Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

You are welcome to your scripture. How about 1st Timothy 5:8?
"Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

So your own hypocrisy is blatant. You want to use the scripture for your own ends, not as any show of faith.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

We have to bear true witness for free to our own social laws.
Why would anyone want to do that? I work so I can provide for myself and my family. I work so I can enjoy the finer things in life. I worked so I could retire early and enjoy traveling.

You want someone else to work so you can survive on subsistence wages and get to be lazy.
That is just you making up stories, storyteller. You obviously don't care about express Law for Legal purposes.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

We have to bear true witness for free to our own social laws.

Oh, so now your "Godliness" is gone? Scripture no good anymore since it condemns laziness?
So what. You don't understand the issues, regardless. There is inequality, we have been through this before.

Just because you are an American does not mean you qualify for every program the gov't offers. If you quit your job or are fired, you do not qualify for UC. That is not inequality. That is consequences of your own actions. No employer ever fired an employee that did his job, followed the established rules, and showed up on time.
Just because you are an American does not mean you qualify for every program the gov't offers. If you quit your job or are fired, you do not qualify for UC. That is not inequality. That is consequences of your own actions. No employer ever fired an employee that did his job, followed the established rules, and showed up on time.
You have no idea what you talking about storyteller. Equal protection of the laws is in our several Constitutions. It is a civil right.
You have no idea what you talking about storyteller. Equal protection of the laws is in our several Constitutions. It is a civil right.

Yep, it certainly is. If there were unequal protection under the law concerning UC, I would agree with what you are doing. There isn't. I don't.
Yep, it certainly is. If there were unequal protection under the law concerning UC, I would agree with what you are doing. There isn't. I don't.
I really don't care what right-wingers may believe. Y'all have nothing but fantasy via fallacy and it is not difficult to prove every time it comes up.
Not at all. The "at-will" portion of the employment laws still apply. There is just no program offering benefits to someone who quits or is fired for cause.

You are still free to end the relationship at any time, as is your employer.
That can only happen through unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation.
That can only happen through unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation.

Absolutely wrong. There is equal protection under the law. Right now you are free to end your employment relationship (if you had one) at any time, and for any reason. Your employer (if you had one) can do the same.

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