Yes, There Was Collusion

Nothing rose to the burden of proof.

Game over.
For CRIMINAL conspiracy.

Plenty of collusion with a foreign adversary

Quite the low bar you set for your President huh?
Robert Mueller’s Six Cases for Collusion

Mueller details six separate incidences

He couldn't find "criminal conspiracy" but plenty of collusion

Nothing rose to the burden of proof.

Game over.
For CRIMINAL conspiracy.

Plenty of collusion with a foreign adversary

Quite the low bar you set for your President huh?

I mean what about when Hillary trotted her pantsuit over there with the big ole "Reset" Button?

Or when Bammy said, "Wait til after the election when I'll have more flexibility"?

Maybe that was COLLLLUUUSSSSIOOOONNN but not CRIMINAL collusion, huh? Will you teach me how to lose my mind over that, because I don't think I can reach your level of crazy
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.

The ones who did something actually criminal certainly do. Like the wiretapping and FISA warrants. The media just needs to be mocked out of existence.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.

The ones who did something actually criminal certainly do. Like the wiretapping and FISA warrants. The media just needs to be mocked out of existence.

I think a wider argument can be made for charges of Sedition for a failed Coup attempt which is exactly what this was. The Media and Democrats are both guilty of that. This was a planned, complicit action that was allowed to proceed for two and a half years as if it were factually true. It was not.
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.

The ones who did something actually criminal certainly do. Like the wiretapping and FISA warrants. The media just needs to be mocked out of existence.

I think a wider argument can be made for charges of Sedition for a failed Coup attempt which is exactly what this was. The Media and Democrats are both guilty of that. This was a planned, complicit action that was allowed to proceed for two and a half years as if it were factually true. It was not.

Eh, I would probably go easy on the press for that. Free Press--First Amendment. UNLESS very clear lines can be made that they were inside the plot.

For the others--the FBI, DOJ, etc. Absolutely sedition.
If anyone wants a dose of reality, fact, and reason, here is an analysis of the Mueller report published by The Federalist:

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s Fake ‘Bombshell’ Stories
Cohen never went to Prague? His cell phone pinging off a cell tower there has never been explained..but hey...ya gotta have something
Page was not a Russian agent? I believe the claim was that he was a STOOGE of the Russians

Cohen did not direct Cohen's testimony?

Here is what Mueller ACTUALLY said

Cohen said that he and the President did not explicitly discuss whether Cohen’s testimony about the Trump Tower Moscow project would be or was false, and the President did not direct him to provide false testimony. Cohen also said he did not tell the President about the specifics of his planned testimony.

All based on what "Cohen said"

And the claim that someone speculated that Sessions was an actual "spy" for Russia?


The Report DOES however confirm a WHOLE host of things written in the Times and Post that were labeled "fake news" by people like you and of course lying Trump
Mueller report props up reporting
In June 2017, Trump ordered Don McGahn, then White House counsel, to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to comply. In January 2018, The New York Times reported that exchange. After the story dropped, Trump called it “fake news, folks.” It was “a typical New York Times fake story,” he said.

Today, the Mueller report confirmed that this story was true. Asseveral prominent reporters, including the Times‘s Eric Lipton, have observed, the report points to a clear, broader pattern: time and again, reporters on the Mueller beat nailed stories about matters of interest to the special counsel, only for Trump to vigorously deny them. In cases like the McGahn story, Trump went further than his habitual public cries of “fake news”: Mueller states that the president and his aides repeatedly leaned on McGahn to refute the Times‘s story. McGahn repeatedly said he would not.

The McGahn scoop was not the only example of reporters—from the Times and The Washington Post; from Bloomberg and CNN; the list goes on—getting the goods ahead of time. Mueller confirmed a great deal of prior reporting, including at least one claim that had previously been retracted. In January, the Times reported that Paul Manafort told Rick Gates to share polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik, who, it was understood, would pass it on to Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch. The Times corrected its story to remove this reference to Deripaska—but according to Mueller’s report, Gates did think Deripaska was an intended recipient.

The key takeaway here isn’t journalistic self-congratulation; some details in Mueller’s report were previously misreported; others were altogether new. It’s the many, many times Trump and his minions lied to the press about accurate reporting. Given the destructive power of those lies, it is important to remind the public that journalists—unlike the president and his allies—were actually vindicated by the Mueller report.—Jon Allsop, 4:25pm

Mueller report props up reporting, Sanders’s ‘slip of the tongue,’ and more
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

How did they do that, and where? What evidence and facts do you have?
The Russia narrative has been revealed as a total HOAX. Now the Democrats have to scramble, with the Media to salvage whatever they can out of it, or INVENT another lie to bring down Trump in another COUP attempt. They need to be jailed. All of them.
We KNOW that Russia attacked our election process. Only a Russian troll would claim otherwise at this point

They didn't "attack our election process". They had some social media accounts. Whoop de doop
Mueller report props up reporting
In June 2017, Trump ordered Don McGahn, then White House counsel, to fire Mueller. McGahn refused to comply. In January 2018, The New York Times reported that exchange. After the story dropped, Trump called it “fake news, folks.” It was “a typical New York Times fake story,” he said.

Today, the Mueller report confirmed that this story was true. Asseveral prominent reporters, including the Times‘s Eric Lipton, have observed, the report points to a clear, broader pattern: time and again, reporters on the Mueller beat nailed stories about matters of interest to the special counsel, only for Trump to vigorously deny them. In cases like the McGahn story, Trump went further than his habitual public cries of “fake news”: Mueller states that the president and his aides repeatedly leaned on McGahn to refute the Times‘s story. McGahn repeatedly said he would not.

The McGahn scoop was not the only example of reporters—from the Times and The Washington Post; from Bloomberg and CNN; the list goes on—getting the goods ahead of time. Mueller confirmed a great deal of prior reporting, including at least one claim that had previously been retracted. In January, the Times reported that Paul Manafort told Rick Gates to share polling data with Konstantin Kilimnik, who, it was understood, would pass it on to Oleg Deripaska, the Russian oligarch. The Times corrected its story to remove this reference to Deripaska—but according to Mueller’s report, Gates did think Deripaska was an intended recipient.

The key takeaway here isn’t journalistic self-congratulation; some details in Mueller’s report were previously misreported; others were altogether new. It’s the many, many times Trump and his minions lied to the press about accurate reporting. Given the destructive power of those lies, it is important to remind the public that journalists—unlike the president and his allies—were actually vindicated by the Mueller report.—Jon Allsop, 4:25pm

Mueller report props up reporting, Sanders’s ‘slip of the tongue,’ and more

SO WHAT?? If the dems think they have something "impeachable" go for it and stop the whining.
You know they won't impeach Trump, that would only highlight how illegal the Mueller investigation was, it was McCabe's and Strzok's "insurance policy" against Trump. Barr will uncover the deep state's coup attempt, and the voters will see the biggest scandal in US history, Obama spied on the Trump campaign, and used CIA assets overseas to setup the "collusion" hoax.
So impeach Trump, or STFU already, Barr's clock is ticking down, dems don't have much time before the real crap hits the fan...

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