone number of the company that bought the place to ask them for the reason of ridiculous rental increases. If other apartments are going for much less than your new rental rates, then something has to be going on that you don't know about. But you'll never know unless you try your best to find out.
You sound EXACTLY like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Yeah ? "EXACTLY ?" Does she call for all Muslim mosques to be closed? All Korans to be eliminated ? Does she proclaim Islam to be illegal in America ?

Does she call for ALL illegal aliens to be deported ? for sanctuary cities leaders to all be arrested, convicted, and imprisoned ? And birthright citizenship for illegal aliens' kids to be abolished ?

Does she call for Affirmative Action to be abolished, and all white people to be paid reparations$$$$$ by the supporters of AA (from their own pockets) ?

Does she call for teachers and staff in schools to be armed with guns ? For nationwide CCW ? For gun-free zones to be abolished ?

Does she proclaim that queers are deranged ?

If not all those things, then she couldn't sound "EXACTLY" like me. :laugh:
You sound EXACTLY like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Yeah ? "EXACTLY ?" Does she call for all Muslim mosques to be closed? All Korans to be eliminated ? Does she proclaim Islam to be illegal in America ?

Does she call for ALL illegal aliens to be deported ? for sanctuary cities leaders to all be arrested, convicted, and imprisoned ? And birthright citizenship for illegal aliens' kids to be abolished ?

Does she call for Affirmative Action to be abolished, and all white people to be paid reparations$$$$$ by the supporters of AA (from their own pockets) ?

Does she call for teachers and staff in schools to be armed with guns ? For nationwide CCW ? For gun-free zones to be abolished ?

Does she proclaim that queers are deranged ?

If not all those things, then she couldn't sound "EXACTLY" like me. :laugh:

You sound EXACTLY like her and all other leftists on your anti-capitalist, anti-liberty views.
Saying that if an investor shouldn't do business without raising rents is like saying you shouldn't be a renter if you can't afford to pay any price increases in rent.

What a person does with their own property that they paid for is not the business of government. If you had boxes of Archie and Jughead comic books you paid 10 cents for as a child, and can now sell them at $100.00 per copy, should government tell you that you can't do that? You can only charge 25 cents per copy?

People make investments like that all the time. My father built the house we grew up in for $9,000. It's now worth $120,000. Would it be wrong for my father to take advantage of the real estate market?

You have no idea of what the new landlords plans are. You have no idea if they will make money or lose money. You're just making wild assumptions at this point. I don't know either. I don't know the name of your apartment complex or I'd look it up, or perhaps get the phone number of the company that bought the place to ask them for the reason of ridiculous rental increases. If other apartments are going for much less than your new rental rates, then something has to be going on that you don't know about. But you'll never know unless you try your best to find out.
It's the business of government (to some degree) when it involves the fundamental survival aspects of lots of PEOPLE. You keep talking about the landlords. You don't say a word about the PEOPLE whose lives they hold in their hands.

As for the landlord's plans, I know EXACTLY what they are, because they have sent us letters telling us what the new rents are going to be. To the penny.
Saying that if an investor shouldn't do business without raising rents is like saying you shouldn't be a renter if you can't afford to pay any price increases in rent.

What a person does with their own property that they paid for is not the business of government. If you had boxes of Archie and Jughead comic books you paid 10 cents for as a child, and can now sell them at $100.00 per copy, should government tell you that you can't do that? You can only charge 25 cents per copy?

People make investments like that all the time. My father built the house we grew up in for $9,000. It's now worth $120,000. Would it be wrong for my father to take advantage of the real estate market?

You have no idea of what the new landlords plans are. You have no idea if they will make money or lose money. You're just making wild assumptions at this point. I don't know either. I don't know the name of your apartment complex or I'd look it up, or perhaps get the phone number of the company that bought the place to ask them for the reason of ridiculous rental increases. If other apartments are going for much less than your new rental rates, then something has to be going on that you don't know about. But you'll never know unless you try your best to find out.
It's the business of government (to some degree) when it involves the fundamental survival aspects of lots of PEOPLE. You keep talking about the landlords. You don't say a word about the PEOPLE whose lives they hold in their hands.

As for the landlord's plans, I know EXACTLY what they are, because they have sent us letters telling us what the new rents are going to be. To the penny.

Your survival isn’t dependent on the rent in your building.

Move to another place.

Stop being a fascist/communist.

Maybe if you’d made more money and/or made better financial decisions for yourself in your life, you wouldn’t be in this situation.

Don’t whine for the government to bail you out for your bad life decisions.
You sound EXACTLY like her and all other leftists on your anti-capitalist, anti-liberty views.
LOL. See Post # 507.

Do YOU call YOURself a "Conservative" ?

I didn’t call myself a conservative. I called myself a capitalist.

I’m not begging for Big Gubmint to bail me out for making bad financial decisions like a leftist like you are.
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.
So, you're a Conservative UNTIL an issue impacts you directly and profoundly?

Conservatives are expected to own their own homes, to pay off their mortgages, and to be well-provisioned in their old age.

If you have not provisioned yourself in such a fashion, then you must endure the consequences.

This was a personal choice during your younger (earning) years... you are now about to reap what you have sown.

Perhaps you should have advocated for somewhat more liberal housing policies nationwide while you still could.

You are rather like Jacob Marley apologizing for not benefiting his fellow Man after he died - once it was too late.

Conservatism is all about laissez faire (hands-off)... whatever the market will bear...

If you cannot afford your new rent, then you must move to cheaper quarters, or seek shelter or subsistence elsewhere...

Stop picking on poor Conservative businessmen doing what comes naturally and legally with their own properties...

Consider it a market correction...

Sucks, doesn't it?

Isn't an exclusive reliance upon Conservatism soooo rewarding?


My condolences.
I didn’t call myself a conservative. I called myself a capitalist.

I’m not begging for Big Gubmint to bail me out for making bad financial decisions like a leftist like you are.
Well, that just shows that you have ZERO CREDIBILITY in this thread. It's quite obvious that anyone who holds the views that I stated in Post # 507 is not a "leftist", as you idiotically said. In fact, I might be the most far right conservative in this entire forum.And next to my views, you look like Nancy Pelosi.

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